
Undeterred's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Unzip, I mostly just meant the races. That said, I would love to see some of the featured races from the ARG make their way in there every now and then. I also agree that there will probably need to be something extra in there to get up to the same page length as the original. Maybe class writeups using different archetypes.

That would be incredibly useful, but something about it being in the NPC Codex rubs me the wrong way a little bit. It just feels like the Codex should be limited to the core races, as those races would most likely see more use. That is of course, if the book remains about the same length as the original.

The way that always works best for me is actually PLAYING. Sure, it might not all go fast or work exactly how its supposed to at first, but it inevitably comes together. Also, some mock battles with random monsters could help seeing as the monsters would require you to look up different spells and abilities. Of course, I'm almost always a GM when I play, so my view is a bit one sided.

I assumed the anti-magic cannons were to be fired at other ships and stuff to stop them from functioning.

Snapdragon Firework cannons for celebrating everything ever.

Hundreds of awakened squirrel allies to help maintain the ship.

Wands of Mending made to look like screw drivers, just because.

As a massive pokemon nerd, this sounds amazing. Unfortunately, I lack the knowledge of the system to be able to help you out. Good luck though, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Rynjin wrote:

Give everyone a free level of Gunslinger.

Bam! Grittier Pathfinder.

I second this idea.

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Well, the only real issue I see here is the mechanic that you want to add. It definitely has the right feel to it, but I would suggest a change to it.

Instead of it giving the debuff to AC on the target every attack, make it to where that effect only applies on a Full Attack. It would really give it the feel of keeping it pressed against the target instead of just swinging it at the target every couple of seconds.

So, basically, someone would do like 2 attacks as a Full Round Action thingy (sorry I'm not entirely familiar with all the terms yet), and with each successful hit from those attacks would apply the AC debuff.

[Ex: You hit against the targets 17 AC on the first attack of the Full Attack, then the next attack would only require a 16 to hit.]

Well, this is what I managed to scrounge up regarding size modifiers for stats.

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat/space-reach-threatened-area-te mplates

Essentially, as a large creature you take a -1 to AC, a +1 to CMB and CMD, a -2 to Fly skill checks, a -4 to Stealth skill checks, the space you occupy increases from 5 ft to 10 ft, and you reach increases to 10 ft.

Hope that helps, also the story sounds awesome and it seems like the GM really knows what they're doing.

A spoiler and a TL;DR would have been quite nice for this post. Also, did the DM make you a Large creature or do you just have the Giant bloodline?

The bloodline from the pfsrd says you are treated as one size larger for certain things if its advantageous to you (Like using a Large weapon).

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Doesn't look like you are. I might be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure you didn't "allow" your ally to kill the target. It was more like an accident. That being said, you could probably still roleplay a little bit of guilt or anger or something along those lines.