List of all Swift Immediate Cast spells.


Is there such a list anywhere?

Or any spell DB that can filter by casting time?

My search-fu might be lacking, but i could not find one.

This is far a battle oracle BTW, but it would be handy for other characters as well.

Thanks for the help.

If you have a ccess to Hero Lab it will show spells using a keyword such as 'swift.'

After a real quick search, I saw three oracle spells: grace, inheritor's smite, and cold ice strike

Thanks, no I don't use hero lab.

But I really appreciate you looking.

Ah, forgot to c heck for immediate action spells, here are the oracle ones:

liberating command, stone shield, borrow fortune.

It is possible that these searches don't include every swift/immediate oracle spell, but I think that is all of them.

Edit: glad to help!

That spell database lets you do a bit of sorting.

I also personally recall at least some of the "Litany of ..." spells being immediate.

Salindurthas wrote:

That spell database lets you do a bit of sorting.

I also personally recall at least some of the "Litany of ..." spells being immediate.

Most of them are, but sadly they are Inq or Pali only....

You can go to the excel spreadsheet and filter through casting time.

Try here.

Step 1: Select all the sources or whichever ones you're allowed to use in case your DM is limiting resources.

Step 2: Type "1 swift action" or "1 immediate action" in Spell Text box and check off "Exact Phrase" next to box.

Step 3: Click "Quick Fetch" button. I suggest the second one that sorts by level.


Well what little enjoyment you can get from seeing mostly inquisitor/paladin litany spells anyways.

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