Fun Story Worth Sharing... [potential spoilers for book 1 of ROTRL and Jade Regent]

Rise of the Runelords

Our group recently started Rise of the Runelords, and we had our second session today. Well, after quite a bit of sitting around town, doing some minor things but otherwise going a bit stir-crazy, we met Shalelu, who told us about the various goblin tribes around town.

We were supposed to stick around town, maintaining a presence as the town heroes. But...I mean, there are three goblin tribes in the area. How could we resist not going out there and slaughtering them? So our first move, we decide, is to go take out the Licktoads in the marshes.

One of our players is a GM who is currently running his other group through Jade Regent, and he just happened to have the first book on him...which just so happens to contain the Licktoad camp. So our GM gives the encounter a quick once-over, and we proceed to head out and, at level 1, take out the entire Licktoad camp. That was over 25 goblins, slain by a Hellknight-in-training, a not-Harsk dwarven ranger, a spelldancer magus, a brutish half-orc rogue, a halfling cleric of Desna, and a male Witch who INSISTS he's a Warlock (ME!). Much blood was shed, and many rockets were fired from goblin hands, but eventually we were victorious, taking home the gold, the magic arrows, and around 900 xp each. Also, we lit the whole damn thing on fire so that no one else could take over the encampment.

Did we completely remove an entire encounter from Jade Regent, should we attempt it at a later date? Maybe. Was it worth it? Hell yes.

We have yet to return to Sandpoint, but I have the feeling that we'll be double-heroes. Plus, there was a piggy at the camp that we took home. I think I'll take him home, name him, and then feed him to the people in a feast celebrating our victory.

Good Gaming.

...Catch Phrase,


We have yet to return to Sandpoint, but I have the feeling that we'll be double-heroes.

If I was the DM, I'd have you come back to find that a secondary goblin raid occurred, and in your absence it did terrible damage to the town.

Just saying... ;)

Shadow Lodge

Congratulations on your unprovoked acts of genocide.

Also, I agree with Phil that I would have some repercussions for the heroes leaving the town undefended.

Sounds like a fun encounter though.

The Exchange

I had originally thought about making it evident that the goblin tribes needed to be put down and then having the pc's slaughter them one at a time. But they kept dying at thistletop... so yeah

marvin_bishop wrote:
Congratulations on your unprovoked acts of genocide.

This! There seems to be not so "goody-two-shoes" people in your team with that would be hellknight, brutish rogue and all but this still was an unnecessary, completely free act of mass murdering.

I started RotRL a number of time (each campaign died down quickly due to lack of time from both PC and me) and each time Shalelu comes in and mention the goblins tribes, I face the problem of PC all too eager to go on a rampage and have to strive to make them stay in Sandpoint.

Even if it's just goblins it IS mass murder even more so if it is not aimed at Thistletop but at random tribes justified by the need to "calm down the little pest". It is evil and heinous would I be GM, I am not sure your party would be regarded exactly as heroes upon returning in town. Sure some would be delighted, especially those who lost someone in the goblins raid and the prowess as warrior might be praised, but still there should be more than one people who'd fell uncomfortable with their "heroes" being able to burn down a whole village (implicitly including women and children) without a second thought.

Good and evil set aside it is also tactically wrong for PC to set up against random goblin tribe without any intel indicating the cause behind the latest goblin uproar lies here. Thistletop could be a legitimate target, so to prevent my PC running there I emphasis on the towns vulnerability as the book says but also at their crucial lack of information on exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Goblins are presumed to be inherently vile unless there is evidence to the contrary. It makes the game more fun if there are some enemies you can be merciless towards.
(And the Licktoad village from Jade Regent was (a) responsible for bandit raids, and (b) without civilians - I think they'd lost them all during a recent battle with the undead.)
As for leaving the town undefended - any town that relies on half a dozen level one characters for its defences it is pretty much doomed anyway.

Lol welcome to the Internet Chris...

"Hey, I have this cool story about how we all had fun playing Pathfinder! So we..."

Enter Fun Police.

"Sorry son, you're doing it completely wrong. You're a bad person."

Exeunt Fun Police

TvTropes says Goblins are always Chaotic evil! So it is okies.

Well I don't mean he does it wrong, how one manage his campaign is one's own business and I realize my opinion on the subject was uncalled for seeing as the topic was just for sharing the experience and not for any advice on game mastering.

Yet I stand firm on the fact the evil status of a race shouldn't be used as an excuse to allow such extreme action without it having the proper consequence.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Paizo has fairly well established that the are around Sandpoint is the effective Goblin Capital of Varisia at least, if not all of Avistan, population-wise at least. There are what, five named tribes there at least. Burning the Licktoad village down did nothing to guarantee there wouldn't be another village there in little more than a year.

Unfortunately, given the Sandpoint admins' published views on Goblins, why not wipe out a village or three. In Jade Regent, at the provocation of a few raids on caravans, where no-one actually died, they re-instate a bounty of 10 gold a head & if that isn't a gross over-reaction I don't know what is. At least when they attacked Sandpoint they managed to kill a few people...

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

And also, in Burnt Offerings, it is mentioned that members of all of the goblin tribes took part in the initial raid on Sandpoint, so the attack on the Licktoads isn't really an unjustified attack. It is actually quite the opposite. A justified retribution. Particularly if they haven't played through Glass and Wrath yet, then they may not even know that the true threat is at Thistletop.

I won't deny there is sound argument in all this, I tend to forgot that Pathfinder setup is quite Manichean. Still it's only my pov but I see such action if not evil at least "not good" and I still think such a retribution from the PC seems a little out of place at this moment of the action.

If I ever try (again) to run this AP I'll still do all I can to keep my PC in sandpoint at this moment.

I repurposed a level 1 "raid a goblin camp" adventure I wrote years earlier to include in "Burnt Offerings" as a side-quest, with the hook given by Shalelu during the "Grim News from Mosswood" section.

It did a good job of letting the PCs take the offensive against the goblins earlier in the game.

I mentioned it here.

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