most important thing in a MMORPG

Pathfinder Online

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

not to be over looked.

= dancing.

Somehow, I would play a MMORPG game longer if it only had better dancing scripts.

Goblin Squad Member

The formation combat system could be used for medieval group dancing. That would be cool!

Medieval dancing.

Goblin Squad Member



Goblin Squad Member

Give me Blade Dancing and I'm in.

Goblin Squad Member

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Honestly, dancing is one of the things I find really annoying in a game. I've got nothing against dancing in real life, but seeing someone in full armor break out into a dance in the middle of any situation just because the macro exists is silly and does little for immersive RP, especially when the dance is WoW style (goofy take-offs of real life dance styles/moves like moonwalking).

Now, if it was a more fitting group activity like Aeioun suggests, which could be done at festivals, weddings, and the like, then fine.

Hobs the Short wrote:

Honestly, dancing is one of the things I find really annoying in a game. I've got nothing against dancing in real life, but seeing someone in full armor break out into a dance in the middle of any situation just because the macro exists is silly and does little for immersive RP, especially when the dance is WoW style (goofy take-offs of real life dance styles/moves like moonwalking).

Now, if it was a more fitting group activity like Aeioun suggests, which could be done at festivals, weddings, and the like, then fine.

+50! Well said Hobs. PFO is breaking the mold in so many ways, lets continue the practice with dancing!

Goblin Squad Member

I thought for sure it would be fishing.

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I think a crew of bandits where everyone but the leader would synchronize the macarena while he went through Stand and Deliver procedures would be the most hilarious kind of stupid. Especially if the traders with well armed guards waiting in ambush did the Run Devil Run dance while their negotiator told him to suck an egg.

It's not good design, but one time in ten thousand its use would be the most hilarious thing in the history of time.

...Setting appropriate dancing would be a really nice feature. Otherwise it straddles the line between gratuitous and gratuitously stupid.

Dark Archive

Incoming Harlem Shake dance demo and blog post.

Waffle, I'm thinking of that scene in Shrek where Robin Hood and his Merry Men sing about their criminal activities. XD

But I'd agree--the "real world dance in fantasy world" joke is kind of old by now.

Goblin Squad Member

Suspense, fear, challenge, intrigue and drinking games.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

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And here I thought it was to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

Walking (animation), since it's the thing we do the most in a mmorpg.

Guys, this is the dancing thread. If you want to talk about walking, that's a whole other matter. It's not our problem if you don't have your priorities straight.

Goblin Squad Member

Introduce the Hakka as part of the intimidate check!

Hmmm ... then a mini-game comes up, where if you succeed you intimidate the opponent, but if you do badly you give them a bonus because of your comic antics.

But wed need a friendly fire option for that, because all your teammates will want to kill you after giving bonuses to the opponents.

Unless the comedic dancing is SO bad that it acts as a Tasha'a Hideous Laughter spell. In which case your team will love you.

Oh my head, I need to sit down.

most important thing in a MMORPG...

...being able to utilize the furniture.
Seriously, the last MMORPG I played, you couldn't sit in the chairs or sleep in the beds. That seriously annoys me and kills rp.

Goblin Squad Member

I would like to have the ability to key bind emotes and modify the animation of the emote to include verbal text as well. This was the one thing I remember that WoW did well.

Goblin Squad Member

combat System
being able to do things outside of combat
Player interaction in different ways - combat - trade - government - quest
having to make hard choices
Longterm gain and gameplay
being able to form and alter the world and your environment

Goblin Squad Member


I knew a player who RPed a Dwarf in Ultima Online. He had each verse of several Lord of the Rings songs prewritten into macros so that as we walked from place to place (such as in a caravan), he would hit each marco button in the proper order and appear to be singing the song without having to stop and type out the words.

Goblin Squad Member

Keeping in a realistic fatigue feature. Running across the land in full plate 24/7 is a no-go. That should kill your stam fast. Not many games do that well.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

You can /dance if you want to...

Next blog post?

Goblin Squad Member

Another important thing in a sand box MMO are the purely social activities and live server events that take place during the course of hours, days, weeks or even months.

Perhaps there could be a pandemic that is killing off the NPCs of the River Kingdoms, and all PCs, regardless of alignment or settlement have to work together to discover a cure and then distribute it.

Goblin Squad Member

I ran a first aid caravan from my community center to an afflicted town in UO once when a Seer was running a similar sounding plague scenario. Was great fun.

Goblin Squad Member

Im with Being. I would really like fishing, but not so much as a profesion as much as a past time.

On the other hand, dancing and any well scripted emotes are welcome..... just dont allow people to be able to do them in battle.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

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Greedalox wrote:

Im with Being. I would really like fishing, but not so much as a profesion as much as a past time.

On the other hand, dancing and any well scripted emotes are welcome..... just dont allow people to be able to do them in battle.

No, allow them to to dance in combat, and when they do, give the the same penalties as if they were under an Irresitible Dance Spell.

Goblin Squad Member

I love fishing, but I hope they keep it mostly for catching fish, not another way to find treasure. The fish and other marine critters that can be caught should be the treasure - in cooking recipes and in crafting (potion mats, scroll ink, etc.).

Goblin Squad Member

How about dancing for your minions? I'd love for my summoned/animated Undead to start doing Thriller!

Or maybe Party Rock Anthem!

Every day I'm Shufflin'!

Goblinworks Executive Founder

There's room for dancing in combat. Zombies doing Thriller, for example.

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