Dragonchess Player |

How much would an always-on Amulet of Protection from Evil be worth? Three nice effects, in one measly first-level spell...
Per Table 15-29:
+2 AC bonus (deflection) = Bonus squared x 2,000 gp = 8,000 gp
+2 Save bonus (resistance) = Bonus squared x 1,000 gp = 4,000 gp
Immune to mental control = nearest equivalent is ring of freedom of movement = 40,000 gp / 2 (mental control is less common and there are no non-magical means detailed) = 20,000 gp
Barrier against evil summoned creatures = nearest equivalent is 3rd face of cube of force = 62,000 gp / 5 = 12,400 gp
The most costly effect is the immunity to mental control at 20,000 gp. The other effects are multiplied by 1.5, per the Multiple Different Abilities rule on pg. 549 (item uses a body slot). So, the total of all effects is 20,000 gp + (12,400 gp x 1.5) + (8,000 gp x 1.5) + (4,000 gp x 1.5) = 20,000 gp + 18,600 gp + 12,000 gp + 4,000 gp = 44,600 gp. Because the effects only work against evil creatures, a reduction of at least 30% (equivalent to requiring a specific alignment) to possibly 50% would be warranted. Final market price should probably be around 22,300 gp on the low end and 31,220 gp on the high end.
Remember, just the AC and deflection bonuses are the equivalent of a ring of protection +2 (8,000 gp) and a cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp), not to mention the immunity to mental control and the prevention of physical contact. Pricing it as a 1 min/level spell effect (spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp x 2 = 4,000 gp) seriously undervalues it compared to existing items (bad Paizo for missing this consideration for bracers of the falcon).
However, an unlimited command word item at CL 5 (5 minutes per activation) would have a market price of 1 x 5 x 1,800 gp = 9,000 gp for much the same effect.

darkwarriorkarg |
How much would an always-on Amulet of Protection from Evil be worth? Three nice effects, in one measly first-level spell...
I must disagree with Dragonchess player
Less than the DarkskullIt has a permanent unhallow, which includes protection from evil and 1 other spell effect: price: 60000, cost to create: 30000
Flip it to a hallow spell, and I'd divide by 2. So coming up with the amount Aelryinth pointed out.
A cl10 wand would be 7500 gp, so at 30000 gp, 4 CL10 wands (5000 minutes)
I find it a fair equivalent. 5000 minutes CL10 protection from evil IS unlimited...

A Lost Soul |

i have a question and dont know where to ask.
ive looked for a few weeks but cant find a thread related to this question....
if i have an item created for me ..
Bracers of Armour +1 1000gp
and combine a Ring of Pro +1 (2000gp)and Amulet of Natural Armour +1 (2000gp) into it so it now becomes one item.
how much does it cost to make.
it has 3 simular abitities from 3 different sources( armour, natural and deflection).
im sure this has been asked befor but i just cant find the thread.
plz help !

Dragonchess Player |

"Multiple Different Abilities: ... For items that take up space on character's body, each additional power not only has no discount but instead has a 50% increase in price." (Core Rulebook. pg. 549)
The abilities are similar, but the item takes up space on the body and are constant effects, instead of something that requires activation/charges like a staff. Total market price is 2,000 gp + (2,000 gp x 1.5) + (1,000 gp x 1.5) = 6,500 gp. Considering that bracers of armor +3 are 9,000 gp, it's still a bargain.

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I find Magic Arms & Armour and Wondrous Item are the two best feats for most casters and even non-casters.
These two, definitely.
Your primary items are going to be;
Craft Wondrous Item
Stat-boosting items (belts of strength, headbands of intellect, etc.)
Cloaks of Resistance
Amulets of Natural Armor
Handy Haversacks
Ioun Stones
Arms & Armor
Magic Armor
Magic Shields
Magic Weapons
Metamagic Rods
Energy Resistance
For the most part, you'll save the most money with Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Arms & Armor, and can pay use the cash your saving on that stuff to pay full price for your Rods of Megamagic, your consumable wands, scrolls and potions, and your Rings of Protection and Energy Resistance.
Craft Wondrous Item also covers a lot of other fun stuff, like Figurines of Wondrous Power, Cloaks/Boots/Carpets of Flying, Phylacteries of Channeling, Boots of Speed, Pearls of Power, etc.

