Garrett Guillotte Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 |
Machine Age Productions has an open call right now for Pathfinder-experienced writers, especially women and gamers of color.

R Pickard RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker |

R Pickard RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker |

Machine Age Productions has an open call right now for Pathfinder-experienced writers, especially women and gamers of color.
One should note it is for their Farewell to Fear game setting, and familiarity with that is required. It looks like what they want to do is a Pathfinder "hack," which I assume is a conversion from their game system to PF? It's not very clear.

agirlnamedbob Dedicated Voter Season 6 |

I wasn't really sure what to make of the d20 girls, hence why I posted it. They make a good show of trying to look like they "get it," but they don't really seem to actually get it. I just wanted to hear some opinions before I came out and openly demonized them. :P
Side note - Sorry I've been MIA all over the forums. Some life stuff exploded in my face, so I wouldn't expect to see me around much for a little while. :(

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@agirlnamedbob - We'll forgive you for the disappearance ... this once. *ominous music*
As for the d20 Girls ... yeah, I'm not sure what to make of them. A) the whole modeling agency thing is ... odd to me. B) And the waste of potential is just a cryin' shame!
@Jessica Price - we're starting to get things organized, you want in right now? I'd be happy to send an invite. (At least I think we're getting organized....)
@Garret - While not for me, I really appreciate the posting of the add!

frank gori RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral |

Alright I was trying to be quiet but I suck at that...
The D20 girls, I guess it depends on what camp you are in when it comes to say, strippers. On one hand the women are evelated above men and have all the power when it comes to their customers and are economically exploiting men that apparently do not realize you can see naked people on the interwebs. On the other the women are using their looks rather than their minds and are being objectified rather than being respected as a person. Oh and boobies.
The only real difference? Nudity. Basically the D20 girls are getting paid to go to places with geeky men look pretty flirt and maybe know the difference between a wizard and a sorc. IF you say there's the difference they have knowledge I'll tell you a stripper can prolly gauge how much money is in your pocket and the easiest way to get it as soon as you walk in the door. Bottom line they are both getting paid to look pretty and be around men.
Either way you have exploitation, but which gender is being exploited is up for debate.

The 8th Dwarf |

GM both is the answer and the woman to the greater degree...
Booth Dudes the dude depending on the type of show and the demographic are far less likely to be harassed...
I understand having to look presentable to sell your product, but I don't understand booth babes or booth dudes.
I would rather have somebody who could engage me in conversation and get me exited about the product...than distract me.
When I am look for some terrain or a new RPG I would rather have one of the staff talk to me about it.

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Well, there goes my career of being a Booth Babe.
Okay, kidding aside, having owned a Friendly Neighborhood Game Store, we, admittedly, hired a couple of girls, because it would help sales.
NOOOOOWWW... we also hired them based on qualifications. One was a walking encyclopedia of comic books, and the other ... while not into comics when we opened the store, being a MtG player mostly, now runs a Graphic Novel Book Club on Facebook.
The guys we hired (it was 2:2 for those keeping track) were well dressed, well mannered, and also very knowledgeable about the products we were selling. While the guys were more keen to 'teach' games like Pokemon, MtG, etc, the girls were more into teaching the board games (and Pirates! We had a good following for that game at our store.)
So, does that even out the exploitation odds?

Joana |

I think how I would feel, if I were one of the female employees in question, would depend on whether I was hired as a "token girl" in order to draw more female customers and make women and families feel more comfortable visiting the store, or to attract more male customers. That is, am I a role model, or am I live bait? ;)
The mission statement makes all the difference (imo).