Transparency of Addons and Kickstarter Benefits.

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

I'm not sure if I'm the only one that feels like this, but I'm slightly reluctant to purchase any of the addons. Some of them I really want to, but the only reason I don't is because it doesn't say what they actually do.

All it says is "Mechanical Benefit".

Things like the Regional Trait Pack and Twice Marked of Pharasma. This carries over into other things as well that affect my actual backing.

Any detail is good detail especially on things where you're asking for more money to unlock it. I know you're trying to push hard to make the goal but it's going to be difficult to do just with Addons.

Summary: Please post more detail as to what Regional Traits, Twice Marked of Pharasma, and other similar extras will actually do for you. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I imagine it boils down to something that very well will change over time, so they can't give you set details -- Since they're going to change anyway.

Goblin Squad Member

Even so, they clearly have a vision for what they will do. I don't mind not having exact stats or mechanics for it.. but it would be nice to know what they're roughly looking to have it do.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

In the table top version a Trait is about as half as good as a Feat. This might give you some idea or it might mean bunk since this isn't anything close to a direct port of the rpg.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I doubt that any mechanical benefit will be exclusive to the KS (probably available via MTX after open enrollment), but they won't be so powerful as to make playing without them futile.

Goblin Squad Member

Even so.. anything that's asking for additional money in return for a reward of some kind should provide some sort of transparency as to what it is you're paying for. Especially for people that are on a fixed income and have very little in the way of disposable income.

Goblin Squad Member

The regional trait pack is tempting for RP reasons as it fleshes out a nice backstory.
-Will it include cosmetic options such as different clothing, skin/hair tones, or languages (if implemented)?
-Will the title promised overrule the honorary title addon?
-Will the 'achievement' be some sort of merit badge? Will it be somehow visible to others?

The twice marked trait seems to be a lottery ticket: "you will be eligible for something cool we didn't design yet". Secret skills, settlement options, Pharasma sacred equipment or quests? Even if I plan to play a fairly mundane rogue/ranger type, this is too tempting for me to pass.

*Are we right to assume addons are for one char only and not for destiny's twin?

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I would also like a wee bit of clarification.

Goblin Squad Member

I would like to know which add-ons are specific to KS backers and those that would be available for purchase once the game has become available for purchases to take place.

I definitely like to see which add-ons are the perks for backing the KS, and won't be available to anyone else who comes afterwards. I seeing some nice add-ons I like to take up, but are no good to me without a client for me to use them.

Goblin Squad Member

It is a possibility the twice marked thing has to do with the item threading mentioned in one of the blogs. Maybe it'll give you extra 'threads' to tie your gear to you.

I agree, though, I'd like to see more info on what I would be forking money over for.

Goblin Squad Member

Yep, the Twice Marked is rather vague. If knew more about it I may consider it as a possible add-on.

randomwalker wrote:

The regional trait pack is tempting for RP reasons as it fleshes out a nice backstory.

-Will it include cosmetic options such as different clothing, skin/hair tones, or languages (if implemented)?
-Will the title promised overrule the honorary title addon?
-Will the 'achievement' be some sort of merit badge? Will it be somehow visible to others?

The twice marked trait seems to be a lottery ticket: "you will be eligible for something cool we didn't design yet". Secret skills, settlement options, Pharasma sacred equipment or quests? Even if I plan to play a fairly mundane rogue/ranger type, this is too tempting for me to pass.

*Are we right to assume addons are for one char only and not for destiny's twin?

If they are for one character only (and I'm thinking they are), then offering an add-on to grant all the add-ons you buy for one character to Destiny's Twin, at a slightly lower cost than buying all the add-ons separately, might be a good idea. Something similar to the slight discount we get for pledging Crowdforger Buddy or Guild, which is slightly less than the same number of individual Crowdforger Pioneers.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

I have a couple questions regarding the add-ons.
I assume we can have more than just one or two characters.
If so, and we buy a title, do we only get that title for one character? Or do all characters get the title?

As a KS backer of the Tech Demo, is there a place were I can view the video? As a KS backer of the Tech Demo, we're supposed to get titles on the forums but is that on the Paizo forums or is that on a GW Website and forum? Since my Paizo email is different than my KS email, do I have to do something to get the Goblin Squad emblem?
Thanks for any insight.

Goblin Squad Member

I haven't seen an official answer about the add-ons, but I would assume that, yes, they are for one character.

As for the Tech Demo video, it's in the updates on the Tech Demo Kickstarter. You have the title, it just only works in the Pathfinder Online forums here on the Paizo boards (and will carry over when GW sets up their own forums). *points at the little green goblin and the "Goblin Squad Member" over your name.

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