PFS Boon in the Pathfinder MMO kickstarter

Pathfinder Society

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1/5 Contributor

I must admit I've never kicked a starter before, so I want to make sure I'm doing this right. I don't really play computer games, but I'm interested in the boon. I pledged at the $15 level though, because, hey, super-dungeon, and I just want to make sure that also covers getting the boon. 'Cause when the confirmation page came up it just said that my selected reward was Emerald Spire. Do I need to go in and edit something? Pledge again at the $5 level and specifically click the boon button on the Kickstarter page?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I pledged a little higher, but have the same sort of concern. The info is not clear if the rewards stack or if they are specific to a given level. I'd love to have that super dungeon, especially if we get a section by Mr. Reynolds!

Paizo Employee 3/5 5/5

Rewards stack, so each level includes the stuff from the one before it. Notice the pledge levels all say "or more" after the amount - e.g. Pledge $5 or more means everyone pledging at least $5 gets the PFS boon. The add-ons would be extra. $15 gets you the PDF plus the boon.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

So say I chose the boon for $5 as my reward level. If I threw in an extra $100, would I get the RPG Superpack with it?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Robert Beasley wrote:
So say I chose the boon for $5 as my reward level. If I threw in an extra $100, would I get the RPG Superpack with it?


Lantern Lodge 3/5

Thank you. I've had quite a number of people wondering about this and, while I was certain of the answer, I wasn't entirely sure and I wanted to put it out there for those who may not know. Thank you, Alexander, for your assistance.

1/5 Contributor

Elvis Aron Manypockets wrote:
Rewards stack, so each level includes the stuff from the one before it. Notice the pledge levels all say "or more" after the amount - e.g. Pledge $5 or more means everyone pledging at least $5 gets the PFS boon. The add-ons would be extra. $15 gets you the PDF plus the boon.

Excellent. Thanks!

I don't get the chance to GM very much, PFS is pretty weak in my state, but I can make one promise.

Any player who brings one of these pay to play boons to a table I'm running is going to be disappointed. I look forward to a reprimand from my VC. It'll be worth it.

1/5 Contributor

Chalk Microbe wrote:

I don't get the chance to GM very much, PFS is pretty weak in my state, but I can make one promise.

Any player who brings one of these pay to play boons to a table I'm running is going to be disappointed. I look forward to a reprimand from my VC. It'll be worth it.

Sigh. This hardly bears repeating, but your position doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Given that players must own the Core Rulebook and the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, isn't it all "pay to play?"

I have a couple of characters who have boons gained because I purchased and read novels in the Pathfinder Tales line. Would you turn me away if I attempted to use one of those?

All of my characters (I only have a few) use rules found outside the CRB and so I was required to purchase various books and supplements. Is that "pay to play?"

In each case, from the MMO boon down to using a trait from Humans of Golarion, I paid money to enjoy some benefit at the table. As stated above, since I'm required to own the CRB, I essentially paid money to sit down at the table in the first place.

All of these things have ethical equivalency. And none of them are unethical.

The Exchange 5/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Just leave it alone, guys. He's not going to be swayed from his position. He's expressing his disappointment. He'll never be your GM so it's not your problem to confront. It's a hypothetical situation until that happens.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

How do I claim my boon ?

1/5 Contributor

SlimGauge wrote:
How do I claim my boon ?

I think it said on the Kickstarter page that they'll be available in March. I'm sure more information will be forthcoming before that.

Paizo Employee Developer

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We just funded yesterday, so I'm not sure about the logistics or timeline, but I know there's a window of time between now and when Kickstarter/Amazon actually turns the money over to Goblinworks and they can confirm which pledges, if any, were never paid. There'll also be some time during which we at Paizo work to link all 8,732 backers' emails to their accounts. So it'll take some time, but we'll make sure to communicate to everyone when and how you can claim this backer reward.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

20 people marked this as a favorite.
Chalk Microbe wrote:

I don't get the chance to GM very much, PFS is pretty weak in my state, but I can make one promise.

Any player who brings one of these pay to play boons to a table I'm running is going to be disappointed. I look forward to a reprimand from my VC. It'll be worth it.

