Best way to get a martial proficancy?


Well I need a very decent two handed weapon that does piercing.

I was thinking esthetically, a scythe would be best, but I am looking at spending a feat. I would be alright with this if there was a better version of a scythe, but there isn't.

Looking for suggestions. I know Heirloom Weapon trait gives you proficiency with a specific weapon, but not to all weapons of that type. I like adamantine so this isn't going to work too well. Race is set to tiefling, so don't think that is going to help out much there.

Thanks in advanced,

Dark Archive

gnome hooked hammer

What's your Class?

Martial classes get martial proficiency automatically. Otherwise you will have to spend a feat.

Unless there is a lot of sundering going around an adamantine weapon isn't really any better than a masterwork weapon.

If your going to spend a feat on martial weapon proficiency you may as well take a peak at exotic weapon proficiencies. Exotic weapon proficiency doesn't have any prereqs. Nodachi is my pick of 2h piercing weapons.

Getting it in class, through a feat, and that one trait are the only ways I know to get the proficiency if you don't already have it. My personal suggestion is to offer delicious cookies to the DM as a trade off for a free proficiency. Along with a please and thank you of course.

Good piercing two-handed weapons:

Lance (pierce), d8/x3, double damage when charging -- nice if you're mounted
Halberd (slash/pierce), d10/x3, brace/trip
Lucern hammer (blunt/pierce), d12/x2, brace/reach

I'd probably pick the lucern hammer, unless you wanted the halberd's
trip ability for some reason or were a mounted combatant, in which case the lance is superlative.

There's also a simple weapon (which might make proficiency easier):

Longspear (pierce), d8/x3, brace/reach

Class is a bard, but it doesn't matter really.

tonyz wrote:

Good piercing two-handed weapons:

Lance (pierce), d8/x3, double damage when charging -- nice if you're mounted
Halberd (slash/pierce), d10/x3, brace/trip
Lucern hammer (blunt/pierce), d12/x2, brace/reach

I'd probably pick the lucern hammer, unless you wanted the halberd's
trip ability for some reason or were a mounted combatant, in which case the lance is superlative.

There's also a simple weapon (which might make proficiency easier):

Longspear (pierce), d8/x3, brace/reach

Lucern Hammer sounds good right now. Thanks

Scarab Sages

If you're willing to be a Half-Elf instead of a Tiefling, you can switch out your Adaptability default racial ability for proficiency in any single martial or exotic weapon.

If you're willing to go this far afield, taking one level of Fighter has a lot to offer: proficiency in all armor and shields, all non-exotic weapons, +2 to Fortitude saves, d10 Hit Die, +1 BAB, AND a bonus combat feat, just like that.

One level in ranger gets you +2 to 2 saves, +1 BAB, and possibly an animal companion if your a falconer and track. Still has 6+ skillpoints.

One level in barbarian can give you a +4 to any stat of your choice for limited rounds per day and +1 ac when in a crowd. Urban Barbarian. Has +2 skillpoints over fighter.

I'd rather get the plate of cookies and use kind words myself. Multi-classing can be pretty hard on a PC. Especially a caster, the difference between weapons isn't really that big.

Scarab Sages

I, for one, would specifically not want 1 level in a class that gives a scales-with level combat companion, on the grounds they would be feeble. Luckily for the Ranger option, you don't normally get a companion at 1st level, but you DO get one Favored Enemy. Why not?

Finally, if you really want to fight with a scythe, go ahead and take a proficiency feat if nothing else. It's part of why Pathfinder gave PCs so many more feats.

If you are allowed traits from the PFS Pathfinder field guide... there is also one from lantern lodge that gets you free prof in any weapon listed with "Monk". It's not unreasonable to say that if it's balanced enough to use in PFS organized play, it can work in a home-game from some group or organization and be just as balanced.

Oh you don't use him for fighting. You just have a best friend for roleplaying! I love companions and familiars. Pets are adorable. Totally bring in trained animals if I'm a class that doesn't get a pet. Also gives a 2nd perception check. Thats nice.

