Synthesist Reborn

Homebrew and House Rules

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Avianfoo wrote:

@HaraldKlak: Excellent point about the 1 level dip for martials. To an extent this was a problem already with the old synthesist. More so with this version. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

I have an idea for that: Multiply the synthesist's hit point total by his synthesist level and divide the result by his overall character level. The result is the amount of inflicted damage required to banish the fused eidolon. For a single-classed synthesist, this result would always equal his original hit point total. A character dipping into this class would find that his "shell" is rather fragile.

David knott 242 wrote:
Avianfoo wrote:

@HaraldKlak: Excellent point about the 1 level dip for martials. To an extent this was a problem already with the old synthesist. More so with this version. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

I have an idea for that: Multiply the synthesist's hit point total by his synthesist level and divide the result by his overall character level. The result is the amount of inflicted damage required to banish the fused eidolon. For a single-classed synthesist, this result would always equal his original hit point total. A character dipping into this class would find that his "shell" is rather fragile.

Fortunately this version of the archetype has moved on from there. The 1 level dip is now handled by not front loading all the attribute and natural AC boosts and also only providing access to the all powerful pounce evolution (among others) until 4th level synthesist. All synthesists want to be at least level 4. That's when they get haste :)

The hit points for the original version of the archetype were a bit over the top and utterly confusing. The synthesist reborn just provides a Con boost, much like a druids wild shape or a barbarians rage, making it much more understandable.

Avianfoo wrote:

Updated to 1.2.

I decided to take a staggered approach so that there is less front loading instead of taking a "negative" ability. So a 4th level synthesist reborn will be equivalent to the old 4th level synthesist with regards to attributes and access to evolutions.


  • Removed tentative grasp negative ability.
  • At 1st level all base forms only provide half their normal attribute and natural armor increases. At level 3 it gets the other half.
  • At 1st level evolutions that require base forms cannot be taken (e.g. pounce, mount, constrict etc.) These are enabled again at 4th level.
  • Allies spells now also positively effect the synthesist.

What does this mean? A 1 level dip is less attractive: less stat boost and no pounce. A 4 level Synthesist barbarian will still be scary but 4 levels can hardly be classified as a "dip" anymore.

THIS is what I'm going with from now on! To my boys players (8 to 12) the concept of "manifesting" as a beast IS the best of all options so it will maintain it's popularity if I can recomend it without super-loaded watch-out DMing. Thanks!

Tiny suggestions:

Call it a Variant Summoner (like Ninja to Rogue) it is significantly different wich I beleive caused the unforseen defects of the original version.

Without the feats and skills of the Eidilon I personnaly crank it to 4 skill points per level.


Slime wrote:

Call it a Variant Summoner (like Ninja to Rogue) it is significantly different wich I beleive caused the unforseen defects of the original version.

Excellent suggestion, though it would require adding the class progression table... which I might do later. :)

Slime wrote:

Without the feats and skills of the Eidilon I personnaly crank it to 4 skill points per level.

Currently there is a huge debate whether the (original) synthesist is overpowered. This alternate I have suggested is slightly weaker in the beginning but becoming equivalently powerful later. However it is now also more easily min/maxed since the player has direct control of the stats (if using point buy).

To summarize: I think I will hold off on making it a tad more "powerful" (though I disagree that it is that) for now.

What are the chances that a proper synthesist (like the one I have here) will make an appearance in the Advanced Class Guide?

Avianfoo wrote:

Slime wrote:

Without the feats and skills of the Eidilon I personnaly crank it to 4 skill points per level.

Currently there is a huge debate whether the (original) synthesist is overpowered. This alternate I have suggested is slightly weaker in the beginning but becoming equivalently powerful later. However it is now also more easily min/maxed since the player has direct control of the stats (if using point buy).

To summarize: I think I will hold off on making it a tad more "powerful" (though I disagree that it is that) for now.

What are the chances that a proper synthesist (like the one I have here) will make an appearance in the Advanced Class Guide?

The incompatibility with most stat boosting items goes a long way to keeping the power under control.

That said, I've been building a synthesist for an upcoming game with this alteration for balance and ease of use and it definitely imposes more of a hard choice scenario as to what abilities to prioritise, rather than the previous "lol who needs strength or dex" situation.

