Pendagast |

The feat chain, ending in Dimensional Savant.
I'm thinking of a bard build, sandman, specifically.
Yes, I know, it's a long build.
Dimensional agility (and the others) requires the 'ability' to cast dimension door as a prerequisite. Can this be satisfied simply by using the spell, such as a scroll or wand? It's on the bard's spell list, or does it require that he be OF LEVEL to cast it.
Next, this is really odd, this is a long feat chain with a lot invested into it, to get what maybe a few uses a day?
IF I'm say a 17th level bard, I cast D-Door I get 30 feet of movement, per level, so 510 feet of movement, but the duration is instantaneous, using the dimensional savant feat, i can't 'night crawler' all around an enemy BAMF BAMF BAMF as many times as I have attacks, moving 5 feet at a time, giving myself flanking positions around my enemy,
Ok sweet. But say I move once, maybe 20 feet, and then another 15 feet in 'bamfing' , Ive taken ALL my actions, and my turn is over, now what? Is the spell over or next turn can I continue BAMFing until all my movement per level has been expended,
If the former, this seems extremely limited in it's use for the huge feat chain that must be invested, no?

Algodor |

One of the Feats changes the cast time of your Dimension door to a swift action while giving you your full attack action. Its interesting to go with a bard for this feat chain. Keep in mind that you can't teleport the full distance, only double your base tactical speed.

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ok so, I have to be 'of level' got it. but the point still remains, IF I use ALL my spells per day just to teleport, maybe i can pull this stunt 6 times? this seems like ALOT of feats for such a limited use....
It's a "limited use" that can be damm handy during those few times you use it. I can see this big time for a monk, magus, or eldritch knight type of figure.
Partial investment in the chain can be rewarding in and of itself. Not everyone who enters it needs to go the full route.

Corodix |

The Dimensional Dervish feat limits the distance to twice your speed. So even if you get 400+ feet from the dimension door spell normally, you only get to use up to twice your speed for this.
Sounds like an interesting thing to use for a Dervish Dancer Bard too, since their base speed increases while in a battle dance, up to +30 at level 19.
Can it be combined with the Battle Fury (Su) ability from the Dervish Dancer?

Pendagast |

Ranger? How do they qualify?
EK/Magus have the same problem Bard does, it takes forever to qualify for the feat and then forever to complete the feat chain.
The sandman bard gets sneak attack a magus or EK don't. So the maneuver is just as viable for the bard.
also, could this be done with a wand or staff?

proftobe |
You'd still need to be high enough level to cast Dimension Door and have it on your spells known list. But you's miss out on the main advantage of the magus using these feats. Since you cast it from the wand as part of spell combat you only get your physical attacks, but if you cast it for yourself when using the feats you can spell combat when you arrive.
The problem, if you want to call it one, is that it a huge use of resources for something really bad ass a few times a day, YMMV depending on pearls of power and magus recall. Its not power attack its situational mystic pounce for monks and gish. You won't be spamming it every combat.

Bubbles the Magnificent |

Pendagast wrote:ok so, I have to be 'of level' got it. but the point still remains, IF I use ALL my spells per day just to teleport, maybe i can pull this stunt 6 times? this seems like ALOT of feats for such a limited use....It's a "limited use" that can be damm handy during those few times you use it. I can see this big time for a monk, magus, or eldritch knight type of figure.
Partial investment in the chain can be rewarding in and of itself. Not everyone who enters it needs to go the full route.
Agreed. I am currently playing a Magus building specifically to do this. It's a lot of (very costly) feats, but I think it would totally be worth it to pull off a few times in game.

Bubbles the Magnificent |

The feat chain, ending in Dimensional Savant.
I'm thinking of a bard build, sandman, specifically.
Yes, I know, it's a long build.
Dimensional agility (and the others) requires the 'ability' to cast dimension door as a prerequisite. Can this be satisfied simply by using the spell, such as a scroll or wand? It's on the bard's spell list, or does it require that he be OF LEVEL to cast it.
Next, this is really odd, this is a long feat chain with a lot invested into it, to get what maybe a few uses a day?
IF I'm say a 17th level bard, I cast D-Door I get 30 feet of movement, per level, so 510 feet of movement, but the duration is instantaneous, using the dimensional savant feat, i can't 'night crawler' all around an enemy BAMF BAMF BAMF as many times as I have attacks, moving 5 feet at a time, giving myself flanking positions around my enemy,
Ok sweet. But say I move once, maybe 20 feet, and then another 15 feet in 'bamfing' , Ive taken ALL my actions, and my turn is over, now what? Is the spell over or next turn can I continue BAMFing until all my movement per level has been expended,
If the former, this seems extremely limited in it's use for the huge feat chain that must be invested, no?
I'm inferring that requiring the 'ability' to cast DD means that the character be of sufficient level to cast the spell, or be able to use a spell-like ability to mimic the spell.
I understood it as one use per casting. (Maybe it could apply to AoOs?) Next round your bard will have to cast DD again to gain the movement benefits the feat chain provides.
The movement rate you calculated is incorrect. you don't get 30' of movement per level.
As per SRD listing for the feat Dimensional Dervish:
<i>Benefit: You can take a full-attack action, activating abundant step or casting dimension door as a swift action. If you do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), dividing this teleportation into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you teleport.</i>
It's like casting a quickened DD spell, and get full-attack out of it. As you can see, this feat becomes a little more useful once you stack Fly and/or Haste on top of it to boost movement.

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Pendagast wrote:ok so, I have to be 'of level' got it. but the point still remains, IF I use ALL my spells per day just to teleport, maybe i can pull this stunt 6 times? this seems like ALOT of feats for such a limited use....It's a "limited use" that can be damm handy during those few times you use it. I can see this big time for a monk, magus, or eldritch knight type of figure.
Partial investment in the chain can be rewarding in and of itself. Not everyone who enters it needs to go the full route.
Have you considered the item that lets you full attack into an area with your fists, some gold rather than all those feats sounds good to me =P
Gloves of the Shortened Path
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot hands; Price 27,000 gp; Weight —DESCRIPTION
Once per day on command, the wearer of these oxblood leather gloves can bend space to extend her reach to a non-adjacent square within line of sight. For the next 10 rounds, she can touch anything in that square as if it were her own square, as long as she has line of effect to the target square. She may change the targeted square as a swift action.
When using the gloves to touch, attack, or manipulate anything in the square, the wearer’s arms and hands also appear in that square, allowing creatures and effects to target her as if she were in that square. She cannot use this connection to transfer anything from her square to the target square, or vice versa. If she drops anything, it lands in her square. She can use her hands (including natural attacks from those hands, if any), hand-held objects (such as lockpicks), and melee weapons in that square as if she were there. The square is part of her threatened area, though she cannot use the gloves to provide flanking for herself. She cannot use the gloves to grapple, make ranged attacks, or make attacks that require her to move out of her actual square (such as a bull rush combat maneuver).
Interacting with the target square is distracting, and anything that threatens her in her actual square automatically flanks her.
If the wearer or her square is blocked from using teleportation or planar travel effects (such as dimensional anchor), the gloves do not function. She cannot use the gloves to target a square protected by such an effect.
from ultimate equipment.