Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut

Rules Questions

I'm reading the Pathfinder Tale, The Winter Witch and just encountered Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut in the opening chapter. (It's a great book so far, if anybody's looking for a good read).

In which source can I find Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut's statistics so my players can encounter it?

Thank you!

Silver Crusade

The only source i remember was the Book of Artifacts from 2nd ED D&D. I can't even say for certain that the hut itself was stated out. I think they did offer recommendations, but nothing concrete. If push comes to shove i might advise to build it yourself based on the book you're reading and maybe even reference the original Slavic folklore for ideas. I know from lore that Baba Yaga herself was very powerful, but in the end, it's all about flavor :)

You really don't need stats if the players encounter the dancing hut...

Silver Crusade

Funky Badger wrote:
You really don't need stats if the players encounter the dancing hut...

Lol, that's actually a good point. It might be better to devise stats for Baba Yaga herself because if they come across the hut...;)

Grand Lodge

Here is a d20 conversion of the hut from EnWorld: Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut

And here is a d20 conversion of the old hag herself (also from EnWorld): Baba Yaga

Both are conversions from a module by Roger E. Moore in Dragon Magazine #83...


The upcoming Irrisen supplement and Reign of Winter AP may be just what you're looking for.

Right on, thanks for all the input. I appreciate it

The stats for it are in Artifacts and Legends.

They'll probably be reprinted in The Shackled Hut, when that's released.

DM Bacon wrote:

I'm reading the Pathfinder Tale, The Winter Witch and just encountered Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut in the opening chapter. (It's a great book so far, if anybody's looking for a good read).

In which source can I find Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut's statistics so my players can encounter it?

Thank you!

The ones that appear in the beginning of Winter Witch are like lesser huts anyway, so they likely lack a number of the abilities of Baba Yaga's actual Dancing Hut.

Her actual hut is in Artifacts and Legends (like Cheapy already said), but her forces make use of multiple chicken-legged huts as kind of heavy melee forces in the opening of Winter Witch. It's mentioned that they're used to patrol the border too, as I recall. (I read it last year or way early this year.)

Digitalelf wrote:
Both are conversions from a module by Roger E. Moore in Dragon Magazine #83...

One of the few Dragon's Ive kept over the was a really fun module!

Scarab Sages

Here you go. :)

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