Player Kingdom :: The Empyrean Order

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Goblin Squad Member

Alydos wrote:
Andius wrote:
We call the goody-do-something's that can get the job done by nearly any means neutral good and chaotic good.

What do you call all the other alignments that can get the job done by any means? Waait, any means sounds like they have no moral qualms..

I get it, you call the evil members 'Chaotic Good'! Genius!

NEARLY any means. A little vigilante justice is one thing. Harming innocents to get at the culprit is another.

You will find many TEO have all the tools needed at their disposal to get the job done and you can't tie us up with red-tape like you can a lawful-good group.

Neutral-good / Chaotic-good have immunity to red tape.

Goblin Squad Member

Gloreindl wrote:
MordecaiManes wrote:
Alexander_Damocles wrote:
MordecaiManes wrote:
Alexander_Damocles wrote:

My planned alt is now too fitting...

** spoiler omitted **
I can take it your a fan of the Dresden files book series?
More than a little.
I'm a big fan of that series to.

Same here. I even found a group just forming a Dresden Files RPG campaign starting Feb 9th!

I'm a Dresden Files fan too, and already playing in a DFRPG game as a rather roguish wereraven. Asheville, NC can be a weird place on the most mundane days, but 'Weird Asheville' seems to collect the fringe elements of the magical world too. We haven't met any werewolves, but there's my wereraven and a werecoyote. The Summer and Winter courts of fae aren't terribly active, but the mostly-forgotten Autumn and Spring courts are coming out of obscurity and recruiting knights. We do have a standard white court virgin, but most of them in the area feed on rage instead of lust and hang out on a compound with an old-time fire & brimstone preacher. Our pure mortal has more 'Lore' ability and sense for magical weirdness than his newbie-warden cousin from Atlanta. Misfits all.

Goblin Squad Member

I've wanted to run a DFRPG game for a while, but I just don't get/like the FATE system. I'd do it with GURPS, but no one with a job and a social life can create a GURPS game from scratch...just too much custom work to do (but everything does work beautifully when you take the time!)

Are you guys using the system in the DFRPG books? How is it going?

Goblin Squad Member

Micco wrote:

I've wanted to run a DFRPG game for a while, but I just don't get/like the FATE system. I'd do it with GURPS, but no one with a job and a social life can create a GURPS game from scratch...just too much custom work to do (but everything does work beautifully when you take the time!)

Are you guys using the system in the DFRPG books? How is it going?

Yeah, we're using it, and it works out fine once you get used to it. It's just not a simulationist system like Pathfinder, it's a narrativist one, which works for evoking the feel of the novels. It will probably be easier to handle if you start out with low-refresh characters, below the point where you might need to learn the magic system.

My wereraven and the Autumn knight were in the alley behind her bakery facing these things which looked like a cross between a crow and a naked, twisted old human. I used my Investigation skill to assess the flight characteristics of the things, and noticed that they had the aspect 'poor manoeuvrability'. I got one to chase me faster by mocking it - we used the deceit skill since my wereraven can mimic voices and other sounds. That made the thing angry enough to chase me at its top speed, putting the aspect 'hot pursuit' on it. Then I looped around an flew toward the building, and took my free tags on 'poor manoeuvrability' and 'hot pursuit', and spent a FATE point to tag my own aspect of 'Trickster's Chosen' to make an Athletics check with all three bonuses. The thing was so focused on chasing me that it didn't notice I had flown right at a brick wall and turned to avoid it just in time. It went crunch and made a nasty stain on the brick before tumbling to the pavement to break even more bones.

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:

NEARLY any means. A little vigilante justice is one thing. Harming innocents to get at the culprit is another.

You will find many TEO have all the tools needed at their disposal to get the job done and you can't tie us up with red-tape like you can a lawful-good group.

Neutral-good / Chaotic-good have immunity to red tape.

You may not be slowed down by red-tape as much, but it's definitely not an immunity as it tries to bog you down. Chaotic Good people just like to try and get rid of the tape. That's what they have in common with Chaotic Evil, y'know, except for the "I'm going to kill this person because it's Tuesday" mentality.

I don't believe that the lawful alignment truly revolves around beauracratic restrictions and more around personal conduct and integrity.

I hope I'm not distracting from the Dresden RPG talk, just putting my posts in the middle as extra thread bumps.

Honestly the bumps are my way of beginning to add my power into TEO's.

