Necromancy in PFS (A question of viability, and options, not morality)

Pathfinder Society

Sczarni 2/5

Now, I'm not looking for yet another thread about how necromancy is evil and I'll lose my character for making an undead summoning/raising abomination. I know the risks of creating such a character, and know I will have to be careful what tables I play him at, to make sure everyone's alright with it and able to be reasonable and mature.

What I want to know, is if there's any way, through items, feats, etc, that I can get a semi-customized undead pet.

I know the easiest way to do so is with the Summoner class, making my Eidolon with the undead features, etc. This would give me the perfect, customized, pet that I want, and make it a fairly powerful combat brute as well. However, the spell progression and list available to the class isn't all that appealing to me. It's alright, and I could make due, but it's not quite what I was hoping for.

Then there's the option of the Necromancy focused Wizard. Best spell versatility, fast spell progression, it's really what I'd prefer. Only problem is that the only "pet" that carries over between scenarios would be my familiar, and (as of yet) there aren't any undead familiar options. Closest I can get is blasting 2-3 feats of Evolved Familiar on it to give it Undead Appearance (if I can combine the evolution pool points from multiple instances of the feat) and Unnatural Aura. This is doable, and an option I've definitely considered.

Then there's the Oracle of Bones. The ability to summon a skeleton/zombie of increasing power over the levels is awesome, and they get some nice spells available to them, though there's no real option of a "constant" companion here, since Animate Dead and the like spells don't carry over. And, really, I don't want to have to buy a dog and kill it every adventure just to raise it and have my zombie puppy. That just seems unnecessarily cruel, even for a guy that likes to raise the dead on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, combining these classes makes for a weak character and I don't want to be the guy that has to be carried through scenarios just to complete them. I love the concept of oracles curses, but prefer the spell progression and versatility of the wizard, while the summoner's eidolon would be a great solution to my want for a custom undead companion, but it ends up weak if I multiclass.

So my question is, what are the best PFS available solutions to this mess, and what recommendations can folks make? Obviously I can't just buy a non-combatant pet and "reskin" it as undead, much though I'd like to, and even I think buying and killing puppies every scenario is just a bit too evil.

Dark Archive 2/5

To be honest, I think you're best bet is the wizard.

You do have this: ic-archetypes/undead-lord

...which isn't half bad. I've played it before, it runs relatively well. Problem is, that really is the extent of your capabilities. It's awesome at low levels, but at higher levels you just become a cleric with an undead companion. There will always be pros and cons, but the definite pro is that this companion is a permanent actual undead companion. You'll be in heaven (or hell?) when you come across other undead to command, but in terms of summoning, conjuring or creating... well, like I said, that's about it.

The summoner option is decent. I do have a friend who is actually playing that type of character right now. Like you said, it's doable, but he's definitely not liking his limitations. And it's funny, the one thing he said to me was "damn, wish I rolled a wizard" which consequently is the main reason why I'm replying to this post.

I honestly don't know much about oracles, so I couldn't weigh in on that option, but anything having to do with killing puppies is off my list.

I wish I could help a bit more. Really, all this post says is "Yes, roll a wizard!" And while that doesn't seem like much help... it is ultimately your best option.

Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.

I would just like to add that the undead lord archetype is not legal for PFS play.

Dark Archive 2/5

Some Random Dood wrote:
I would just like to add that the undead lord archetype is not legal for PFS play.

I wasn't aware. I am just getting into this PFS thing. Sorry for the misinformation!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Casanova wrote:
Some Random Dood wrote:
I would just like to add that the undead lord archetype is not legal for PFS play.
I wasn't aware. I am just getting into this PFS thing. Sorry for the misinformation!

It came down not long ago. I took my former Undead Lord and made him a split level summoner and cleric. Not that powerful at all but as a concept character with some good buffs he's great.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Closest I can get is blasting 2-3 feats of Evolved Familiar on it to give it Undead Appearance (if I can combine the evolution pool points from multiple instances of the feat) and Unnatural Aura. This is doable, and an option I've definitely considered.

The feat in question doesn't give Evolution points or an evolution pool, it gives 1-point evolutions.

Sczarni 2/5

... /facepalm

Somehow I knew I couldn't be interpreting that feat correctly. That's just unfortunate, 'cause an Undead Appearance on a familiar would be pretty close to perfect.

Dark Archive 4/5

I play an oracle of bones who is one game from level 7. He's been fun, but he hasn't gotten a good chance to animate anything in his career. Command Undead with a charisma-based class, however, is amazing. Combined with Improved Channel, he's got a DC 19 Command at level 6, which means a lot of the time he turns those encounters into free meatshields.

Don't plan on animating very often (although I would totally take it when the opportunity comes up), but focus on other things necromancers are good at (debuffing and controlling undead).

The Exchange 4/5

There are enough undead that the command channel of negative energy feat would be strong (and free if you necromancy-Undead Specialist )

many of the buffs/debuffs are plenty powerful, animate isn't going to come up super often. There is a way to use "summon monster" to summon skeletons of different levels. Or apply the skeletal template.Here.

at level 3 improved familiar can get you a Severed Head I'd go for screaming or flaming, whichever you think is cooler :D


It's worth pointing out that one can be an effective necromancer without ever creating undead; my 13th level fey bloodline sorceress (who has spell focus and greater spell focus: necromancy) is a debuffing and slaying beast with DC 25 bestow curses, DC 26 suffocations (a nasty, nasty spell!), enervations and so on (very nice for setting up dominations!)

Between dominate person and planar binding she usually has a healthy following of class-level humanoids and powerful outsiders anyway... undead would simply be in the way!

Short answer: yes, necromancy is very viable.

Sczarni 2/5

Ooookay, I think my question was a little unclear. I'm looking for a way to gain an undead "pet". Not an army of skeletons and zombies, but a pet. Like an adorable little rotting abomination that used to be this guy's favorite pet dog or some such. It could be an awesome combat beast via the Summoner class, but the spells are sorely lacking and a 1 level dip to get the pet is a bit more than I really was looking for.

The Exchange 4/5

you don't like the idea of a floating head as a pet?

Sczarni 2/5

Well, floating heads are all well and good, mind you, but it doesn't have a half-rotted little tail to try to wag, only to have it fall off and everyone go "D'awwww-eewwwwww."

The Exchange 4/5

lol, yeah that one is a bit rough :-/

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