Deck of Many Things: Level 4 Fighter question

Rules Questions things

Jack of Hearts = Gain the service of a Level 4 fighter.

My DM threw in a Deck of Many things and I mathematically figured out the magic number of cards to draw is 7 (to have slightly less than a 50% chance to draw one of the "I'm dead" cards). One of the 7 cards I drew was the Jack of Hearts and poof, a L4 fighter joins the party.

This member of the party gained XP from adventuring and leveled.... up until the DM questioned me today whether the L4 fighter can gain levels.

Can the Jack of Hearts L4 fighter from the Deck of Many Things gain levels?

Totally a GM call. I could argue it either way.

Silver Crusade

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Like a cohort from the Leadership feat, I would say he can't have a level higher than the PC -2.

From the Deck of Many Things entry:

Knight: The fighter appears out of nowhere and serves loyally until death. He or she is of the same race (or kind) and gender as the character. This fighter can be taken as a cohort by a character with the Leadership feat.

GM call unless or until you have Leadership and take him on as a Cohort. Until then I'd likely treat him as a extraordinarily loyal follower meaning he would not gain levels or experience. I'd probably make his basic cost/upkeep free. You could, of course, spend any funds you wished on him to upgrade his equipment etc..

From the description of Leadership feat:

Followers don't earn experience and thus don't gain levels. When you gain a new level, consult Table: Leadership to determine if you acquire more followers, some of whom may be higher level than the existing followers. Don't consult the table to see if your cohort gains levels, however, because cohorts earn experience on their own.

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