Advice on 'Stop hitting me with that frying pan!'


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So a discussion on one of the PFS forums inspired me to make a somewhat goofy build for a character that is forced to fight sometimes even though he doesn't want to.

I have yet to decide on the actual background of why this character is the way he is. It will either be A) an ex soldier who excelled at his job but really just wanted to be a cook (eg. steven seigal in 'under siege') or B) a guy who was in pathfinder training, who had the capacity to succeed but failed just due to his own cowardice, and therefore has to make a living being a cook-for-hire for pathfinders.

Either way the character would be a fighter, who keeps a cooking skill maxed.

I'm not looking for complete optimization, I would just like people to take a look at the build i have come up with, and maybe give some advice on feats that might fit the theme of the character. as you can see i couldn't even think of anything for the 10th level combat feat.

Going with the idea of the coward, I went with the cad archetype.
Human, choosing two +2 stat bumps instead of the extra feat
str18 dex16 con14 int13 wis11 cha7

Traits:rough and ready and armor expert

Level Feat (* = fighter bonus)
1 *two weapon fighting
1 combat expertise
2 *improved dirty trick
3 two weapon defense
3 BONUS cad archetype : catch off guard
4 *double slice
5 toughness
6 *improved two weapon fighting
7 greater dirty trick
8 *improvised weapon mastery
9 iron will
10 *???
11 two weapon rend

So the idea is that the rough and ready trait will let me hit people with a large heavy skillet (equivalent 1d8) and a ladle or something (equivalent 1d4) in my off hand. I will blind/whatever with dirty trick when i can, and beat people with my cooking utensils when i have to. I will have eventually a mithral cauldron as a two handed weapon if necessary.

Having the rather decent skill set of the cad, plus 4 skill points per level (favored class bonus always used for skill points) means he would actually be useful out of combat, and using mithral breastplate and armor expert means i can still use a decent medium armor.

As always thanks for any advice/help you can give. This seems like it will be a very fun character to play.

I like the concept! Though Idon't know if I'd actually play it, but that's just me.

Why not go for a large frying pan of the paella-variety and wield it two handed?

EDIT: Sorry, overlooked the two-handed mithral cauldron! Maybe try to go for an animated object like in D0 Hollows Last Hope for some extra fun.


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I have a character who's favorite weapon is her barstool. Playing around with caught off guard and other stuff is good. I've also considered a "bar wench" build using cad and playing around a lot with dirty trick and the light so this is all in the realm of stuff I've played or toyed with.

One issue to consider is there's no way, to my knowledge, to give improvised weapons magical enhancement bonuses, save perhaps with the Arcane Strike feat (which requires dipping into a caster class and won't scale unless you were only a caster which precludes the point of the build). The reason why it's a concern is that monsters of certain CRs tend to be built assuming a party that is an appropriate challenge will have magic weapons, and you might otherwise fall behind in both ability to hit and deal damage as well as to bypass certain kinds of DR. While you can fall back to an extent on stuff like dirty trick, it is not necessarily going to serve you best. Now, this of course can be something worked out with your GM, but make sure you do and that you are clear on how you can and cannot enhance your improvised weapons as needed. It may not be a dealbreaker but this is something that may hinge upon your effectiveness at higher levels.

If you want to deal more damage, I might consider just going with your cauldron--or 2 handed frying pan?--and doing a two hander build rather than TWF, but either way has its fun to it. A cad will more likely be Dexterous than Strong which lends itself more to TWF in fairness.

Definitely sounds like a fun concept and I'd love to see it in action.

Sovereign Court

DeathQuaker wrote:

I have a character who's favorite weapon is her barstool. Playing around with caught off guard and other stuff is good. I've also considered a "bar wench" build using cad and playing around a lot with dirty trick and the light so this is all in the realm of stuff I've played or toyed with.

