Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Besides Bilbo, Frodo, and the rest, there is the iconic halfling bard, and Belkar Bitterleaf (from order of the stick, a Web comic)
While Bilbo and Frodo are great, neither of them ever exhibit exceptional martial prowess themselves (being invisible and killing spiders doesn't count) "and the rest" includes some excellent martial examples though: Merry and Pippin, Bullroarer Took (and numerous other Tooks really), Sam Gamgee is probably even a better example than Bilbo and Frodo.
Now, for examples from a completely different story, how about from "Willow?" The title character is great, but there's also a powerful Halfling wizard, and warriors.
Stockvillain |
Olive Russkettle, famous halfling bard from the Forgotten Realms before halflings could even be bards!
Also from the FR series, Corkitron "Highroll" Alinnamuck [spelling?].
Belkar Bitterleaf from OoTS is one of my favorites. Totally got gypped with that mark of justice.
Willow, however, is my all-time favorite halfling hero. The first time I saw the Harry Potter films, I thought "hey! Willow got a teaching job after the whole Bavmorda affair! Good for him."
Kimera757 |
Dragonlance has the kender hero Kronin Thistleknot.
Krynn even has a famous afflicted kender or two. (As far as I'm concerned, those are the sane kender.)
There's Olive Ruskettle from Forgotten Realms, and one or two in the Dark Sun and Eberron novels, but in general, halflings haven't been popular characters in fiction. They're generally side characters who are frequently not treated seriously.
Outside of Tolkien's material, they're mainly only seen in D&D fiction. Some books have close equivalents too (eg warrows from I forget which setting, some little character in Willow too, IIRC), but not many.
ZugZug |
lucky7 wrote:Merry and Pippin? They participated in the fall of Isengard.Merry and Pippen helped kill the Witch King of the Nazgul, and the King of the Trolls, respectively, in martial combat.
A little more impessive than chucking rocks while riding Ents.
I don't know, I think it's pretty impressive to have an Ent as your Mount ;-)
joeyfixit |
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Yeah, Samwise Gamgee just busted out with a bit of a badassery.
Bilbo was bit more concerned with smoking his weed, growing his weed, and eating some bacon.
Um, Bilbo was waaaay more of a badass superhero than any of the whiny LOTR hobbits. Partly because of how ineffectual the (book) dwarves come off.
After blowing his initial troll encounter, the guy wins a game of wits (yeah, he cheated - so what?) against a cave monster that gets him a magic ring, which makes him champion of all stealth rolls, and then basically acts like a tank fighting spiders in the woods. Springs all of his buddies from captivity when they're captured by elves. To say nothing of out-talking a dragon.
And THEN he retired to smoke his weed. With his box of treasure. Guy was practically the Tony Montana of Hobbiton.