Paladin's Lay On Hands ability

Rules Questions

I looked in the rules FAQ and searched the boards for this question, and didn't find it.

Suppose a paladin wants to use his Lay On Hands ability to deal damage to an undead creature. Suppose he makes a melee attack roll and misses. Does this consume one use of Lay on Hands for the day? Or can he "hold the charge" and try again like with a spell?

Well, it's not a spell. So it'd only hold the charge if the ability said so, I'd think.

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks.

From what I understand it consumes the charge.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

On the other hand, that doesn't necessarily mean that a missed attack uses up a usage of LoH. Maybe nothing happens until contact? After all, it's not a spell/SLA, so you're not necessarily following the mold of producing a charge within yourself and then delivering it as a separate action.

most abilities that consume a "charge" on a missed attack state so directly in the description. I would say no on holding the charge, but also if you miss the attack then you don't actually channel the LoH either.

It does not 'charge' his hand. Spells get charged because they must be cast first, then applied to the target. LOH is not cast, and works simultaneously with touching the target. There's literally no 'charge' to lose.

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