One issue to consider is there's no way, to my knowledge, to give improvised weapons magical enhancement bonuses, save perhaps with the Arcane Strike feat (which requires dipping into a caster class and won't scale unless you were only a caster which precludes the point of the build). The reason why it's a concern is that monsters of certain CRs tend to be built assuming a party that is an appropriate challenge will have magic weapons, and you might otherwise fall behind in both ability to hit and deal damage as well as to bypass certain kinds of DR. While you can fall back to an extent on stuff like dirty trick, it is not necessarily going to serve you best. Now, this of course can be something worked out with your GM, but make sure you do and that you are clear on how you can and cannot enhance your improvised weapons as needed. It may not be a dealbreaker but this is something that may hinge upon your effectiveness at higher levels.

If you want to deal more damage, I might consider just going with your cauldron--or 2 handed frying pan?--and doing a two hander build rather than TWF, but either way has its fun to it. A cad will more likely be Dexterous than Strong which lends itself more to TWF in fairness.

Definitely sounds like a fun concept and I'd love to see it in action.

Tika Waylan (Majere), anyone?

Hm, but there do exist masterwork tools of trade. Masterwork being a prerequisite for enchanting them, and since we are talking about improvised weapons here, I do not see anything preventing further enchantments.

You might get some looks if you demand your frying pan to become a +4 brilliant energy keen frying pan, though.


Monk of the Empty Hand?

I can think of fun uses for a +1 Mithril Impervious Flaming Skillet (the ultimate in non-stick coating!)

darkwarriorkarg wrote:

Monk of the Empty Hand?

I can think of fun uses for a +1 Mithril Impervious Flaming Skillet (the ultimate in non-stick coating!)

I had almost forgotten that they added mithril cooking utensils. Funny.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Nebelwerfer41 wrote:

Tika Waylan (Majere), anyone?

Who what now?

RuyanVe wrote:

Hm, but there do exist masterwork tools of trade. Masterwork being a prerequisite for enchanting them, and since we are talking about improvised weapons here, I do not see anything preventing further enchantments.

You might get some looks if you demand your frying pan to become a +4 brilliant energy keen frying pan, though.

The prerequisite for enchanting a weapon is that it is a masterwork weapon, not that it is any masterwork object. (Makeshift use as an improvised weapon aside, a tool or piece of gear that is masterwork would be enchantable... as a wondrous item. Which don't do weapon things.)

The rules differentiate what object is a weapon and what object is gear or a tool. If all objects could be classified as weapons, we would not have rules for improvised weapons at all.

I am NOT saying you shouldn't be able to enchant improvised weapons.

I AM saying this is the kind of call the OP is going to have to run by his GM, because just because you and I might think it could be okay to enchant masterwork tools as weapons, does not mean his GM does, and his GM's opinion is the only one that matters here.

Exotic Weapon 2 Handed Weapon
Wok | 1d10 | x2 | 4lbs | Special

Special: Makes delicious Stir Fry

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
RuyanVe wrote:

Hm, but there do exist masterwork tools of trade. Masterwork being a prerequisite for enchanting them, and since we are talking about improvised weapons here, I do not see anything preventing further enchantments.

You might get some looks if you demand your frying pan to become a +4 brilliant energy keen frying pan, though.


The obvious choice here would be a flaming frying pan, with the flames emanating from the bottom. The primary use would be cooking--anywhere, any time, no campfire needed--and the extra combat damage would be a side benefit. A nice GM might even let you make the flames adjustable. Max heat for combat (and of course searing/blackening food) with moderate and low heat available as needed for more delicate cooking.

Scarab Sages

Frying Pans!! WHO KNEW???

Silver Crusade

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A friend of mine once played a wizard, who was the groups cook, who early on were ambushed by goblins during dinner prep. Said wizard, not having any spells prepared yet, did the only thing he could. He attacked them with his frying pan. After 2 critical hits in a row he vowed to enchant it, if he lived - it was a lot of goblins.

Over the course of the campaign it became a +3 flaming, goblinbane frying pan; it also granted skill focus(profession:chef). Our bacon was always delicious XD

Sovereign Court

DeathQuaker wrote:

Who what now?

A barmaid from the DragonLance novels. Famous for bludgeoning a hobgoblin on the head with a frying pan.

I've got a catfolk alchemist cook all made up if it helps with any ideas.