Then I will go ahead and ask you to please not GM PFS at all.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Removed a comment that is nothing but being snarky and trying to fan the flames. Please refrain from these type of posts. It is not welcome or warranted here.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Fortunately, my Kickstarter e-mail and Paizo e-mail are the same. Now I'll just have to find one of the 8,731 other backers to play the same PFS session that I'm in so we can pick.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I would have pledged more if I knew the rewards stacked. If there's any last-minute chances, I'd love to know.

Sovereign Court 4/5

SlimGauge wrote:
Fortunately, my Kickstarter e-mail and Paizo e-mail are the same. Now I'll just have to find one of the 8,731 other backers to play the same PFS session that I'm in so we can pick.

I played at a PFS night yesterday with four tables playing. Over 50% of the people there were also waiting for their Kickstarter rewards, Chronicle sheet included. I think your ability to find someone with the sheet will be pretty high unless you wait and everyone had used it already.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Is anyone else planning on saving their boon for the Friday Night Special session at Gen Con this year? Talk about taking epic to the next level.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Sadly I won't be able to attend. Am just hoping we get them before our Denver gaming convention next month. Unlikely. Ah well.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Chalk Microbe wrote:

I don't get the chance to GM very much, PFS is pretty weak in my state, but I can make one promise.

Any player who brings one of these pay to play boons to a table I'm running is going to be disappointed. I look forward to a reprimand from my VC. It'll be worth it.

Care to share your location/state so us VC's know what to look out for?


OK, I don't have much interest in the Kickstarter, but what exactly is this boon anyway?

from the kickstarter.

Pass the time until Pathfinder Online's release in the massively multiplayer OFFLINE Pathfinder Society Organized Play worldwide tabletop RPG campaign! You'll receive a special in-campaign chronicle sheet PDF detailing an unusual one-use magic item called the emerald elixir, stolen from a bizarre pool in the Emerald Spire Superdungeon. When used at an official Pathfinder Society game table, drinking the elixir grants your hero the advanced simple template for the duration of the scenario. Alternately, the elixir can be spiked with experimental agents to trigger a beneficial permanent mutation randomly determined on a huge chart included on the certificate. If more than one player activates an emerald elixir at the same table, all drinkers can choose their preferred mutation from the list rather than roll randomly.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Anybody in the Greater Sacramento area want to drink their elixir with me in a game together?


Thanks for the info. That's pretty darned powerful.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Well, we do have yet to see their potential effects. I don't imagine it will be anything worth getting up in arms about, and certainly not worth making player's gaming at you table hell over. My guess is the permanent effects will be in general line with the power of traits, but I could certainly be wrong.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chalk Microbe wrote:

I don't get the chance to GM very much, PFS is pretty weak in my state, but I can make one promise.

Any player who brings one of these pay to play boons to a table I'm running is going to be disappointed. I look forward to a reprimand from my VC. It'll be worth it.

And you're not making any attempt to help PFS in your state with this mentality.

SilverBulletKY wrote:
Chalk Microbe wrote:

I don't get the chance to GM very much, PFS is pretty weak in my state, but I can make one promise.

Any player who brings one of these pay to play boons to a table I'm running is going to be disappointed. I look forward to a reprimand from my VC. It'll be worth it.

And you're not making any attempt to help PFS in your state with this mentality.

You don't know me. *snap* *snap* *snap*


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*sigh* I know I'm talking to a wall about this, but...

chalk.... there is really no need for the ghetto drama queen antics.
we know you aren't happy about the boon and don't like it, however, nothing... let me repeat .. nothing you say or do is going to change the fact that the boon is out there, and all you're succeeding in doing is turning yourself into a giant forum troll.

Peice of advice, give it a rest. Please.

I am! I'm responding with humor and civility.

PS white people should avoid the word ghetto whenever possible

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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She's purple, dude. It's kinda obvious.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

3 people marked this as a favorite.

She's also a giant scary eyeball.

I don't think the normal social rules apply here.

* Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Chalk Microbe wrote:
I am! I'm responding with humor and civility

Hi there Chalk,

Please hear me out. What makes a shared campaign like this actually work is the common set of rules and practices. We have a lot of players and a lot of GMs, and they're all interacting with each other. Its not uncommon to be working with different GMs and different players all the time.

