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Im going to be running in a campaign set in Varisia and I will most likely be the cleric of the group. My overall desire is a cleric of Desna utilizing the Travel and Liberation domains. He will essentially be a caster cleric, not combat.
I would like something for the cleric to do during rounds he does not need to cast. My preference is ranged combat however, I can not find an efficient way to gain Precise Shot. Does anyone know a method for a cleric to gain Precise Shot without taking Point Blank Shot or any other suggestions would be appreciated as well. I really do not want to wait until lvl 5 to get into taking more caster/cleric-centric feats.
Current creation and stats...
Elf - Choosing Elf for free longbow proficiency.
Diety - Desna (Could choose a different god but I really want the travel domain.)
Domains - Travel and Liberation
Fairly generous stat options but not wildly OP.
Thank you in advance.

mplindustries |

If you're human, you can take PBS and Precise Shot at 1st. Your Strength is not high enough to make Bows that much better than other ranged weapons.
And it's not like Precise Shot won't help you at all--it will assist with rays.
Personally, though, if I were you, I would do one of three things:
1) Try to target unengaged enemies or just suck up the -4 because early ACs are pretty low
2) Use the Two-World Magic trait to get a touch-attack cantrip (Ray of Frost or Acid Splash), making sure to use the alchemical focus so it deals at least reasonable damage.
3) Focus on Aid Another instead of bothering with a ranged weapon.

Donagar |

I have the same thing, but as a dwarven cleric, taking heavy armor prof and same domains.
My plan is absorb atttacks!
Your plan might work better if you use the bow at range and then in melee offer support.
I elected to take the feat selective channel, for times I could not cast, or could not attack.
So enemy at range, longbow
Enemy close by cast deathwatch and then channel when you need to.

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Thanks for the replies.
Donagar, I can see a dwarf doing exactly as you say. Personally my plan as of now is to never get hit. I want to ranged casting a spell(primary choice) or ranged assisting the party in some way other than cheer leading. Thus the question about some way to bypass the -4 penalty firing into melee without having to take the Point Blank shot feat tax.
mplin I may have to do what you suggest and just suck it up not having precise shot and figure out a different path. However, as you also mentioned the feat will also help with rays and such. So im still looking.
Gourry, great suggestion that I hadnt thought out but id like to avoid the whole LG paladin goodness thing and would prefer to keep full caster progression in cleric.
You could be a cleric of Erastil for the longbow proficiency, allowing you to be a human for the extra feat. And you could use the Separatist archetype to still get the Travel domain.
Rainy I thought that was the suggestion of the century right there. However, I checked out Separatist archetype and it has to give up proficiency in the deities favored weapon.
Another option close to what you suggest is a Human Cleric of the Empyreal Lord Sinashakti. Sinashakti's favored weapon is the short bow and the emp lord utilizes the Travel domain making him an acceptable alternative to Desna. My only concern there is a back story and roleplay concept.

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You know, it is perfectly acceptable to play a cleric without the Travel domain. It's not like the class depends on it in order to be viable.
Thats a very true statement, though I personally have never played one with the Travel domain. When I play clerics I tend to lean toward battle clerics. Never played a spell slinger cleric and I just want to try it out with the Travel domain.

Tom S 820 |

Can not find an efficient way to gain Precise Shot. Does anyone know a method for a cleric to gain Precise Shot without taking Point Blank...
Do not try. You have other thing to do.
Play smart Precise Shot feat only work on taget that in melee where thier is no square to target that in not in melee. So nat mean for most monster that are larger or bigger it not needed. If it meduiam or smaller and in melee pick new target. so you do not suck the -4.
Delay till your friend 5ft step away to open a hole.
Take Craft Wonderous item feat you will get more to BaB and damage bonus as cleric that any other feat.
Craft pearls of power 1 and Cast Divine Favor every comabt or host of many more spells to help you hit and do damage.
Beside you as Cleric Damage is not your job. Any damage you do is gravy or bonus. Healing and fixing condition is your job.
My gaming group of 10 folk never take Precise Shot feat unless it a pre req to get in some prestige class since 3.0.
We feel is feat for beginer that talk or think.
One more basic idea on the rounds you can not shot move with domain powers set falnk and aid other the guy is melee with guy you can not shot. The +4 to hit for melee guy is probley more need than your 1d8+1 damage.

FrinkiacVII |

I'd take the Fire domain and make a wand of Fireball asap. Even after reflex saves, a 5d6 fireball probably still averages more damage than a single arrow, given that the fireball potentially hits more than 1 monster per casting).
I don't think there's any great reason to take the bow feats. You're still only shooting ONE arrow at a guy, so I'd sooner take the negative energy channeling and use THAT as a ranged attack. Also, a bow and arrow guy needs Dex and Str (for composite bows, which are better than the non-composite kind). That's a lot of ability score points.
If you don't intend to be close enough to use touch-ranged healing spells, you may want to take Reach Spell as a metamagic Feat (turns a touch spell into a short range spell, I forget where I saw it, useful for Bestow Curse as well).

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There is Abadar for the Light Crossbow, and Sinashakti for the Shortbow.
If you choose, both can benefit from the Guided Hand feat or the Guided enchantment.