Imanewbie |
Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section
I have just started playing in a Pathfinder campaign (may also be starting a 4e D&D as well?).
My previous tabletop dice gaming experience is Vampires (about 15 years ago, Wheel of Time (1 campaign) & a friend's homemade game.
I am wondering, for Pathfinder, what are the most commonly/most often used dice when starting out with a group at level 1?
When starting out what is the best configuration for a "set" of dice? I have 2 full 7 die sets and I am wondering which dice I should be adding on (like extra d20s or d8s etc...) to make an optimal "set" of dice.
I tend to be fairly superstitious, I DO NOT like using other people's or "communal" dice. Also, I REALLY do NOT like re-rolling a die more than once per action if I can avoid it. So I guess I am asking which ones am I most likely to need "extras" (more than 2) of and how many extra of each?

Matthew Downie |

The twelve-sided dice is rarely used at all.
Two ten-sided dice is usually plenty.
Eight-sided dice are used for certain weapons and for healing spells.
Four-sided are occasionally used in quantities of five or so.
Twenty-sided dice are rolled a lot, but usually only one at a time.
Six-sided dice are often used in larger quantities.
It really depends on what character you're playing. Generally the number of dice rolled is low at low levels. A lot of classes get abilities that roll more six sided dice the higher level they get. For example, a level 15 wizard might cast spells that do 15d6 damage. Or you might summon a bear / turn into a bear that attacks three times a round, using 3 d20. At level 1, you should be fine with what you have.

Crosswind |
I gotcha, Matt:
If you're playing a fighter, you need 1 d20 and 1 weapon damage (d6, d8, d10 or d12) for each attack you make. Generally, you get 1 attack at level 1, 2 attacks at level 6, and 3 attacks at level 11 - roughly double that if you're dual wielding, 1 extra if you have a friendly spellcaster who uses Haste on you.
If you're playing some sort of caster, odds are good that you will have a spell that does d6 per level. So, having 1 six-sided dice per level you have pretty much guarantees that you will have enough to not re-roll.
From your description of your dice set, I'd pick up a couple more six-sided dice.