Jz'ara Catfolk Beastform/Vivisectionist Alchemist 20
Traits: Accelerated Drinker, Survivor

Norm Mag Mut
S:24 (30) (38) +6(inherent)+6(enhance)
D:14 (16) (24) +1(inherent)+2(enhance)
C:22 (28) (36) +3(inherent)+6(enhance)
W:12 (14) (12) +2(enhance)
I:20 (24) (22) +2(inherent)+4(enhance)
C:15 (17) (15) +2(enhance)

F:16 (28) (32) 12+4+1(luck)+5(res)+1(Ioun)
R:13 (23) (27) 12+1+1(luck)+5(res)+1(Ioun)
W:7 (15) (14) 6+1+1(luck)+5(res)+1(Ioun)

HP: 311 +80(mutagen)
BAB: 15 31 (35) +1(Ioun)+5(enhance) Sneak Attack: 10d6 BaseDmg2H:26 PA(-4):38
AC:32 (44) 10+3(dex)+9(armor)+6(sheild)+4(def) +12(mut 4dex,8nat)
Move: 40 (90 fly mutagen) +10 (boots)
Ini:13 (17) 3+4(familiar)+4(Feat)+1(trait)+1(item)
CMB:25 (29) 15+10
CMD:42 (50) 10+15+10+3+4(def)

2 full ranks from headband (UMD,Sense Motive)

0Craft(Alchemy): 20+7+3+20(class)
0Disable Device: 15+3+3 +4(mutagen)
0Fly: 10+3+3 +4(mutagen)
0Know(arc): 10+7+3
Know(geo): 7+7
Know(hist): 3+7
Know(loc): 7+7
0Know(nat)=heal: 10+7+3
Know(plane):20 7+7+6(SF)
Linguistics: 8+7+3
0Perception: 20+2+3+2(racial) +4(familiar) +5(item)
Perform(Percussion): 5+3
0Profession(chef): 20+2+3+6(SF)
0Sense Motive: 20(HB)+2+3+4(familiar)+1(trait)
0Spellcraft: 10+7+3
Stealth: 20+3+2(racial) +10(armor) +4(mutagen)
0Survival: 13+2+3+2(racial)
0UMD: 20(HB)+3+3

Languages: catfolk, East Isles, common, elven, sylvan, orc, abyssal, +8

1:Improved Initiative
Alchemist: Throw Anything(+int to splash weapon damage)
Alchemist: Brew Potion
3:Skill Focus (Profesion chef)
5:Power Attack
7:Combat Reflexes
9:Improvised Weapon Mastery
11:Extra Discovery(crippling Strike)
13:Extra Discovery(Nauseating Flesh)
15:Skill Focus (Know planes)
17:Eldrich Heritage (Abyssal)
19:Improved Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal)

Abilities: LLV
Cat's Luck: 1/day roll ref save twice take better
Sprinter: +10 move for charge, run, withdraw.
Bloodline: +6 str, 6 rnd/day Free Action Claws 1d6+1d6 fire magic
Instant Alchemy: Full round craft any alchemical item, apply poison swift action
Beasform Mutagen: 4 from Beast Shape III(fly 90, blindsense 30, Pounce, Web + more)
Anthropomorphic Animal (2-hour cast increase duration x # 2nd level extract used)
Awaken/ Baleful Polymorph (24 hour cast) 3rd level. Permanent Anthro for 7,500
Mutagen: +8 Alchemical, Nat Armor, Str, Dex, Con, -2 Int, wis, Cha + beastform

Familiar: Tum-Tum
Senses low-light vision, scent; SR: 25
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 23 (+2 Dex, +11 natural, +2 size)
Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +6
Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +1 (1d3–1 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 5
Base Atk +15; CMB +0; CMD 9
Poison (Ex)
Bite—injury; save Fort DC 12; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds;
effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.

