Sebas310's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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One of the things that I was surprised about was the class not taking concepts from a prestige class, much like the magus did. When I first heard about it, I thought it would be a shoo-in to have hints from the Sleepless Detective, namely the ability Canny Sleuth. I agree with the poison use being out of place and canny sleuth, to me, is a sensible replacement that isn't out of the scope of what is expected by the name of Investigator.

Edit: looks like Journ-O-LST-3 mentioned this idea earlier too.

So my group just hit book three, and 10th level looms ahead of us. As a witch, I was considering picking up Hidden Home as her first Major Hex (obviously counting the boat as her home). The problem is, I don't have any idea what to disguise it as. I was considering a swell in the ocean, but it does not allow me to also hide the crew. I was also considering a tornado (or something similar) but I don't want unsuspecting ships to steer clear of us either.

Anything creative you think would even sort of work I'd love to hear! Cheers!

pH unbalanced wrote:
Sebas310 wrote:
Wind Chime wrote:
I am playing a level 6 witch and am finding myself pretty darn useless, so far the opponents we have thought are constructs, oozes, and un-dead and against all 3 my character is next to useless, my hexes don't work (apart from misfortune) my spells don't work (apart from burning touch) so I have pretty much spent the whole of combat flying 10 ft above the battle looking for something useful to do (fly hex got to love it). So what are a witches options against enemies with tonnes of immunities?
I've found it useful to grab combat reflexes and a long spear, then just hover above them and wait for them to start moving. You may not be doing insane damage, but combine it with the spell recommendations others have been giving and you should be okay.
Actually better than that: take the Prehensile Hair Hex. It has 10' reach and uses Int as its bonus for attack and damage.

Yeah that works over a couple of levels, the longspear is just a quick fix for the mean time and doesn't cost a hex.

Sorry for the double post, but you're probably gong to want Wisdom of the Flesh on Swim.

You probably want to get the Hamatulatsu feat eventually so you're not worrying about underwater penalties while attacking. Eventually buy a wand of Enhance Water so you can just fill your mouth with sea water and gain some Ki. Check out Qinggong Monk for switching some abilities with more useful stuff and Style Feats for more flavor.

Wind Chime wrote:
I am playing a level 6 witch and am finding myself pretty darn useless, so far the opponents we have thought are constructs, oozes, and un-dead and against all 3 my character is next to useless, my hexes don't work (apart from misfortune) my spells don't work (apart from burning touch) so I have pretty much spent the whole of combat flying 10 ft above the battle looking for something useful to do (fly hex got to love it). So what are a witches options against enemies with tonnes of immunities?

I've found it useful to grab combat reflexes and a long spear, then just hover above them and wait for them to start moving. You may not be doing insane damage, but combine it with the spell recommendations others have been giving and you should be okay.

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Alright, so I don't think I can edit my original post, so here's the updated one with the correct Infamy Check and Vile levels:


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Hey guys, I made a tracker sheet for our group and I thought you guys might also find it useful.


If I've made any errors on it, please let me know. Next up will be an additional sheet that tracks per port infamy and favored port stuff.