Goblin Squad Member

Alydos wrote:
Chaotic Good people just like to try and get rid of the tape. That's what they have in common with Chaotic Evil, y'know, except for the "I'm going to kill this person because it's Tuesday" mentality.

Nononono. That's neutral evil. Chaotic evil is "I'm going to kill you because **** you, that's why."

Goblin Squad Member

Drakhan Valane wrote:
Alydos wrote:
Chaotic Good people just like to try and get rid of the tape. That's what they have in common with Chaotic Evil, y'know, except for the "I'm going to kill this person because it's Tuesday" mentality.
Nononono. That's neutral evil. Chaotic evil is "I'm going to kill you because **** you, that's why."

LOL...sounds like some characters I know...

But I would see it more like this...

LE - I'm going to kill you because it's Tuesday

NE - I don't care what day of the week it is, I'm going to kill you... and I'm using a dull spoon.

CE - Should I kill you or bake you a cake? I don't know, lets see what my imaginary cat, Mr. Whiskers has to say... What's that Mr. Whiskers..... "bake him a cake". **** you, Mr Whiskers, I'm going to kill him.

Goblin Squad Member

How about bake him in a cake you say? Yes Mr. Whiskers that does sound fun!

Goblin Squad Member

Lawfull alignment characters do have codes of conduct, obligations, duties and a natural respect for order and authority that they take very seriously and that can put them in difficult situations sometimes. However it's not like such individuals are robots who are incapable of acting outside of thier programming.

That, I think, is one of the mistakes that villians or others who seek to tie up Lawfully aligned characters with red tape sometime make. Lawfull characters are not physically incapable of acting outside of the law, it just that they are loathe to do so and will only resort to it under exceptional circumstances when other avenues aren't available.

Goblin Squad Member

GrumpyMel wrote:
Drakhan Valane wrote:
Alydos wrote:
Chaotic Good people just like to try and get rid of the tape. That's what they have in common with Chaotic Evil, y'know, except for the "I'm going to kill this person because it's Tuesday" mentality.
Nononono. That's neutral evil. Chaotic evil is "I'm going to kill you because **** you, that's why."

LOL...sounds like some characters I know...

But I would see it more like this...

LE - I'm going to kill you because it's Tuesday

NE - I don't care what day of the week it is, I'm going to kill you... and I'm using a dull spoon.

CE - Should I kill you or bake you a cake? I don't know, lets see what my imaginary cat, Mr. Whiskers has to say... What's that Mr. Whiskers..... "bake him a cake". **** you, Mr Whiskers, I'm going to kill him.

Lawful Evil has a "good" reason for killing you. It's a really dumb law, but the punishment is death!

Neutral Evil has a reason, it just doesn't have to make much sense.

Chaotic Evil you got almost spot on: "Should I kill you or bake you a cake? I don't know, lets see what my imaginary cat, Mr. Whiskers has to say... What's that Mr. Whiskers..... 'bake him in a cake.' Why Mr. Whiskers, you devilish genius!"

Goblin Squad Member

Back more on topic:

CG- I'm going to to kill you because you are an evil murderous piece of trash. Wait what? You didn't break any laws? I don't have any evidence that will hold up in court? You have diplomatic immunity? I'll be sure to put that on your tombstone.

NG is much the same but is has no strong bias against the law if the law works and is more willing to accept sensible codes of conduct. Just more as loose guidelines. They are more "spirit of the" kind of people than "letter of the law."

LG- Cries out in frustration and tries to find something they can legally arrest you on.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

You have clearly not met Alexander Damocles, Holy Risen Librarian of Abadar. He *always* can find something on you. He is also ok with guilt by association. He follows a very strong moral code, and he doesn't deviate from that. If that doesn't match up with local laws, well, bully for the local laws. They'll get over it.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member



Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:

Back more on topic:

CG- I'm going to to kill you because you are an evil murderous piece of trash. Wait what? You didn't break any laws? I don't have any evidence that will hold up in court? You have diplomatic immunity? I'll be sure to put that on your tombstone.

NG is much the same but is has no strong bias against the law if the law works and is more willing to accept sensible codes of conduct. Just more as loose guidelines. They are more "spirit of the" kind of people than "letter of the law."

LG- Cries out in frustration and tries to find something they can legally arrest you on.

Of course there are some downsides to the more Chaotic alignments as well....