Tentacle, Vestigial Arm (x2), Infusion, Combine Extracts
Crippling Strike(rouge talent), Greater Mutagen, Nauseating Flesh DC 20+int
Tumor Familiar, Grand Mutagen, Preserve Organs 75% fort, True Mutagen

Items: 100315
Tome(int +2 55,000)
Tome(str +3 82,500)
Tome(dex +1 27,500)
Bandana of Mental Superiority +2 wis +2 cha +4 int (27500)
Belt of Physical Might +6 con/str +2 dex (96,000)
+5 Mithril Buckler (26,000)
+5 improved shadow mithril chain shirt (41,000)
Luck Blade 0 wish (22,060)
Scabbard of Stanching (5000)
Necklace of Adaptation (9000)
Eyes of the Eagle (2500)
Cloak of resistance+5/Etherealness (92500)
Boots of Speed/striding+springing/soft step (21750)
Glove of Storing (10000)
Eversmoking Bottle (5400)
Ring of Telekenesis/Feather Fall (78300)
Ring of protection +4/Forcefangs (42000)
Bag, Corpse-Ferrying (4000)
Blessed Book (12,500)
Gremlin Bell (400)
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism (500)
Cracled Pale green Prism x2 (8000)
Mask, Grappler's Mask (5000)
Portable Hole (20000)
Wrist Sheath Spring Loaded (1000)
Wand Silence

Haversack (2000)
Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (5200)
Scarab, Golembane (2,500)
Cauldron of Brewing (3000)
Caver's Hammock (1200)
Campfire Bead (720)
Decanter of Endless Water (9000)
Lenses, Fogcutting x2 (16000)
Marvelous Pigments (4000)
Shorud, Dead Mans (6000)
Truecolor Dye (50)
Vest, All tools (1800)
MW Chefs Tools (100)
Portable Grill
Enlarge Person x9 (250)
True Strike x9 (250)
Resist Energy x2 (300)
Remove Curse x2 (750)
Resist Energy x5 (750)
Cure 3d8 (375)
Elixer of Vision (250)
Vomit Swarm x2 (300)
Cats Grace x2 (300)
Fox Cunning x2 (300)
Bestow Weapon Proficiency x2 (300)
Mundane (1180)
Holy Water x20 (250)
Kava Musk x2 (80)
Liquid Ice x20 (400)
Acid Flask x20 (100)
Alkali Flask x20 (150)
Alchemist Fire x20 (200)
efficient quiver(1800)
Teleport x2
WANDS (17925)
Cure Light x3
Pro Evil
Pro Good (10)
Silent Image
Obscuring Mist
Glitterdust (27)
Lesser Restoration (5)
Endure Elements
Delay Poison (13)
Lead Blades
Gravity Bow
Hold Portal (20)

1st: 7/day know 7 (225)
Enlarge Person
Reduce Person
Cure Light Wounds
Expeditious Retreat
Polypourpose Panacea
True Strike
Vocal Alteration
Youthful Appearance
Negate Aroma
Endure Elements
Detect Undead
Crafters Fortune
Disguise Self
Ant Haul

2nd: 7/day know 3 (2250)
Alchemical Allocation
Restoration, Lesser
See Invisibility
Pro Arrows
Vomit Swarm
Detect Thoughts
Resist Energy
False Life
Bulls, cats, owls, ect

3rd: 6/day know 3 (2625)
Absorbing Touch
Arcane Sight
Countless Eyes
Elemental Aura
Resinous Skin
Remove Curse

4th: 6/day know 3 (5600)
Age Resistance
Cure Critical Wounds
Death Ward
Fluid Form
Invisibility Greater
Freedom of Movement
Dragons Breath
Universal Formula

5th: 6/day know 3 (4500)
Delayed Consumption
Monserous Physique III
Dust Form
Resurgent Transformation
Spell Resistance
Magic Jar

6th: 6/day know 5 (3300)
Shadow Walk
Giant Form I
True Seeing
Analyze Dwemor
Twin Form

Flavor wise I miss skill focus profession (cook)... And if I remember correctly you can add enhancement to a skill to a weapon, so a fryingpan can be enhanced as a weapon as well as a cooking utensil...

I think dodge i a lot better than two weapon defense.

Bomanz wrote:
Frying Pans!! WHO KNEW???

this too :)

Liberty's Edge

DeathQuaker wrote:
Nebelwerfer41 wrote:

Tika Waylan (Majere), anyone?

Who what now?

RuyanVe wrote:

Hm, but there do exist masterwork tools of trade. Masterwork being a prerequisite for enchanting them, and since we are talking about improvised weapons here, I do not see anything preventing further enchantments.

