Half-Orc bounty hunter


Liberty's Edge

Ok so one day I was jogging and a thought came to me.

What would it take to build a bounty hunter. My thinking is ranger switch hitter and sorcerer for necro spells things like taking to the dead so that he could talk to the dead victims. Things like that and the half Orc can get scent which would help with tracking the, down.

But I want to hear if there are other thoughts our ideas on how to improve o n what I came up with.

Urban bounty hunting, or working in the wilds?
Dear or Alive, or just Dead?
Solo, or in a group?

I am currently playing a 1/2 Orc Ranger-trapper variant. I took the Keen scent feat, of course. We are only 3rd level thus far, but it seems to be working nicely. I went with Archer only because I never tried one before. I have also played a 1/2 Orc Inquisitor. Both Race/Class combos seem to fit the "Hunter" theme, depending on what you want to focus on to hunt. I am leaning toward the Inquisitor as a better class option, but I am giving the Ranger a try.

Also, if you are able to use traits, occupation, and drawbacks they help flush out and build the character too.

Plenty of options

As a Rogue
Thug or Bandit, good for beating down bounties and keeping them down.
Spy, for a not so frontal approach, get some dex or str poisons.
Rake, as a more charming approach
Investigator, to catch people in lies about where the bounties may be hiding.

As a Bard, you have skills and some decent spells that work for social interactions/interrogations
Detective, good with a team and has some good bonus spells, like speak with dead
Archaeologist, for a more physical character, gets UD and evasion to help bringing in those magic wielding bounties

And of course Urban Ranger for obvious reasons.

Also, play in Eberron as a member of House Tharashk.

I would also look into a ranged inquisitor. I made an inquisitor of Abadar for PFS. He works for the courts and bring bale hoppers back to court. Having a bane ability that you can adjust makes it easy to specialize in who your tracking down.

Inquisitor would work decently, they have some tracking.

However, I think a wizard would be your best bet for a bounty hunter. There are a lot of very useful arcane spells for tracking someone down(and remaining undetected while doing so), they get lots of skill points for taking the relevant bounty hunter skills and they don't need their feats, so you can use them on things to boost tracking even further.

Liberty's Edge

It's the idea behind it really I'm looking at a guy that in the wilds has the martial capabilities to track down any run aways. Cause let's face kit if you need to run away yournotstaying in that town. But when inside has the means to find them magically as well

Now that may mean going wizard so that I have more flex in the spells but I really like the ranger switch hitter idea as the martial coverage.

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