TGMaxMaxer |
If it's for PFS, there's a Lantern Lodge trait that allows you proficiency in any weapon that is listed as "monk", which the knuckle axe is.
If not, personally, I would talk to your GM about why weapons listed as "monk" wouldn't be weapons that a monk was trained with to begin with. They got the shaft on weapon profs in order to push them to unarmed, IMO.
DrkMagusX |
I also like the line about wearing it as a belt. I had to google it and youtube it. I wanted to see how it was used. I was working on a Tengu Monk Martial Artist and I chose that as one of the weapons of choice.
I was originally looking for a way to get martial artist monk the ability to use the knuckle axe. That was for a Half Orc or Humon Monk Martial artist concept lol.