Level 15 Brawler fighter / monk: I Am an Area Affect.


Dark Archive

Level 15, the DM says. I've never played above about 10, and usually starting at level 1. 27-point-buy? What's he throwing at us anyway?!!

So here is what I came up with yesterday

Iron Claws:


Str: 14
Dex: 19 (+2 from racial, +3 from levels)
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 8

1) Brawler: Weapon finesse, dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike
2) Brawler: Crane Style
3) MoMS/Hungry Ghost/Sacred Mountain: Crane Wing, snake style, toughness, punishing kick
4) MoMS/Hungry Ghost/Sacred Mountain: Snake Fang
5) Brawler: Weapon Focus: Unarmed strike
6) Brawler: Weapon Specialization: Unarmed
7) Brawler: Two weapon fighting
8) Brawler: Improved Two-weapon fighting
9) Brawler: Combat Style Master
10) Brawler:Greater Weapon Focus: Unarmed
11) Brawler: Improved Critical: Unarmed
12) Brawler: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
13) Brawler: Skill Focus: Sense Motive
14) Brawler: Greater Weapon Specialization: Unarmed
15) Brawler: Power attack

Full Defensive Power Attack: +19/+19/+14/+14/+9/+9. Damage 1d6+19

Try to hit him in melee, you're at -2, and he deflects the first attack,
You miss him? He hits you.
You 5-foot away? He hits you.
Try to charge past? He has stand-still at +22.

Add in some items (Gloves of dueling, brawling armor, amulet of mighty fists) and his per-hit damage becomes pretty impressive.

Items? I'm aiming for celestial full plate.
Different feats?

You can't take crane style at lvl 2. You need dodge, or first lvl unarmed fighter or moms to ignore the pre reqs. Other than that, it looks good. I am putting something similar together myself.

Dark Archive

Byrdology wrote:
You can't take crane style at lvl 2. You need dodge, or first lvl unarmed fighter or moms to ignore the pre reqs. Other than that, it looks good. I am putting something similar together myself.

Got dodge and IUS at level 1.

Unfortunate to spend a feat that the monk will give me later though - I may move the monk to level 3 so I can get crane and then snake all at once and have an extra feat to play with.

Yah, take Monk 1 first, so you get the improved unarmed strike for free.

Stat-wise, since you're going to be wearing armor, you can afford to drop wisdom down a bit, and to focus on strength. That'll save you from having to take weapon finesse, plus doing more damage, plus boosting your CMB an CMD.

Maybe str 18 (+2 racial), dex 18 (+3 level), con 14, int 12, wis 14, cha 8

If you really want dex 19 for greater weapon focus, you can drop wis to 12.

Maybe take monk to 4, it doesn't cost you any BAB, and you up your unarmed to 1d8 (which means getting enlarged takes you to 2d6).

Dark Archive

Dilvias wrote:

Yah, take Monk 1 first, so you get the improved unarmed strike for free.

Stat-wise, since you're going to be wearing armor, you can afford to drop wisdom down a bit, and to focus on strength. That'll save you from having to take weapon finesse, plus doing more damage, plus boosting your CMB an CMD.

Maybe str 18 (+2 racial), dex 18 (+3 level), con 14, int 12, wis 14, cha 8

If you really want dex 19 for greater weapon focus, you can drop wis to 12.

Maybe take monk to 4, it doesn't cost you any BAB, and you up your unarmed to 1d8 (which means getting enlarged takes you to 2d6).

The reason I waited for monk was that I wanted to take advantage of MoMS's ability to get later style feats without prerequisites, so I wanted to hold off on monk until I had all the entry feats for Crane and Snake.

I added WIS so I could take advantage of Snake Style's "Use your Sense Motive for AC" thing, but maybe I should pump STR instead.

You should pump strength instead.

Since the improved unarmed strike becomes useless after level 3...couldn't you switch it out after level 6 when you have 4 levels of fighter? The bonus feat feature of fighters says that you can retrain combat feats you get from the class.

While the class feature for fighters says that you cannot retrain feats used as prerequisites for other feats, you would still have improved unarmed strike as a bonus feat from monk. I am reading this wrong, or was it accounted for in the first post?

Side note: doesn't the Monk of the Sacred mountain get toughness at level 2 instead of level 1? Which would be level 4 for you.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

If you end up in light armor (or mithral medium) I'd skip Sacred Mountain. Evasion can be so very handy and you have the Dex to use it.

Dark Archive

Great point, lemeres! Any thought what I should switch IUS to? I'm thinking improved critical.

And yeah, I'll note the toughness change. And switch STR and WIS.

Yeah, Petty Alchemy, tis true, though fighter progression does make that suck, and that toughness scales with whatever class I take, I do so love evasion...maybe I should get a ring?

Dark Archive

Sarcastro wrote:

Great point, lemeres! Any thought what I should switch IUS to? I'm thinking improved critical.

And yeah, I'll note the toughness change. And switch STR and WIS.

Yeah, Petty Alchemy, tis true, though fighter progression does make that suck, and that toughness scales with whatever class I take, I do so love evasion...maybe I should get a ring?

Anyone else?

Dark Archive

Sarcastro wrote:

Great point, lemeres! Any thought what I should switch IUS to? I'm thinking improved critical.

And yeah, I'll note the toughness change. And switch STR and WIS.