To make that work, so that no one is disadvantaged or gains too much of a benefit, and so that the play experience is consistently a good one... we abide by a common set of rules, as well as what is allowed in the campaign.

This is different from a home campaign, where the GM sets those baseline assumptions and the players have a choice whether to accept them or not. There's nothing wrong with doing that. The issue here is that this is not a home campaign. Here, Mike Brock and Mark Moreland determine the baseline rules and the core assumptions. The GMs and the players in this campaign have all accepted that baseline, because it allows them to take their characters (or run games) with anybody and anywhere. A common frame of reference if you will.

Now that might have been obvious, but I wasn't intending to be condescending. I just wanted to say that explicitly to support what I am about to say:

What you're advocating is just not following the rules. What you say your plan is—is to basically do things YOUR way, instead of the way that the rest of us have consented to do them (so that we can have a universal frame of reference).

If you do that, and then call it a PFS game, you would be misrepresenting yourself and this campaign. You're misrepresenting all of us.

No one can tell you how to run a Pathfinder RPG game, but you're being asked that *if* you present yourself as a PFS GM, that you abide by the PFS rules (including this boon that you don't like). That you play and GM by the same rules and assumptions that the rest of us have agreed to.


That being said, I'd like you to stop and consider what you hope to accomplish with your posts.

You've strongly expressed your unhappiness with the PFO tie-in. Isn't that enough? For all you know, they might really reconsider ever doing this again (I don't know if they will or they won't). There's no way of knowing. But they know that it made some folks like you unhappy, and that's useful feedback.

Chalk, that's most you can hope for, really.

They're not going to retract it on your say so. Never gonna happen. All they can do is reconsider ever doing it in the future. And you also might have to reconcile yourself to the fact that a lot of people might actually like it, and that it might happen again at some point in the future.

You've said your peace. You have been heard. Now you have a choice—where do you go from here? With the rest of us? Or do you go your own way?

Its not too late to just register your opinion and just let it be.

Thanks for listening. This will be my only comment.

Thanks Jim. I appreciate taking the time to write all that. I appreciate your ability to have a logical discussion.

I have had my say and I hope paizo listens to those of us willing to go against popular opinion and speak out.

The only reason I'm so passionate about this is because it effects something I truly care about. I love supporting Paizo. They are an amazing company that up until this lame money grab, had never let me down.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Chalk Microbe wrote:
The only reason I'm so passionate about this is because it effects something I truly care about. I love supporting Paizo. They are an amazing company that up until this lame money grab, had never let me down.

If I may ask, how is this Paizo's "money grab"? Goblinworks is raising the funding for their project, and Paizo is supporting it. How would it be different from convention-specific boons such as allowing goblins as a PFS race for that player?

Am truly curious.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Chalk Microbe wrote:

Thanks Jim. I appreciate taking the time to write all that. I appreciate your ability to have a logical discussion.

I have had my say and I hope paizo listens to those of us willing to go against popular opinion and speak out.

The only reason I'm so passionate about this is because it effects something I truly care about. I love supporting Paizo. They are an amazing company that up until this lame money grab, had never let me down.

In what way is this different from rewarding people with a chronicle sheet for buying a book?

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Sior wrote:
Chalk Microbe wrote:
The only reason I'm so passionate about this is because it effects something I truly care about. I love supporting Paizo. They are an amazing company that up until this lame money grab, had never let me down.

If I may ask, how is this Paizo's "money grab"? Goblinworks is raising the funding for their project, and Paizo is supporting it. How would it be different from convention-specific boons such as allowing goblins as a PFS race for that player?

Am truly curious.

Eh, I have to agree that Goblinworks and Paizo seem pretty interchangeable in all this. Afterall, is hosting the Goblinworks messageboards, and Lisa Stevens is the public head of both companies. And it seems like an awful lot of the work that is going to be done to support the Kickstarter is going to be done by Paizo staff.

As for the "money grab" label this particular project earned, that's been pretty well hashed to death on a lot of different threads, boards and websites. No reason to get into it, again.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Drogon wrote:

Eh, I have to agree that Goblinworks and Paizo seem pretty interchangeable in all this. Afterall, is hosting the Goblinworks messageboards, and Lisa Stevens is the public head of both companies. And it seems like an awful lot of the work that is going to be done to support the Kickstarter is going to be done by Paizo staff.