"Oh weren't actualy an evil muderous piece of trash, you were just setup to look like one. I went ahead and snuffed you substituting my judgement for the process that is supposed to catch things like that. Yeah, sorry about that, my bad."

or the

"Lets do it this way" .... "No, lets do it that way." ... "Your way is stupid." .... "No, your way is stupid." .... "Whatever, I'm doing what I want."

Pretty much any alignment has practical advantages and disadvantages, IMO, depending upon the particular situation they find themselves in. Again though, characters aren't neccesarly robots and they don't have to follow thier programing exactly....although that can get a bit more dicey for classes like Paladins which can really mechanicaly suffer for deviations.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Paladins can suffer, if they can't find a good route to making things work. To date, I've never had a Paladin get stuck in a spot like that. LG Cleric, yes....

Goblin Squad Member

I am a kickstarter backer and found you all via that page. I have been reading to get a feel for your group. I feel complelled to add to his contestation.

From my reading so far and assumeing I am not mistaken which does happten....

Lawful / Netural / Good will determined by your actions not at creation of your Avatar. Everybody will start as N/N until they act. They have not said how steep the curve will be to hit Good or Evil but have provided some metrics, ie breaking an agreement, killing at random.

How do we feel about that in lew of the above conversation concerning allignment.

Goblin Squad Member

Vroom, I feel like we should make a new alignment thread and use this thread for talking about The Empyrean Order.

I feel like it's great that actions will reflect on players, I just hope that will not be visible at a distance. "He has the CE tags, get him!"

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Alydos wrote:

Vwoom, I feel like we should make a new alignment thread and use this thread for talking about The Empyrean Order.

I feel like it's great that actions will reflect on players, I just hope that will not be visible at a distance. "He has the CE tags, get him!"

Obviously I have no idea what they plan, but given the little the people over at Goblinworks have said, there will be a bounty system and a means for the game to track "alignment" so you can access or be denied access to settlements and the like. It may be they will choose to have it all "in-game" so to speak as whispers of dark deeds done by X start popping up in taverns/Inns/Bars and shops or even on the street. This seems somewhat in keeping with the plans for an all player-based economy (no mail system or banks so gold farmers are likely not to be that big a problem and it gives a more immersive feel). My personal feelings are that no one should have any tags easily identifying them as good/evil/lawful/chaotic, etc... as this will mean you will have to learn about a persons reputation the same way a Pathfinder PC will hear rumors and such as he/she is out and about in their GM's campaign world. I'd rather risk being attacked by a bad guy than know as soon as I look at him/her that they are some flavor of evil, or even CN and thus crazy. That would add a nice depth of game play, IMHO.

Goblin Squad Member

Vwoom wrote:

I am a kickstarter backer and found you all via that page. I have been reading to get a feel for your group. I feel complelled to add to his contestation.

From my reading so far and assumeing I am not mistaken which does happten....

Lawful / Netural / Good will determined by your actions not at creation of your Avatar. Everybody will start as N/N until they act. They have not said how steep the curve will be to hit Good or Evil but have provided some metrics, ie breaking an agreement, killing at random.

How do we feel about that in lew of the above conversation concerning allignment.

I believe they let you pick your initial alignment and you drift from there. That's somewhat important as they want new players to be able to associate themselves with settlements or chartered companies early on if they want (helps the player fit into the game/game community). Since you can only be a member of settlements companies within 1 step of your alignment it would be rather limiting for new players to automaticaly start at true that would mean they couldn't be part of LG,CG,LE,CE organizations.

Goblin Squad Member

Your kingdom sounds great. While I do not wish to officially join you at this time, if you'll have me I will probably call the lands of your kingdom home. At least until I am strong enough to venture out into the untamed fringes of the world on my own.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

I just found out that I know several RL folks signed up here.

I was planning on joining the KotCR however if you are still accepting memberships I'm pledging my sword and spells to your cause.

Goblin Squad Member

We're accepting new members all the time, just post in our Registration Forum.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Probably gonna be in as my PFO version of this sucker. Hope to see and not slaughter you there!

Goblin Squad Member

Kyros Deun wrote:
Probably gonna be in as my PFO version of this sucker. Hope to see and not slaughter you there!

Of course, you can sit down at our inn and have some of our personal ale.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Can't sign up till tomorrow, but hopefully me and my friend and a few other people can form a merry NG band!

