kilthea's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks for the feedback. I thought they stacked but couldn't find mention of it anywhere.

Does anyone know if energy types stack on weapons. If so, where would I find it? Can't find anything on this in the core rulebooks. Also, does anyone know the correct pronunciation of dorjes?

Need some help finding the name to a sci-fi animated movie I watched back in the early 1980's(?). It was a story about a group that finds a sphere or orb (It's not Heavy Metal!) which is evil. Somehow the group travels to the future to find out the organism has become all-powerful & godlike. I think they travel to the past when it was relatively weak to destroy it. It speaks to them in a malevolent voice. That's all I remember. Does this ring any bells with anyone? I would love to find out what the movie was. Thanks!

My husband and I live about an hour from Columbus, Ohio and would like to find a group. Played from '81 to '97 when we started our own business and haven't been in one place long enough to commit to a serious group until now. The bad news: we're gone for about 3 weeks at a time, and then we're home for a week. Which means we could only get together about once a month, but then we could play continuously. The good news: we take the game seriously, and when we're not playing, we're reading the rulebooks, novels, etc. We just spent a bundle at Origins on some dwarven forge and have a pretty extensive library. I'm 28 and my husband is 35. Our schedule is a major problem for a weekly game-session but the week or weekends we do take off are very flexible, so we'd be perfect for a once-a-month all weekend session.

Flushmaster wrote:
I'm looking for a new group, either to join an existing one or start a new one. I am comfortable as a player or a DM. Willing to drive reasonable distances if outside of the podunk hole in the ground called Zanesville.

my husband and i moved to zanesville over a year ago and haven't found a group yet. played from '81 to '97 when we started our own business and haven't been in one place long enough commit to a serious group until now. the bad news: we're gone about 3 weeks at a time, and then we're home for a week. Which means we could only get together about once a month, but then we could play continuously. the good news: we take the game seriously, and when we're not playing, we're reading the rulebooks, novels, ect. We just spent a bundle at Origins on some Dwarven Forge and have a pretty extensive D&D library. Our love for the game is actually part of the reason we don't have any kids. I'm 28, and my husband is 35. The only active gaming we do right now is miniature skirmishes with each other, but we're reading and learning Eberron and would like a good DM and an additional player or two to get things started again. we're ending our vacation tomorrow and hitting the road for a couple weeks, so we can check this site again tomorrow mon. the 18th, but after that it will be a couple weeks. our schedule is a major problem for a weekly game session, but since we're on our own, the week or weekends that we do take off are very flexible, so we'd be perfect for a once-a-month all-weekend session!