You might get some looks if you demand your frying pan to become a +4 brilliant energy keen frying pan, though.

The prerequisite for enchanting a weapon is that it is a masterwork weapon, not that it is any masterwork object. (Makeshift use as an improvised weapon aside, a tool or piece of gear that is masterwork would be enchantable... as a wondrous item. Which don't do weapon things.)

The rules differentiate what object is a weapon and what object is gear or a tool. If all objects could be classified as weapons, we would not have rules for improvised weapons at all.

I am NOT saying you shouldn't be able to enchant improvised weapons.

I AM saying this is the kind of call the OP is going to have to run by his GM, because just because you and I might think it could be okay to enchant masterwork tools as weapons, does not mean his GM does, and his GM's opinion is the only one that matters here.

There has to be a line drawn between when an improvised weapons stops being improvised and is used as a consistent weapon. At that point, it would be considered an exotic new weapon. At this point, I believe the weaponized version could be enchanted per the rules, with it being made masterwork for the extra 300 gold. Using the masterwork equipment rules to cheapen the enchanting is just rules munchkining, not that I am asserting that is being done, just stating.

At that point, 300 gp is a rounding error anyway. So who cares? You pay it.

It would seem to me that munchkining the rules would be bending them to greater, not lesser effect.

If the fun police want to say improvised weapon enchantments are illegal (as above) then I suppose the PCs in question will have to go back to doing 3x the damage with a greatsword. And roll their eyes a lot.

I play a raging hurler barbarian who uses a shovel, rake, folding chair (hey it is in the CRB), dung fork, etc. for his weapons. Maxed out for damage, he still does less than using a "real" weapon.

And on that note, most polearms (and the earth breaker) evolved from farm tools which is why "rough and ready" makes sense in the first place (google ancient farm tools and look at the pics of them). And if you take profession: fisherman you get that net proficiency, too.

In later levels I plan to have him throw anvils (masterwork tools, y'all) when he gets the larger size objects available for hurling. Still not as much damage as a boring old greatsword, which is as it should be, but infinitely more fun.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I personally have no issue with putting a weapon enchantment on a frying pan or a dung fork. I'd certainly allow it.

- Would a large enough skillet serve as a shield as well? A potcover? :-)

- I'm getting inspired to make an angry dwarven monk of the empty hand/cook, dragged along in an adventure. While looking for rare spices, he gets clonked on head repeatedly and wakes up on a certain pirate ship. It seems like a certain Captain liked his cooking enough to "hire" him...

Grand Lodge

If you take two levels of Ranger, you can get Weapon Focus(Frying Pan).

Heck, I think the concept of a flaming dung fork is all kinds of awesome. I guess what I'd really love to see is a holy mackerel.

Shadow Lodge

My favorite PFS character has a very similar background. He is a half orc alchemist who specializes in 'Orcish Barbeque' and even has a code of conduct based on Orcish Barbeque (Don't eat anyone you've spoken with, it's bad manners). He has the profession skill. His mutegens are various sauces and his bombs are made from the methane that rises from his restaurant's outhouse.

The dung fork also serves as a MW tool for intimidate since he uses it to gesture while talking a-la Carl Spackler from Caddyshack (during the "big hitter, the Lama" speech).

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Heck, I think the concept of a flaming dung fork is all kinds of awesome. I guess what I'd really love to see is a holy mackerel.

personal rant that has nothing to do with the thread topic:
wow, forum admins changes the title of my post to not include caps and remove the 'OMG'.

seeing that usually the nature of forum admins is to deal with posts that might be 'offensive' and should only change or delete posts when people become so, i find it sad that the obvious humorous nature of this thread was decided to be offensive and changed. it would be absolutely silly that anyone would find the acronym OMG or text written in caps offensive. i highly doubt there was any complaints about a thread that detailed a character who was a reluctant cook-fighter, which would make an admin feel the need to change it. i can only think it was someone acting on their own.

i fought in a war (and got a medal for doing so) because i believe in how wrong censorship is and how important freedom of speech is. things like this really bug me.

asthyril wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I think the admins just really don't like Caplocks. Seen other humorous threads get title changed to remove it too.

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