Does a successful AoO hit stop movement?

Rules Questions

This issue came up in our game a few weeks ago. I can't find anything to clarify it. The PC walked near an enemy, got hit, but we played as if the attack just hurt the PC and the PC was able to continue his/her action.

Dark Archive

That is also the way I play and rule it

Silver Crusade

prd wrote:

Stand Still (Combat)
You can stop foes that try to move past you.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: When a foe provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, you can make a combat maneuver check as your attack of opportunity. If successful, the enemy cannot move for the rest of his turn. An enemy can still take the rest of his action, but cannot move. This feat also applies to any creature that attempts to move from a square that is adjacent to you if such movement provokes an attack of opportunity.

This feat is what you want to actually stop the movement.

The movement provokes, which I think we all know, but the only effect is a free attack unless you have an ability that says otherwise.

Using your AoO to attack does not stop movement.

Using it to trip on the other hand.... *evil grin*

Dark Archive

In Pathfinder, an AoO doesn't stop the enemy's movment. There is a feat called Stand Still, that when you take an AoO provoked by movement you can perform a CMB check to try and stop their movement.

In D&D 4th edition, Fighters could stop you with an oppertunity attack if certian conditions were met.

Haha @ Lord Pendragon. Nice. Thanks guys. Appreciate the quick reply.

Does this also apply to ranged attacks? If, by whatever circumstances, you make a ranged attack and incur an AoO, will a successful attack prevent you from taking your shot?

Grand Lodge

Only if the effects of the hit prevent it, such as knocking you unconscious, stunning you or sundering your ranged weapon.

How does sundering my ranged weapon prevent me from moving?

Isil-zha wrote:
How does sundering my ranged weapon prevent me from moving?

It doesn't, he was replying to Arisett.

Thanks, I somehow missed that question.

That's how it was in 3.0. They changed it in 3.5, I think...

Something about 1/2 ogres and spiked chains, if I recall...

The one (minor) exception to the above is if the character who was running past had been using Acrobatics when he did so, to try and avoid the AoO and failed; in that case he would lose the move action, and provoke as well.

claymade, could you cite this? As far as I know the movement only stops if he fails to move through an opponents space using acrobatics not while moving past an opponent

Dark Archive

claymade wrote:
The one (minor) exception to the above is if the character who was running past had been using Acrobatics when he did so, to try and avoid the AoO and failed; in that case he would lose the move action, and provoke as well.

They only lose the move action if trying to move through the enemies square. They keep it if moving through threatened squares.


ZomB wrote:
claymade wrote:
The one (minor) exception to the above is if the character who was running past had been using Acrobatics when he did so, to try and avoid the AoO and failed; in that case he would lose the move action, and provoke as well.

They only lose the move action if trying to move through the enemies square. They keep it if moving through threatened squares.


D'oh! Completely missed the shift to the more specific case in the Acrobatics description. Don't mind me, just going blind here...

Thank you for the replies, folks. I appreciate it. Very helpful!

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