While it pains me to only have 2+int skill points, I guess the Skilled evolution makes up for that somewhat. I think the thing that hurts the most is the half natural armour bonus at level 1 if you are going towards the melee beat-stick route.

The Great Devourer wrote:

While it pains me to only have 2+int skill points, I guess the Skilled evolution makes up for that somewhat. I think the thing that hurts the most is the half natural armour bonus at level 1 if you are going towards the melee beat-stick route.

I agree with the skilled evolution more than making up for the low number of skill points. But evo points are few and there are so many goodies that you want to buy with them. The choice is one thing that makes the synthesist so delicious.

The low armour issue can also be (partially) solved by taking the improved natural armour evolution. The main reason it is a bit low at first level is to discourage 1 level dips. It's still nice, but not that great.

The Great Devourer wrote:

While it pains me to only have 2+int skill points, I guess the Skilled evolution makes up for that somewhat. I think the thing that hurts the most is the half natural armour bonus at level 1 if you are going towards the melee beat-stick route.

I have been thinking on this for a while. Because the skilled evolution gives so many skill points (be it to a single skill), it more than offsets the lack of actual skill points.

However the improved natural armour evolution only gives extra 2. At first level that means a Synthesist can have a maximum of 3 armour at level 1. Which is not even a chain shirt. Upping the armor by 1 gives at least a chain shirt level of protection (with the use of a precious evolution point). This is not such a big change but it does go quite far to helping the survivability of a lvl 1 synthesist.

v1.4 Changes:

  • Upped starting natural armour by 1. Decreased armour bonus from level 3 onwards by 1.
  • Stated specifically that the fused eidolon does not apply any spell failure chance to the synthesist.

Verdant Wheel

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
FYI I am specifically NOT reading this so I wont accidentally steal anything from you. Best of luck.

you cannot steal something which does not actually belong to the person who you are 'stealing' it from. posting on these messageboards constitutes consent to allow your ideas to be 'stolen' anyhow, so the point is moot. might as well weigh in and put our ideas together to enrichen our home games. the only reason to hold out is because you want to publish under a third party name and are expecting to make a buck.

if one of my characters requests this type of summoner, i'll likely use what's here.

rainzax wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
FYI I am specifically NOT reading this so I wont accidentally steal anything from you. Best of luck.

you cannot steal something which does not actually belong to the person who you are 'stealing' it from. posting on these messageboards constitutes consent to allow your ideas to be 'stolen' anyhow, so the point is moot. might as well weigh in and put our ideas together to enrichen our home games. the only reason to hold out is because you want to publish under a third party name and are expecting to make a buck.

This is true. Ideas are cheap. Implementing them is the tricky part. Feel free to use any "ideas" of the synthesist reborn (otherwise they wouldn't be here). Mostly I just want to see a workable version of the synthesist, if anyone can make a "better" version, then I would gladly use that one.

rainzax wrote:

if one of my characters requests this type of summoner, i'll likely use what's here.

Thanks. That is a massive compliment.

If anyone does do some playing using the synthesist reborn, post here.

queation. why does the summoner get feats from the eidolon? i thought part of the synth was loosing all skills and faets the eidolon get.

also, i dont see a low ac at level 1. say bipad form, get +2 to natural ac. can get the improved natural ac evolution. then when fused cast mage armor(effect both him and the eidolon) - ac 18 at level 1. for at least 1 hour(good enough for maost hard fights then)

zza ni wrote:

queation. why does the summoner get feats from the eidolon? i thought part of the synth was loosing all skills and faets the eidolon get.

This incarnation of the synthesist gives up quite a bit compared to the "old" synthesist. 3 bonus feats that can only be used while melded is hardly going to break the bank but will help a little.

zza ni wrote:

also, i dont see a low ac at level 1. say bipad form, get +2 to natural ac. can get the improved natural ac evolution. then when fused cast mage armor(effect both him and the eidolon) - ac 18 at level 1. for at least 1 hour(good enough for maost hard fights then)

Before v1.4 (1.3 and lower) the synthesist only got half the natural AC at level 1. The total AC calculation does change to 17. Still not a horrible AC even without Dex added to the equation.

I question the usefulness of mage armor since "Any armor worn by the synthesist ceases to provide any armor bonuses". The shield spell still works so the AC calculation remains the same.

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