Christina Stiles Contributor |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi, all:
I'm leading a book on lycanthropes bo be published by Misfit Studios. The kickstarter goes live on Feb 1st, but I wanted to get the word out before then, so you can think about joining this project. I'll be running it similar to the Open Design projects for Kobold Press I've recently run (Journeys to the West and Midgard Tales--both of which are closing out very soon). Here's a glimpse at the kickstarter: Bite Me! The Gaming Guide to Lycanthropes.
Note that Wolfgang Baur, Dave Gross, and Spike Y Jones are also involved in this project! Ben McFarland, Steven Trustrum, Jason Stoffa, Rick Hershey, Marc Radle, Peter Bradley, and POSSIBLY YOU will also be involved.
For those of you who dont' know me, I've been writing in the tabletop gaming industry for over a decade. My first publication was in DUNGEON #61, "Jigsaw"--co-authored with Dan DeFazio. Since then, I've worked for Kobold Press (many books!), Paizo (the upcoming Animal Archive and Champions of Purity), Atlas Games, White Wolf Studios, Misfit Studios, and Troll Lord Games--among many others. I wrote two adventures and other bits in Kobold Press' 2012 ENNIE-winning Streets of Zobeck.
Anyway, I've always been interested in Lycanthropes, and I'd like to create the go-to Pathfinder book for them. Note that the ultimate stretch goal for the project is a similar book on dhampir.
Please consider supporting or joinging the project, and please help spread the word! Many thanks!

Paul Ryan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

*looks for earplugs to muffle the screaming noises coming from his wallet*
Yes, I'm definitely interested. ;-)
There seems to be an 'f' missing in some of the pledge level descriptions - I think 'Spellweaver pdf or Pathfinder' is intended to be 'Spellweaver pdf for Pathfinder'.

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Why do people keep creating things that I feel compelled to throw money at? Damn. This feels like the spiritual successor to SKR's Curse of the Moon :)
Something I REALLY hope to see in this book is ways to deal with a PC contracting lycanthropy - both when they want to get rid of it and also if they want to stay as a lycan, and how to deal with both scenarios as a GM. I see "Playing Lycanthropes" and "Lycanthropes in Your Campaign" as potentially having those topics covered! Ways to help "balance" the power of lycanthropy on a PC would be awesome too.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

Alice, feel free to throw money our way!!! I wasn't aware of SKR's book, so I'll have to check that out. We certainly do want to cover ways of contracting and getting rid of lycanthropy. Balance is the issue we want to cover for playing the weres. We will be requesting thoughts on the topic from those who sign up at the level to get on the boards. We'll have some of our own ideas, of course, but this is a project where patrons at least get their viewpoint heard before the product goes to print.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

Jeff, what Dragon issue is that? Mearls did a Slaves of the Moon that did a class level breakdown. We'll be pulling some OGC from there, but I don't know that we'll got the level breakdown. It has some limitations. I'm thinking flaws/drawbacks to balance out some abilities. What are your thoughts on that?

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Jeff, what Dragon issue is that? Mearls did a Slaves of the Moon that did a class level breakdown. We'll be pulling some OGC from there, but I don't know that we'll got the level breakdown. It has some limitations. I'm thinking flaws/drawbacks to balance out some abilities. What are your thoughts on that?
Dragon #313: Animal Ancestry.
It's OK, but it doesn't work for PF because of different assumptions re CR, templates, etc. It does kinda slot the character into a pretty specific build (usually martial) for further class levels.I'm doing some 3pp work right now on a related subject, but the classic flaws for weres are of course, lack of self-control, the phases of the moon, and imperfect transformation (retaining animal or human features in either form). And of, course, having to "feed the animal." Tigers, for example, eat a lot of meat. I think this is a valid approach, much like the feeding rules for vampires in Blood of the Night. It's not as important for NPCs, as it mostly affects roleplaying outside of combat, which is why it is basically unaddressed in the Bestiaries, but it doesn't seem right for were-creatures to lack a significant downside.
Really, though, were-creatures are beings of horror and mystery. Even the tiger shamans of Indonesia and Malaya, while protectors of the village, were dangerous and fickle. They are either cursed or are curses; even the were-bear - taking for example Bödvar Bjarki from Hrolfr Kraki's saga, is still strange and an outsider in the world of humans.
What I would avoid is making them unalloyed heroes; they are damaged, predatory, feral.

Anguish |

Ok, purchasing SKR's book! Hmm, I wonder if I could get Sean to contribute something to this book? I'll have to ask.
EDIT: Message sent.
Absolutely agree that CotM is an essential go-to. Getting SKR's unique input would be really a good idea. What I liked most about the book was that it explained why he made the design choices he did. It was enlightening instead of just being more RPG crunch. That explanation sold me on his changes.
I'll probably be good for $50 if this book proves to be primarily crunchy. To be honest while I respect the heck out of Wolfgang and David, I don't really have any time for large quantities of fluff for settings I don't play in. << Feedback, not complaint... there are tonnes of products that Just Aren't For Me.
Basically, the first time one of my PCs got bit, I found myself praying he'd fail his save. Books that cover the "what they?" aspect of lycanthropy are cool. The key is balance so that it's not a case of "well, you're a lycanthrope, so you need to lose a couple levels of the PC class you'd had planned". Lycanthropes as feats, basically, is useful.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

Thanks for the input, Anguish. There will be plenty of crunch in this book! Some fluff, for sure, but it's not the book's concentration. I want this to be the definitive PF guide on the topic of playing the creatures, with numerous variants to choose from. Depending on what patrons want to see, we may offer some optional player approaches. Feedback from patrons will be key on making this the book that players AND GMs want.

Dawsjax |

I'm actually co-authoring this book with Christina. We are working on no less than three methods to play lycanthropes. Including methods for natural born were creatures. Something else I'm really excited about is breaking down the rules and providing the means to make any animal a were creature. Think of the possibilities of a stone giant weredire bear. Or a were-squid.

Matrix Dragon |

Just one request for just in case the kickstarter gets to the miniatures stretch goal: I'd love to see minis for lycanthropes who are using weapons and armor like the ones in Carrion Crown. I was trying to find one like that a while ago, and the things are almost non-existent even for common lycans such as werewolves.
Sure, it doesn't fit the standard werewolf theme, but we all know that there are going to be adventurers who use their hybrid form without taking their gear off ;)