Magical Lineage: Best Spell Choice?


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hey All,

Currently brainstorming ideas for a blasty-sorcerer that will probably move into Dragon Disciple. I'm trying to figure out what would the best spell be for the Magical Lineage based on the following criteria:

Crossblooded Sorcerer - Draconic (Silver) & Elemental Primal (Cold).

The spells I'm weighing are currently Snowball and Scorching Ray (Cold b/c of Primal bloodline). Metamagic Feats I'm thinking about are Intensify Spell, Rime Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, and Disruptive Spell.

After Bloodline Arcana I figure the following:

Intensified Snowball - 10d6+20 Cold (55 damage average) to one target and Fort Save (usually pretty low DC) or Staggered for 1 round. Bypasses SR.


Rime Freezing [Scorching] Ray - 3x 4d6+8 (22 damage average per ray / 66 damage average total). Auto Entangle. Does not bypass SR.

Freezing Ray vs. Resist Cold takes a -15 point hit whereas Snowball is only -5. Snowball is a 1st level spell vs. Freezing Ray's 2nd level. But Freezing Ray is an auto debuff compared to Snowball's relatively low save.

Whelp. Is one definitely better than the other? Are there other spells I should be looking at?

blasters always praise fireball, tho its a bit higher on the list and takes longer to do sparkly things with
as far as AoE is concerned not much else compares

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah. I'm aware of the Fireball option. But I'd like to keep the character concept cold-themed. So Fireball (as a cold spell) is right out for me.

Shadow Lodge

I don't like the spell for being overpowered, but Snowball is an option.

Wildblooded is an archetype that doesn't combine with Crossblooded. Some GMs will let you do what you want, but it's not by the book.

If you have to use the normal cold elemental bloodline I'd look at acid splash. The damage over time will re-trigger the Rime metamagic every round, giving entangle for caster level+2 rounds, and it bypasses SR.

If you want a good Rime carrier you might ditch the wildblood idea to be able to apply the base bloodline arcana to acid conjurations.

Rime entangle for the duration of the original spell... That's 0 for acid splash

Guess he meant acid arrow

I'd never heard of that Wildblooded fact, Atarlost.

By the way- look up the feat 'Metamagic Master'. It's wonderfully nearly-identical to Magical Lineage.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
GM Arkwright wrote:

I'd never heard of that Wildblooded fact, Atarlost.

By the way- look up the feat 'Metamagic Master'. It's wonderfully nearly-identical to Magical Lineage.

I too haven't heard that was the case. There are a few Sorcerer optimization guides that don't seem to agree with you, Atarlost. I'd be interested in seeing an official ruling one way or another. It was my impression that Wildblooded modified a particular Bloodline and Crossblooded allowed you to select any two Bloodlines (modified or unmodified) at the cost of -1 spell known per level and -2 Will save.

I'm aware of Metamagic Master (Wayang Spellhunter). But my other trait is spoken for - Hermean Paragon (+2 trait bonus to Initiative) for flavor reasons.

I'd like to keep the cold theme of the character intact if at all possible. The Rime Cold Arrow is a really clever idea.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
GM Arkwright wrote:

I'd never heard of that Wildblooded fact, Atarlost.

"A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. For example, a paladin could not be both a hospitaler and an undead scourge since they both modify the smite evil class feature and both replace the aura of justice class feature. A paladin could, however, be both an undead scourge and a warrior of the holy light, since none of their new class features replace the same core class feature."

"A crossblooded sorcerer selects two different bloodlines."

"When creating a wildblooded sorcerer, select an existing bloodline, then select one of the following mutated bloodlines associated with that bloodline."

Thus, both archetypes alter the bloodline.

Memento Mortis wrote:
select any two Bloodlines (modified or unmodified)

The section in parentheses is your addition, not as written.

Discussed for PFS play legality in this thread.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah it was my interpretation. Thanks for pointing out the correction.

This changes quite a bit on my end as far as build goes. But I'm still wondering about optimal choices for Magical Lineage.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Memento Mortis wrote:

Yeah it was my interpretation. Thanks for pointing out the correction.

This changes quite a bit on my end as far as build goes. But I'm still wondering about optimal choices for Magical Lineage.

If you're looking for the extra damage you can go draconic/orc if you're group runs RAW. You'll end up immune to fear and with your elemental damage though you loose some other stuff, I only know this because I was hit with the change on my PFS character.

