Looking for traits that give a exotic weapon proficiency

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I m in search of traits that could give me access to a exoti weapon without using a feat.

Nope. There are races that have racial features granting exotic weapon proficiencies.

What are you trying to do?

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Trying to get a monk proficent with a knuckle axe lol

If it's not PFS, just ask your DM if you can swap Knuckle Axe for Kama. My players do it all the time, especially with the weirder monk weapons.

I allow players to swap two weapon proficiencies for one, same with skills, give up two skills on your list for a whole new skill of your choosing (fighters take perception or sense motive usually), but for an exotic? That would be a case by case matter.

If it's for PFS, there's a Lantern Lodge trait that allows you proficiency in any weapon that is listed as "monk", which the knuckle axe is.

If not, personally, I would talk to your GM about why weapons listed as "monk" wouldn't be weapons that a monk was trained with to begin with. They got the shaft on weapon profs in order to push them to unarmed, IMO.

COol TG that will help me out alot. Do you know what book it is listed in ?

Nvm I found it

Weapon Style: You gain proficiency with one weapon that has the monk special weapon quality (see page 145 of the Core Rulebook).

e: Nevermind, doesn't work, missed the non-exotic restriction in the italicized section.

It's in the PFS guide to organized play, under the Lantern Lodge Faction Traits.

copied below:

Weapon Style: You gain proficiency with one weapon that has the monk special weapon quality (see page 145 of the Core Rulebook).

Heirloom Weapon doesn't branch out to Exotic weapons I don't think.

You carry a non-masterwork simple or martial weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation in your family.

it states Simple or Martial weapon in the flavor text above what it can do.

I like to use that trait for my magus, just to not be another scimitar dervish character... lets him use an Urumi, d8 18-20x2.

or my rogue, +2 to bluff for feints is cool.

A cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone grants weapon familiarity with one weapon. As long as you are proficient with all martial weapons, you get proficiency with the keyed weapon. (costs 1500GP)

Alternatively, the normal version grants proficiency (10000GP).

I seen the Urumi and thought it was quite cool lol.

And, being listed as monk, with that trait for prof, monk can flurry with a d8 18-20x2 crit instead of the temple sword.

I also like the line about wearing it as a belt. I had to google it and youtube it. I wanted to see how it was used. I was working on a Tengu Monk Martial Artist and I chose that as one of the weapons of choice.

I was originally looking for a way to get martial artist monk the ability to use the knuckle axe. That was for a Half Orc or Humon Monk Martial artist concept lol.

Dark Archive

Nice call on the cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone!

One of the villains in the Rurouni Kenshin anime uses a slightly ridiculous urumi btw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XEhlBP7vhQ

I was immediately excited when I saw it show up in PF :P

Scarab Sages

TGMaxMaxer wrote:
I like to use that trait for my magus, just to not be another scimitar dervish character... lets him use an Urumi, d8 18-20x2.

It does not overcome the primary reason so many magi use scimitars. You won't get dex to damage with the urumi.

Perhaps its not about damage and more for the Visual eye candy of the guy whipping off this metallic belt and whooping someones butt with it lol

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