Archaeologist Bard

Rules Questions

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So I was wondering about the Archaeologist's Luck. You get 4+Cha bonus in rounds per day like normal bardic performance but does this also increase in rounds as you level like bardic performance does?



Edit: Nevermind, no it doesn't : /

Banecrow wrote:

So I was wondering about the Archaeologist's Luck. You get 4+Cha bonus in rounds per day like normal bardic performance but does this also increase in rounds as you level like bardic performance does?


No, it doesn't, you need lingering performance feat or extra performance feat to boost it.

They do not get extra rounds. Author has this to say about it.

Dark Archive

Rules as written, no they do not get extra rounds. However, it's not a terribly hard sell to a GM to adjust that, especially considering what the author has to say about it.

Cheapy wrote:
They do not get extra rounds. Author has this to say about it.

Thanks Cheapy that is a good find. Will have to talk to my GM about that and see what they say.

Starbuck_II wrote:
Banecrow wrote:

So I was wondering about the Archaeologist's Luck. You get 4+Cha bonus in rounds per day like normal bardic performance but does this also increase in rounds as you level like bardic performance does?


No, it doesn't, you need lingering performance feat or extra performance feat to boost it.

Add in Maestro of the society too, for another 3 base rounds, since that seems like something that would also go under the category of "feats, abilities, effects, and the like."

Taking those three factors together (as well as a modest CHA of 14), it is possible for you to use your luck for 45 rounds per day at level 1 if you are playing a human. And considering the fact that the bonuses get applied to just about everything, it seems like a fairly good investment. So, unless you spend 5 minutes novaing a skill check, I doubt you will ever have a problem.

Headband of Fortune's Favor will also help you stretch those rounds, only pity is that it eats up your headband slot.

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