Blue Rose Cavalier Edict Question

Rules Questions

Flat of the Blade wrote:
At 2nd level, the cavalier of the order of the blue rose gains the ability to moderate his attacks in order to take an enemy alive. He no longer takes a –4 penalty when attacking with a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage. When dealing nonlethal damage, the cavalier receives a +2 bonus on damage rolls. When the cavalier makes use of this ability, he must attempt to subdue his target without killing it; dealing lethal damage after using this ability, or allowing his allies to kill the target, is considered a violation of his edicts.

Suppose I use this to deal nonlethal damage to an enemy, then an ally crits on that enemy, killing him. Am I in violation of my edicts?

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Doesn't look like you are. I might be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure you didn't "allow" your ally to kill the target. It was more like an accident. That being said, you could probably still roleplay a little bit of guilt or anger or something along those lines.

Argh! I said we need to take him ALIVE, and then you stab him in the neck!

Thats like the seventh time today!

tennengar wrote:

Argh! I said we need to take him ALIVE, and then you stab him in the neck!

Thats like the seventh time today!

Which is why I'll be riding a spit-debuff-spamming camel rather than a horse. I'd rather not have my mount kill the guy I'm trying to save.

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This leads me to ask, can you decline to roll confirmation on a critical?

Pharmalade wrote:
This leads me to ask, can you decline to roll confirmation on a critical?

Good question!

I would think, by RAW, "no" but the relevant text is...

Quote: immediately make an attempt to “confirm” the critical hit...

Is it not the case that you can choose to fail anything you attempt, or is that a special rule only for saving throws?

Very good point :D

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