How stealth can look like

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So here is an example how stealth in the open can look like and that line if sight doesn´t break stealth immediately. Have fun.

Ninja steps

... I can't tell if I'm just not seeing them in the last picture or if there's no one there in the first place... But it took me some time to find them in the second to last one, so I'd be willing to believe I'm just missing them in the last too.

That's pretty kickass, though.

Mur. The pic comes out kinda messed up for me. It's a rainbow after the second picture. :/

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LAst picture, to the left melding in with the tree in the sunlight almost all the way to the edge of the screen.

I was a master spotter for a sniper team back in the day. I've picked out targets even I wasn't sure were targets before.

Damn... I'm still unsure if I'm looking at the right thing even after you pointed it out. Very nice, Pendagast.

Pendagast is right. Though in the lower right hand of the picture is an optical illusion.

The Pro one is easy.

yea it's weird Im always seeing things like that and acquiring targets, it's actually kind annoying seeing as it's near useless in civilian life. A flipping deer could sneak up on me while im hunting, because it's not a human or vehicle outline. But if someone leaves a hat or a glove 100 feet out in the wood line i'm like DUCK it's a sniper, oh wait, no it's not.... nevermind, pick up your ice cream cone, all is well.....

took me about one breath cycle to find the "predator" in the sunlight. Pretty weird considering I've only got one eye left (can't see out of the other one)

It took me a glance to find him. I was on a Droid X phone. Then I got freaked out by the fact that there was that illusion made up of the plants.

But I am one off those ones that if they are in my field of vision I can nail them in an instance. If they aren't they can stand bbehind me for hours and I wont notice unless I know them well.

On the pro i saw the shoes first. The last one took me some time because i spend too much time with art lately and were fixed on the center of the picture hehe. I daresay most europeans don´t go to military nor hunting, so there is not much expertise on the spotting field.

Also i have a cat, so no sneaking up on me. It´s mandatory to always know where your cat is in order to prevent her from doing stupid things she and you will later regrett. Like eating too much of certain plants etc.

Glad to hear you had fun though.
You think this could have some influence on stealth rules?

Wouldn't this fall under the ranger's camouflage ability? Or Hide in Plain Sight? Just saying, I think it's really cool, but it seems like it's already been covered.

Camo and HIPS is a better fit for this type of Stealth.

or vanishing trick

I still can't see it. I feel like this guy.

Ninja: Ninjutsu(Vanishing Fart!) Fweet

Party & Evil Minions Together: Wait what!?

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