WHile reading through a previous thread Denis Baker, came up with Grippli of Golarion, as part of his discussion in a previous thread concerning Splatbooks to Hard covers.
So is there any interest for a ¿Gripplis of Golarion?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Zoömorphs aren't really my thing. That said, any information about non-human cultures in Golarion/Avistan is ultimately a good thing as no one lives in a vacuum.
You should post this in the Ask James Sutter Anything thread. I'm sure you'll find a positive answer.
I would love to see race books for just about all of the playable races that haven't been done yet.
Wait, why are there two kinds of frog people in Golarion? Boggards are cooler.
I wouldn't mind something like a 18-20 page PDF. I don't think a whole book is warranted for a single race; but seeing more info would be awesome >:D
Plus, Grippli are cool, for frog dudes. They can provide a good jungle/swamp race for the party to meet that isn't just Ewoks, Lizardfolk, cannibalistic halflings or 'different elves'.
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I still want to play grippli lightning-specializaing druid. Call ligtning! Ball lightning! Call lightning storm!
I want to make a Grippli Inquisitor of Gozreh with the Frog Domain. But I wouldn't buy a book.
Thanks for your thoughts and opinions
This is a book that I would like and I know at least one of my friends would get use out of.
Yes, I'd love something about Gippolis and their evil cousins the boggarts.
I'd also love a swam themed adventure
Yes I would like to see this book. It would not be my first [insert race] of Golarion book I would like to see but it is on my list.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gods, please no. This would be even less useful than Blood of the Night.
I guess I could take one Companion on the various anthropomorphic animals / furries races, but, please, not one book for every one of them!
If you put all the animal races in one 32 page book then you would end up with a book more useless then blood of the night. I for one want one book for each race, I want information on the race's culture, psychology, Golarion setting info, etc. along with some nice rules crunch such as feats, racial traits, etc.
I'd buy it. There's a short list of ones I'd like to see before it (catfolk, elemental-kin, fetchlings, drow, hobgoblins, tengu) but it would be one I'd like to see.
I also have a short list of ones I would like to see before this one(Catfolk, Lashunta, Elemental-Kin, Kitsune, and a real Dhampir one).
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
This would really bring the usefulness of this product line down to zero. I think we already have more than enough material on circus freak races.
Last I heard they were thinking about aiming for a middle ground where they would do a few books which would each cover a group of thematically similar races. It seems like a fairly good solution since it would take way too long to cover each of the ARG races individually.
Lashunta of Golarion? Ummm... sort of, anyway? Wow. Yeah, if anyone wrote that, I think I'd buy it, actually.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
That should probably be "Lashunta of Castrovel", then. But that seems very much like a niche product.
Zaister wrote: That should probably be "Lashunta of Castrovel", then. But that seems very much like a niche product. Except that they are Lashuntas that do live on Golarion according to cannon. A book describing how they get there...how they adapt to Golarion etc could be useful.
Though I do think that book could be Aliens of Golarion...or something like that.
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Zaister wrote: This would really bring the usefulness of this product line down to zero.
I think we already have more than enough material on circus freak races.
I think you accidentally wrote "circus freak" when you meant to type in "awesome" races. And let's face it, there is never enough material for awesome and interesting races like the aasimar, vishkanya, dhampir and all the others!
And no, humans are NOT awesome.
They are annoying and disgusting things comparable to fecal matter, and I'm tired of playing one IRL all the time.
Which part of "dust to dust" is it you don't understand, Icyshadow? How would humans NOT be comparable to fecal matter???
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
I'm not even gonna answer that except to say that if that really is your point of view, Icyshadow, you might perhaps have chosen the wrong world to game in, as the one we're talking about has been explicitly designed to be humanocentric.
Zaister wrote: I'm not even gonna answer that except to say that if that really is your point of view, Icyshadow, you might perhaps have chosen the wrong world to game in, as the one we're talking about has been explicitly designed to be humanocentric. Yeah, though thankfully Pathfinder as a game system itself is NOT humanocentric. Neither is 3.5e D&D.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Yeah, well, but it's the Campaign Setting forum, in case you missed that. The next time you'll be busy contemplating the fecal condition of human existence, take a second off to check where you're posting. :)
...oh, so it is. My bad on that one.
And while I doubt a Grippli book is viable, a small handful of races per book could be.
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I am just glad that the good people at Paizo actually introduced/created races that are actually interesting. Now if only I could get the information I want about them instead of ten more books devoted to humans, dwarves, elves, etc. Also the idea of having a 32 page book that focuses on more then one race makes me think of Blood of the Night and I have never been more disappointed in a Paizo product.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
As long as those books are more Blood of Angels/Fiends and less Blood of the Night I'm game.
Gorbacz wrote: As long as those books are more Blood of Angels/Fiends and less Blood of the Night I'm game. +1
Though frankly I want some books along the lines of Libris Mortis, Lords of Madness and Savage Species, myself. There's plenty of PC options, how about some GM options :)
Ultimate campaign is more GM related then PC. Well too bad the hardcover line is world neutral because I would love a big book about several races with stuff like there culture, history, psychology, relationship with other races, favored animals(as pets, mounts, beast of burden, to eat), food, etc.
Dragon78 wrote: Ultimate campaign is more GM related then PC. Well too bad the hardcover line is world neutral because I would love a big book about several races with stuff like there culture, history, psychology, relationship with other races, favored animals(as pets, mounts, beast of burden, to eat), food, etc. That is not entirely impossible you know. The have done Camapoign setting big hardcovers before( the Inner world sea guide and the Rise of Runelords AP update)...hopefuly they will do so again with a book devoted to Abaslom and the Dragon Empires...so it is possible.
Personaly I would love such a book myself...the question is would enough people want such a book that it would get made...
I'd love to see the Grippli be an open race for Pathfinder Organized play. I'm already envisioning my grippli ninja or rogue!!!!
Plus a new Frog faction? That really likes warm wetlands. And flies.
ElyasRavenwood wrote: So is there any interest for a ¿Gripplis of Golarion? No.
yes,yes,yes,yes,yes wait let me think about this....YES! I loves me some froggy guys!
Grumpy TOZ wrote: ElyasRavenwood wrote: So is there any interest for a ¿Gripplis of Golarion? No. Now the question is...Do all the TOZs agree?
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