Scarab Sages

Sure, but even so, if their hit points don't increase, they're going to be in serious danger if they follow you around even if they stay out of combat. At least with a Wizard/Witch/Arcane Sorcerer Familiar their hit points are simply half yours - the one upside of them not gaining Hit Dice the way Animal Companions and Eidolons do.


No feat required.....

Boarding axe?
martial weapon S or P

Lantern Lodge

Opalescent White Pyramid (Ioun Stone)

10,000 gp for a weapon proficiency with no penalty
3,000 gp for a weapon proficiency with -2 DEX penalty
1,500 gp to treat a weapon type as martial

Dark Archive

Cbi beat me to it. There's also a gnome racial to treat any weapon you craft as one you're proficient in. Not much help for a tiefling tho!

I believe there is a trait in APG (Heirloom Weapon) that can give you proficiency in a single martial weapon.

Grand Lodge

The Shaonti Tattoo trait will make you proficient with Earth Breakers, Klars, and Shoanti Bolas.

Way better than Heirloom Weapon.

TGMaxMaxer wrote:

If you are allowed traits from the PFS Pathfinder field guide... there is also one from lantern lodge that gets you free prof in any weapon listed with "Monk". It's not unreasonable to say that if it's balanced enough to use in PFS organized play, it can work in a home-game from some group or organization and be just as balanced.

Where is this?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

The Shaonti Tattoo trait will make you proficient with Earth Breakers, Klars, and Shoanti Bolas.

Way better than Heirloom Weapon.

NICE! We have a winner here.

Mahtobedis wrote:
I believe there is a trait in APG (Heirloom Weapon) that can give you proficiency in a single martial weapon.

The use of the word "specific" seems to incline an individual weapon instead of a group of weapons.

I thought that tieflings were outsiders...

According to the beastiery, outsiders are, "Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry."

Maybe it's different for PC outsiders?

That is only true for outsiders with racial hit dice. Tieflings and aasimar (and whatever other outsiders there are for PCs) do not have racial hit dice.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

The Shaonti Tattoo trait will make you proficient with Earth Breakers, Klars, and Shoanti Bolas.

Way better than Heirloom Weapon.

NICE! We have a winner here.

You're stuck using klars underwater unless you're fine swinging a sledgehammer through the watery depths.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

This probably counts as the worst way to get a martial proficiency, but there's always the second level spell Bestow Weapon Proficiency.

I think there's a cracked join stone that grants Prof in one weapon

Trait is:

Weapon Style: You gain proficiency with one weapon that has the monk special weapon quality (see page 145 of the Core Rulebook).

It's in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. They have 10 diff factions in PFS that give different trait access, and Lantern Lodge is one of them. It's free 45 page PDF that has all the special rules for PFS scenarios, chapter 4 has lots of traits ~5-10 for each different faction.

Dark Archive

Turin the Mad wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

The Shaonti Tattoo trait will make you proficient with Earth Breakers, Klars, and Shoanti Bolas.

Way better than Heirloom Weapon.

NICE! We have a winner here.
You're stuck using klars underwater unless you're fine swinging a sledgehammer through the watery depths.

Hammer time baby! What sold it for me was that it was a THW and got a bonus to fear saves as well!

TGMaxMaxer wrote:

Trait is:

Weapon Style: You gain proficiency with one weapon that has the monk special weapon quality (see page 145 of the Core Rulebook).

It's in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. They have 10 diff factions in PFS that give different trait access, and Lantern Lodge is one of them. It's free 45 page PDF that has all the special rules for PFS scenarios, chapter 4 has lots of traits ~5-10 for each different faction.

How come I never saw that in the SRD ?

Icyshadow wrote:
TGMaxMaxer wrote:

Trait is:

Weapon Style: You gain proficiency with one weapon that has the monk special weapon quality (see page 145 of the Core Rulebook).

It's in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. They have 10 diff factions in PFS that give different trait access, and Lantern Lodge is one of them. It's free 45 page PDF that has all the special rules for PFS scenarios, chapter 4 has lots of traits ~5-10 for each different faction.

How come I never saw that in the SRD ?

The search system they have isn't perfect.

That and there are some things that don't get classified for the OGL.

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