Wizard / Witch Bonded ITems

Rules Questions


My half elf wizard character gains witch level which he can choose bonded witch archtype. Can he got 2 bonded items or just 1 item with 2 bonded item powers? Thanks

Two bonded items. Nothing in their description says you can't have another bonded item in another class. Also, they don't work like intelligent items that can get jealous at other magic items.

He gets two bonded items that each work for their specific class.

There is no overlap in abilities. Treat your wizard and witch levels separately for each of them.

Given that you can use an existing object as a Bonded Item, you could use your Wizard's Bonded Item as your Witch's one.
But you don't have to, and the effects of Bonded Items would remain separate for both classes.

Thanks =))

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can't use your wizard's bonded item as you'r witche's item. They have to be completely separate. It's not the kind of multi-class path I'd recommend. Sure the two classes use the same casting stat, but beyond that there's no synergy between them. You're delaying spell progression and class features for no real return. And even roleplaying wise, they're almost complete opposites.

There's the utility of using any wiz spell scroll with only one UMD check instead of 2.

LazarX wrote:
You can't use your wizard's bonded item as you'r witche's item.

Why not? I couldn't find any rule that disallows it.

there's no synergy between them. You're delaying spell progression and class features for no real return. And even roleplaying wise, they're almost complete opposites.

True, dat.

Whether you're a dedicated powergamer or a consummate roleplayer (or both!), it's a bad idea either way. Which doesn't mean you can't do it, but be prepared for disappointments along the way.

Thanks for your opions but i really like my 1 lv wizard/3witch =))He ll progress as a witch( I really love the class and in my opinion you are right with furthering multiclass) so i only lost 1 lvl and gain 3 addition oth lvl spells and 2 1st lvl. I also can use hand of apprentice which in low levels make huge difference if you ask me. Story wise my very intelligent but tired of studing for little power because of his archmage fathers unattainable expectations ( by the way fascinated by magic ) had an offer one night from higher being that he cant refuse.Magic in this way comes so natural for him and additional powers like using hex or healing people makes him so happy XD

Someone said wrote:
You can't use your wizard's bonded item as you'r witche's item.
Someone said wrote:
Why not? I couldn't find any rule that disallows it.

Im agreeing with VRMH because after long search i couldnt find any rule that dissallows it either. Thanks again for all your help =))

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