Applying Credit

Pathfinder Society

Ok, So i got my friend into PFS, The first two games he played where higher tier(both 3-5 or so). One with his chracter(He got carried), the other with a lvl 4 pre-gen. We keep getting conflicting answers to whther we can applying the EXP, some GMs say yes others, no. We need to know because if he can, we can lvl up his character.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

experience is applied to a character when they reach the level of the pre-gen. Play a level 4 pre-gen, get xp when your character gets to level 4

Ok, So what abut the one where he played his own chracter, but played up(like 3 lvls up)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

As long as the character was in "Tier" for the adventure (ie, somewhere in the full range listed, such as 1-5 or 3-7) then the character can play and get credit regardless of what "Subtier" was played. So, a level 1 character can play in the 4-5 subtier of a 1-5 adventure. If he survives he gets the same the rewards that the higher level characters did.

Does that make sense?

So he does have the Credit, See, the GM said he didnt, twice.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

If he played his character he gets the chronicle sheet with the award tier he played at. If he played a level 1 in a 1-5 game and the team played tier 4-5 he would get the gold from the 4-5 tier.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

To be as clear as possible:

In the first session, where he played his level 1 PC in a subtier 4-5 game, he gets the same subtier 4-5 rewards as everyone else, i.e. 1300-1900 gp (rather than the 400-500 gp you'd get playing at subtier 1-2), plus the XP etc.

In the second session, where he played a level 4 pregen, he has two choices:

GtPFSOP page 6 wrote:
If you play a non-1st-level pregenerated character, you can apply the credit to your character as soon as she reaches the level of the pregenerated character played. You may also opt instead to apply the credit from the non-1st-level pregenerated character played to a newly created character with the gp gained reduced to 500 gp (or 250 for characters using the slow advancement track). You do not lose access to Prestige Points, boons, and items listed on the Chronicle sheet that were earned during the adventure.

i.e. hold the chronicle sheet to apply to his first PC as soon as he reaches 9 XP, or make it the first chronicle on a brand new PC. I would expect he'd choose the former.

Either way, he gets a chronicle sheet for both sessions (assuming he hasn't played the scenarios before).

I recently played a 4th level pregen instead of my 2nd level character. That was the session before the last one I did this weekend.

So I can use everything, gold, prestige etc. except xp until I get to 4th level?

Dark Archive 1/5

Does he not get Out of Tier gold for playing a level 1 in a 4-5 Tier game?

The Exchange 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
RSX Raver wrote:
Does he not get Out of Tier gold for playing a level 1 in a 4-5 Tier game?

Correct. Playing a level 1-2 in the 4-5 subtier does qualify you for out of tier gold.

Dark Archive 1/5

Trevor Burroughs wrote:
RSX Raver wrote:
Does he not get Out of Tier gold for playing a level 1 in a 4-5 Tier game?
Correct. Playing a level 1-2 in the 4-5 subtier does qualify you for out of tier gold.

I thought as much but several people said he got the tier 4-5 gold instead, which is why I asked.

I'm going to assume the gold was done right.

So I just can apply the xp until I'm forth level correct?

The Exchange 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lemartes wrote:

I recently played a 4th level pregen instead of my 2nd level character. That was the session before the last one I did this weekend.

So I can use everything, gold, prestige etc. except xp until I get to 4th level?

Did your character qualify for the scenario (was it a 1-5) when you played it? Or was it maybe a 3-7 which required you to use a pregen? If the scenario was too high for your character, you cannot use any parts of the sheet (if you want full credit) until your character reaches a level where he could have played the scenario.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
RSX Raver wrote:
Trevor Burroughs wrote:
RSX Raver wrote:
Does he not get Out of Tier gold for playing a level 1 in a 4-5 Tier game?
Correct. Playing a level 1-2 in the 4-5 subtier does qualify you for out of tier gold.
I thought as much but several people said he got the tier 4-5 gold instead, which is why I asked.

That used to be the case several seasons ago, before the out of tier gold was introduced. However, that was changed several years ago, and perhaps people din't realize the change.

Thanks for the answer much appreciated.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Some of the confusion here is that this is a thread necro, and the correct answer to the original question has changed since 2013, due to rules changes in the last 4 years. Back then, a level 1 playing in subtier 4-5 of a tier 1-5 adventure would get the full gold from sub-tier 4-5, because there was no out of tier gold yet.

In the case of Lemartes's recent game, he played a level 4 pregen and applied it to a level 2 character. The chronicle sheet doesn't count yet. When you hit level 4, then you'll add the chronicle sheet to your PC, and get the appropriate gold, xp, boons, etc. Until then, put the sheet aside and pretend it doesn't exist.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Fromper wrote:

In the case of Lemartes's recent game, he played a level 4 pregen and applied it to a level 2 character. The chronicle sheet doesn't count yet. When you hit level 4, then you'll add the chronicle sheet to your PC, and get the appropriate gold, xp, boons, etc. Until then, put the sheet aside and pretend it doesn't exist.

But DO NOT FORGET the level you played the pregen at. Because it applies as the *first* scenario when you hit that level. If one plays a module that takes them 'just past' 4, then it applies immediately after that module.

So I play modules until I hit 4th level then I apply the pregen stuff. Not sure why the level I played it as matters just that it was below the pregen?

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Modules tend to give 2-3 exp a shot.

Scenarios give 1 (.5 if 'slow track).

The reason it matters is because the pregen that was played used the resources of a L4 character, which was not available 'organically' on a character that the credit will be applied to.

So when the character reaches 4th level, it's assumed that the character did the mission instead of the pregen, as the character resources are now present.

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