Goblin Squad Member

Hello esteemed members of the Empyrean Order and a special greeting to my fellow Grand Master Andius!

My name is Alku Leon, Grand Master of the Fraternal Order of the Bloody Hand. This is probably long overdue, but I just wanted to say I'm excited to see that you guys are growing well! The more *cough* targets *cough* the merrier I always say!

We are looking forward to meeting you all on the roads and paths of the River Kingdoms! Let us know if, in your Kingdom making, you need certain areas... cleaned up... we'll happily evict those who are very obviously trespassing in your sovereign territory!

Goblin Squad Member

Greetings to you, leaders and members of The Empyrean Order,

I come bearing a simple introduction. I am Beilian Trask, newly appointed Emissary of Pax Aeternum. It is my duty to aid Ambassador Ezikial Krow in any and all diplomatic relations between our two communities in the days to come.

I look forward to a bright future in the River Kingdoms for us all,
Emissary Trask

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome Beilian! We look forward to working with you!


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Quick question - when might we be hearing that we've been added to the TEO website? I'd like to read posts there, but my application info hasn't been moved over there, so I can't create a log-in profile. Thanks! :)

Goblin Squad Member

I will look at that in a couple!


Goblin Squad Member

Gloreindl... You appear to be in the correct groups on the forums... go ahead and log in. If you are not seeing more forums please let us know.


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Valinar wrote:

I will look at that in a couple!


Thanks! Looking forward to working with both TEO and the Azure Astra Arcanum Guild!

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome to all our new members! Glad to see so many interested in creating a welcoming and fun environment for other players while championing the cause of good in the River Kingdoms! I salute each and every one of you!

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Is it just me, or did the forums take a header?

Goblin Squad Member

Nah up for me. I wanted to find out how the tabletop game is going anyway. Wish I was in the US so I could join the campaign.

They might have been doing stuff with the theme and security.

Goblin Squad Member

That was a good assumption... I was working on them. From now on unless it is a emergency I will announce when I am working on them. I will take them down and change what I need to and bring them back up.

Sorry about the confusion...


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I just applied for membership. Take it I need to wait for some approval process before I can post anything? My nickname on this board has been changed to coincide with the one I posted on there. I think.

Goblin Squad Member

Yep. One of the admins will need to approve before you post. One of our anti-spam measures. Welcome to the Order!

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

I can take a look at it Fos.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

You aren't in the SCA are you by any chance? I end up getting called that a lot there as well.

Goblin Squad Member

Foscadh wrote:


You aren't in the SCA are you by any chance? I end up getting called that a lot there as well.

I think Valinar is a SCAdian.

I dabbled with it long ago, but just didn't have the time to get very involved.

Goblin Squad Member

I am a SCAdian in the awesome kingdom of Trimaris!


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Valinar wrote:

I am a SCAdian in the awesome kingdom of Trimaris!


I've only been to one tourney down there and it was back when Trimaris was still part of Merides. I do have a good friend down that way though (Merawald). If you make it to Pennsic we should get together. I camp with the Pentamere Free Company just off the NW corner of the battlefield.

Goblin Squad Member

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
Is it just me, or did the forums take a header?


Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gayel Nord wrote:
Alexander_Damocles wrote:
Is it just me, or did the forums take a header?

"Take a header" generally means "crash". Think of it like falling down and landing on your head.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

This thread has slowed, because the guild is using its private forums.

Goblin Squad Member

Foscadh wrote:
Valinar wrote:

I am a SCAdian in the awesome kingdom of Trimaris!


I've only been to one tourney down there and it was back when Trimaris was still part of Merides. I do have a good friend down that way though (Merawald). If you make it to Pennsic we should get together. I camp with the Pentamere Free Company just off the NW corner of the battlefield.

I hope to get back to Pennsic... when I lived in Maryland it was much easier to go. Living in Florida means it is a bit more daunting.

I will look you up if I ever get back that way!


Goblin Squad Member

BraxtheSage wrote:
This thread has slowed, because the guild is using its private forums.

It's because we get to have awesome signatures and avatars there. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:
BraxtheSage wrote:
This thread has slowed, because the guild is using its private forums.
It's because we get to have awesome signatures and avatars there. ;)

It also loads a heck of a lot faster, we can get email notifications for subscribed threads and private messages, etc.

Goblin Squad Member

Just to let you know I just registered in the TEO forum, as I would like to join your order If you agree.

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