Plunder and Infamy Tracker Sheet

Skull & Shackles

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey guys, I made a tracker sheet for our group and I thought you guys might also find it useful.


If I've made any errors on it, please let me know. Next up will be an additional sheet that tracks per port infamy and favored port stuff.

Liberty's Edge

Hey, this is really handy. My wife currently has this scribbled all over two sheets of lined paper. Good job, thanks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very cool! Thanks for sharing.

My party will have to start tracking this within the next few weeks. I'll poke it a bit and see if you missed anything, as requested.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Alright, so I don't think I can edit my original post, so here's the updated one with the correct Infamy Check and Vile levels:


Good stuff thanks.

Not running it for a month or so, I'll let you know how it goes.


hmm, seems nice to have *grab*

Dark Archive

Sebas310 wrote:

Hey guys, I made a tracker sheet for our group and I thought you guys might also find it useful.


If I've made any errors on it, please let me know. Next up will be an additional sheet that tracks per port infamy and favored port stuff.

Hey this is great, thanks!


Nice! I love it that people are sharing stuff. Makes it much easier for the GMs.

Excellent! totally using this!

Very Nice! +1 to you and dotted for future reference. (At this time, we're still over 2 wks game time to go before this is necessary. So, that would be months from now.) Thanks for sharing. :-)

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