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sorry to bring up the ring of infernal healing again, but does 32,000 sound like a more reasonable price point?
Spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp
If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of
the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a
24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half.
i went with caster lvl 7 because thats the min lvl for forge ring.

Azaelas Fayth |

Is Scroll creation worth it for classes that don't start with the feat? The Druid in my group is considering it, but I think it's a bad idea, especially since my Wizard can already do it. But I don't think Druids can read Wizard scrolls, can they?
They can't use a scroll of a spell they can't cast. And they might not even be able to use Arcane Scrolls at all.
Is the feat worth it? depends on what the Druid is wanting to do in combat.
If they are going to be the Wildshaping Slaughter Machine then it won't really give them anything.
If they are going to be the main Buffer of the Party then it would be worth the feat...

darkwarriorkarg |
Scribe scroll is best for the utility spells that are handy to have around but are not always needed, the useful domain spells that you can only cast 1 of and misc spells taht would be nice to have as backup in case of that final encounter that happens after you've emptied your spell complement.
eg: our last game, my cleric of Sarenrae (Glory & Sun domain, ROTRL AP,) has prepped: Remove Paralysis and Restoration Lesser as scrolls to always have handy (bad encounter with ghouls)
Other self-crafted scrolls that were handy were:
- Bless Weapon
- Bull Strength (So memorized Silence instead)
(Turned out silence on the fighter's shield as he barrled to the 3 BBEGs was a smart move... we knew there was a wizard coming up, so I was prepared for that)
Both of the above came in REAL handy.
Situational scrolls (given to rogue)
- Obscuring Mist (For getaways)
- Emergency Cure Light Wounds (if the cleric goes down and no CLW wand is available)
Future useful scrolls include circle of protection from evil, and blood biography.
Mind you, I've chosen the super-support role, so I also have Craft Wondrous and will be picking up Craft Arms & armour. So pearl of power for the wizard (who will be covering wands & such for item creation) and a cloak of resistance or muleback cords are on the list.

mcv |

I just checked the rules, and there doesn't seem to be a difference between arcane and divine scrolls and wands. So if the wizard and druid can make a druid scroll together, the druid can use it. A bard should be able to use a cure light wounds scroll or wand created by a cleric.
I thought these divisions were stricter, but maybe that's just 3.5.

Aunt Tony |

Aelryinth wrote:Yup. gotta make it a CLW X/d item instead. Then its wondrous.Brew Potion is implied to sub for any 1 shot consumable item like that, regardless of form, so no, that won't work.
You use CWI to craft elixirs. if it's a 'spell in a bottle', regardless of bottle, it's a potion.
And infinitely better than a silly Potion. Also also also -- there's no Spell Level restriction on Wondrous Items like there is for Brew Potion.
Is Scroll creation worth it for classes that don't start with the feat? The Druid in my group is considering it, but I think it's a bad idea, especially since my Wizard can already do it. But I don't think Druids can read Wizard scrolls, can they?
Never for Spontaneous Casters. Period. So, Oracles, Sorcs, Bards and Inquisitors -- never ever take Scribe Scroll, please.
For Clerics, Druids and Witches, it can depend. Clerics probably will get at least as much mileage out of the Feat as a Wizard, but Druids probably shouldn't waste the Feat slot since they don't really have the same "utility role capability" as a Cleric and Wizard do. The few niche spells which may conceivably be important on the Druid list are easy enough to prepare during down time. All the plant/animal-specific spells are basically just trash, ignore them. They won't come into play for 90% of your career unless the entire campaign is organized around dealing strictly with creatures of the wood.
Witches I think have a strong motivation for taking the feat, though: their familiar acts as a spellbook and they don't automatically learn many Witch spells, but they do have a fairly long class spell list. Being able to Scribe Scrolls doesn't help you expand your spells-known, but it does allow you to "save" and transfer spells known between familiars should the worst happen or you want to "upgrade" to an Improved Familiar (strongly advised). They are, essentially, Wizards, and they have a great many useful situational spells which they will want when the situation arises but they won't want or be able to prepare all the time. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's a "must have" feat for all Witches, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a Witch build which simply cannot fit the slot for it.

Grimmy |

@Jarred Henninger:
But if you reduce the CL to the minimum you get:
So say 10,000GP or 15,000.
Totally missing the point IMO. You only start making those calculations if you can't find a comparable item to reference. For that ring your first stop is Ring of Regeneration.