Dual Wield Muskets?

Rules Questions

Had a bizarre thought when poking about in the SRD.

Could a gunslinger/alchemist with two extra arms, in fact, dual wield a pair of muskets?



Silver Crusade

Simply at a -4 to hit with muskets with TWF feat? Sounds like a good deal to me, and I find nothing that says this can't be done. Now, they must be 4 arms that can independently use weapons, like Vestigial Arms, not something like a tail or a hand that can only hold things.

I smell cheddar, do you? Careful.

Vestigial Arm:
Benefit: The alchemist gains a new arm (left or right) on his torso. The arm is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The arm does not give the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, though the arm can wield a weapon and make attacks as part of the alchemist’s attack routine (using two-weapon fighting). The arm can manipulate or hold items as well as the alchemist’s original arms (for example, allowing the alchemist to use one hand to wield a weapon, another hand to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). The arm has its own “hand” and “ring” magic item slots (though the alchemist can still only wear two rings and two hand magic items at a time).

Special: An alchemist may take this discovery up to two times.

What would be cheddar, is if he owned 2 large sized muskets. Set them down, Cast Enlarge on himself, then picked them back up, and then fired for twice for 2d8 =)

Grand Lodge

It's doable.

It won't really come together until later levels, but feel free.

I prefer the idea of dual wielding Sawtooth Sabres, each wielded with two handed.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
I prefer the idea of dual wielding Sawtooth Sabres, each wielded with two handed.

Elven curve blades can be used with Weapon Finesse and have better damage/critical range.

Grand Lodge

Ah, but Sawtooth Sabres are one-handed weapons, which can be wielded with two hands for extra damage, but count as light weapons for the purposes of two-weapon fighting penalties.

Put a few levels in Titan Mauler, and wield two Large Sawtooth Sabres, and still only take -2/-2 for two-weapon fighting with them.

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