As for the "money grab" label this particular project earned, that's been pretty well hashed to death on a lot of different threads, boards and websites. No reason to get into it, again.

Apologies, not stumbled across those threads. Will seek an answer there.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

No need to apologize, sir. It's not like they're actually worth stumbling across (there are a lot of hard line stances out there, on both sides of the matter). At this point, it's a debate that is sort of moot, is all.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Aye, what's done is done.
Looking forward to PFS at EG this weekend!


Chalk Microbe wrote:

The only reason I'm so passionate about this is because it effects something I truly care about. I love supporting Paizo. They are an amazing company that up until this lame money grab, had never let me down.

It takes a lot of money to start something new, and also carries a lot of risk. Therefore companies are adverse to taking risks like this, and lenders are adverse as well.

I am fairly sure Goblinworks is a different company than paizo so that if goblinworks fails it doesn't drag paizo down with it, but if it works paizo gets a good cut.

You can call it a money grab if it bothers you, but it's really more of a sound business model. It shows their not like TSR.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Let me just state that I didn't support the Kickstarter for the boon. I supported it to get Thornkeep, so the boon is gravy. But if I'm entitled to gravy, there's no way I'm going to miss out on my gravy !
Mmmmmm, tasty tasty gravy.

Sovereign Court 4/5

SlimGauge wrote:

Let me just state that I didn't support the Kickstarter for the boon. I supported it to get Thornkeep, so the boon is gravy. But if I'm entitled to gravy, there's no way I'm going to miss out on my gravy !

Mmmmmm, gravy.

And now I'm hungry. Thanks a lot, hahaha.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
SlimGauge wrote:

Let me just state that I didn't support the Kickstarter for the boon. I supported it to get Thornkeep, so the boon is gravy. But if I'm entitled to gravy, there's no way I'm going to miss out on my gravy !

Mmmmmm, tasty tasty gravy.

Do you mean The Emerald Spire Superdungeon? The Kickstarter that had Thornkeep did not include a PFS Boon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I get my Kickstarters confused, I did both. Thornkeep was the Technology Demo and Emerald Spire was this one. I'm a PDF junkie.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I supported it because for starters I like their MMO approach, I'm old school and tired of kiddy land theme park MMO's. I also love the Pathfinder world so a win/win for me. Second, the emerald spire printed dungeon and mini's i just couldn't resist for table top games. It is possible to love and play both forms of pathfinder, and i fully intend to!


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Chalk Microbe wrote:
The only reason I'm so passionate about this is because it effects something I truly care about. I love supporting Paizo. They are an amazing company that up until this lame money grab, had never let me down.

I think the rest of us care about PFS as well...otherwise we wouldn't be here. As disappointed as you are in what you've labelled a "money grab", I am equally disappointed at the idea of GMs choosing which of the Organized Play Guidelines that they will and will not follow when running games. Perhaps even more so.

Liberty's Edge

I didn't see this answered fully, so:

There are two types of contributions to the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter.

The first is simple: a flat pledge level which gets you everything at that level and everything at lower levels.

The second, called adding on, is a little more complicated: you still pledge at a certain level, but as you go through the process, you can "add on" more money for other things. (The available add-ons are listed on the Pathfinder Online main page.)

So, for instance:

I contributed at the $100 Crowdforger Pioneer level, which gets me all of the stuff at that level and below.

But I also kicked in another $100 as I walked through the pledge process, because I want the $100 add-on that turns all the PDF rewards into actual print rewards.

Again, I selected the $100 pledge level, but actually contributed $200.

Sometime soon, since the project successfully funded, they will send out a survey, and that survey will be (paraphrased), "Hey, you contributed $100 more than you had to for your pledge level. Here's a list of all the extra stuff you can get for that $100; whaddaya want?" And I'll pick the one that turns all the PDFs into print products.

The add-ons run the gamut from tangibles (like the one I want, or extra months of play) to intangibles (like being able to have your character's name enshrined somewhere in the coded game-world).

Hope this helped somebody; Kickstarter is freakin' awesome (check out the Dice Rings Kickstarter!), but can also be freakin' confusing.

BTW: I'm totally saving my boon for the Friday Night Special at GenCon 2013.

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