Yeah, Petty Alchemy, tis true, though fighter progression does make that suck, and that toughness scales with whatever class I take, I do so love evasion...maybe I should get a ring?

Raised STR to 16 and lowered WIS to 14.

Also retrained out of IUS (with DM's permission) so I now have an extra feat.

Feat suggestion?
Item suggestion?


If you're going weapon finesse and dex, grab an Agile AoMF, and ditch Power attack for Piranha Strike. You also lose the wis to AC, so you don't actually need either, unless you just want it. Same as Power Attack, but no 2h extra damage, which you won't ever get with unarmed strikes anyways.

You mention Stand Still, but don't have combat reflexes... So I included it in my rebuild.

If you plan to take skill focus anyways, take the optional human racial that gives you skill focus at 1, 8, and 16 so you get 3 for 1.

He's being built at 15 right? so you can delay MoMS until 3 and 6, then pick up all the IUS feats after that without hurting anything.

Str 12, Dex 21(2 race 3 level) Con 16, Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 8

B1: Human(sk focus perc), Dodge, Weapon Finesse
M1: Snake Style, Snake Fang, Punishing Kick, IUS
M2: Crane Style, Crane Wing, Toughness
B6: Human(sk focus sense motive), Imp TWF
B7: Combat Style Master
B8: Piranha Strike
B10: Imp Crit: IUS
B11: Gr TWF
B12: Gr Wpn Spec: IUS
B13: Combat Reflexes, Brawler (stand still)

Damage is d6+17 at +19/19/14/14/9/9 without factoring in magic items on a defensive power attack, with an agile amulet/bodywraps it is d6+22.

Should have about 240000 gp at level 15.

+1 Tome of Dex 27,500. Then make sure you have a belt +4 as well to max out the AC from the Celestial Armor.

Celestial Fullplate limits you to 20ft move for only 1 pt more AC than Celestial chain (assuming you boost dex like you should) which is also your hit/damage stat. Not worth it. IMO.

Also, see if your GM will let you add enhancements to specific armors, not all will. If so, drop Brawling on your armor for another +2 hit/damage for another 7k over the price(the difference from +3 to +4)

Longarm Bracers: 7200g give you +5ft reach with unarmed for 3rounds a day, weapons take a penalty but unarmed do not.

Bodywraps of Mighty strikes +1 Agile, 12k gp, stacks with AoMF for abilities but not enhance, cheaper for abilities since they're always active.

Depending on your GM, Gloves of Dueling 15k gp if he says that weapon training is the same as close combat training, another +2 hit/damage. If not, the Vampiric Gloves 18k or Deliquescent Gloves 8k (acid on all unarmed attacks)

AoMF + as much as you can get, to bypass DR you need 3+ (+3 36k/ +4 64k)
Sipping Jacket 5k. Pour in any round based potion and use as needed throughout the day.
Goggles of Night 12k Darkvision 60ft. enough said.
Slippers of spiderclimb, 4800gp, you have no idea how useful these are.
Jingasa of the Fortunate soldier 1/day negate a crit/sneak. For times when you get hit twice in a round.
Belt of Dex/Con, +2 10k/+4 40k adds to HP and hit/damage
Ring of Energy Shroud 19,500gp
Ring of Foe Focus 10k

Dark Archive

TGMaxMaxer wrote:

If you're going weapon finesse and dex, grab an Agile AoMF, and ditch Power attack for Piranha Strike. You also lose the wis to AC, so you don't actually need either, unless you just want it. Same as Power Attack, but no 2h extra damage, which you won't ever get with unarmed strikes anyways.

You mention Stand Still, but don't have combat reflexes... So I included it in my rebuild.

If you plan to take skill focus anyways, take the optional human racial that gives you skill focus at 1, 8, and 16 so you get 3 for 1.

He's being built at 15 right? so you can delay MoMS until 3 and 6, then pick up all the IUS feats after that without hurting anything.

Str 12, Dex 21(2 race 3 level) Con 16, Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 8

B1: Human(sk focus perc), Dodge, Weapon Finesse
M1: Snake Style, Snake Fang, Punishing Kick, IUS
M2: Crane Style, Crane Wing, Toughness
B6: Human(sk focus sense motive), Imp TWF
B7: Combat Style Master
B8: Piranha Strike
B10: Imp Crit: IUS
B11: Gr TWF
B12: Gr Wpn Spec: IUS
B13: Combat Reflexes, Brawler (stand still)

Damage is d6+17 at +19/19/14/14/9/9 without factoring in magic items on a defensive power attack, with an agile amulet/bodywraps it is d6+22.

Should have about 240000 gp at level 15.

+1 Tome of Dex 27,500. Then make sure you have a belt +4 as well to max out the AC from the Celestial Armor.

Celestial Fullplate limits you to 20ft move for only 1 pt more AC than Celestial chain (assuming you boost dex like you should) which is also your hit/damage stat. Not worth it. IMO.

Also, see if your GM will let you add enhancements to specific armors, not all will. If so, drop Brawling on your armor for another +2 hit/damage for another 7k over the price(the difference from +3 to +4)

Longarm Bracers: 7200g give you +5ft reach with unarmed for 3rounds a day, weapons take a penalty but unarmed do not.

Bodywraps of Mighty strikes +1 Agile, 12k gp, stacks with AoMF for abilities but not enhance,...

Badass. This is exactly what I was looking for!

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