I'm guessing your looking at Spell Focus/Spell Specialization? If not, take a peak at those two when stacked up with your build.

Is your game going to be open ended, an AP, or something else? You might want to base your choice off of what level you'll be stopping at.

I'd suggest Fireball, if it hadn't been ruled out in this case.

I am quite fond of Dragon's Breath for blasty happiness. A spell that can deal any energy type, in it self, is just gorgeous. Changing between cone and line grants some versatility on the spot (although you won't be casting from a long distance).

Snowball is a great spell (and I am one of those that dislike it utterly), but doesn't really come into consideration for me for a blaster sorcerer:
- It is conjuration. As a blaster feats like spell focus(evoc), Varisian tattoo(evoc) and spell specialization, are your friends.
- Not enough damage. 5d6+5 isn't enough, 10d6+10 isn't either. While an intensified empowered snowball, deals as much damage as an intensified fireball, it only deals it to a single target.

As a treat, you might look at the metamagic master trait (former wayang spellhunter). It is a regional trait, so you can take that and magical lineage. I don't condone attempts to stack them. But it is quite great to get the option on a low level spells AND a mid level spell.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Czrenobog wrote:
Memento Mortis wrote:

Yeah it was my interpretation. Thanks for pointing out the correction.

This changes quite a bit on my end as far as build goes. But I'm still wondering about optimal choices for Magical Lineage.

If you're looking for the extra damage you can go draconic/orc if you're group runs RAW. You'll end up immune to fear and with your elemental damage though you loose some other stuff, I only know this because I was hit with the change on my PFS character.

I'm guessing your looking at Spell Focus/Spell Specialization? If not, take a peak at those two when stacked up with your build.

Is your game going to be open ended, an AP, or something else? You might want to base your choice off of what level you'll be stopping at.

We'll be running Shattered Star. So I guess level 16 or 17? I'm not sure. I haven't read anything about the AP to avoid spoilers.

The character concept I have in mind is Sorcerer with a 2 level dip into Paladin and then transitioning over into the Dragon Disciple PrC.

I was looking into Elemental Focus instead of Spell Focus. I'm not sure I'm sold on Spell Specialization.

Flurry of Snowballs has a nice, large AOE of 30 ft cone.

But fireball is probably best choice if the current choice of wildblooded/crossblooded archetype mixing isn't allowed.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I should also mention that since the build is a hybrid, not full caster, the DC of my spells will not be high enough to reliably get everything.

Aasimar (Angel Kin: +2 Str/Cha)
Scores are as follows:
Str 14 (16)
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 14 (16)

Which is why I initially leaned towards Snowball and Scorching Ray as they are direct damage that does not require my target to fail saves for full effect.

Ah. Go for snowball. You'll appreciate the lack of SR at higher levels when making caster level checks can be a pain for non-full casters.

Which if you're playing Stattered Star, might be an issue since I'm gonna guess the city it's set in is rife with golems.

As others said, intensified snowball is a good one. 10d6 damage and possible staggered for a level 1 spell at level 10 CL? Not bad.


Usually when I see people talking about Magical Lineage, they use it in conjunction with Shocking Grasp. As a 1st-level spell, you can reap the benefit as soon as your character is created (as long as you know a metamagic feat that adds 1 level). I like Reach Spell for that purpose, especially since Shocking [Freezing?] Grasp is a touch spell.

Or just take snowball as its just a lot better than that. Only class that I see picking SG is Magus.

Wasum is right that I meant Acid Arrow.

I still think it's the right choice. Intensified snowball is just damage and a rider with a save.

Rime Acid Arrow (the cold elemental bloodline arcana lets you freely turn anything that does energy damage into a cold spell) has no save or SR and if you're a hybrid touch attacks are good.

I really think you should forget about wildblooded.

The base elemental bloodline lets you slap Rime on anything, allowing you to take a wider selection of elemental attacks for use when you encounter something with cold resistance. Additionally there are more duration damage spells for energy types other than cold.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Do you want a spell that's useful for the front half or the second half of the game?

Scorching Ray is the spell for the front half of the game. Mix with Empower and/or maximize. 18d6 dmg for a level 3 spell slot is nothing to sneeze at.

If you want a spell for the last half of the game, then you want Firesnake, bent to cold. 15d6 cap, targetable, etc.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Here's the link to what was worked out as a pretty optimal blaster build. It should give you some ideas.


shocking grasp is indeed a magus spell they need touch spells :-)

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