If You Were Me, What Would You Do?


Liberty's Edge

I've got a new game coming up and the DM is determined to make sure we have as much fun and explore as many options as we like. Here are the rules for character creation:

Ability Scores: 25 Point Buy
Starting Level: 2

Races: Any non-monstrous, or any monstrous as long as you could hide it successfully in a human city (so basically, no Large or crazy monstrous features), includes 3pp races on a case by case basis. Additionally, the Create Your Own Races program is allowed, though you must use 11 points or less.

Classes: Summoners are banned, all other classes are up for grabs, including 3pp stuff on a case by case basis.

Starting Gold: 800, plus one item upgraded to masterwork quality for free.

Bonus Feats: Each character receives the following feats for free: Weapon Finesse, Power Attack, Heighten Spell, Precise Shot, Agile Maneuvers.

What do you guys think? Freaking awesome, right? Epic fantasy level ability scores, any race I want, any class I want, a free masterwork weapon, and all the annoying feat taxes out of the way.

The other players have all decided what they're going to do for the most part, so here's the party make-up:

TN Dwarf Inquisitor of Urgathoa (He's a dwarf with a scythe, he loves it). Magic Domain (for the ability to toss his scythe like a boomerang)

CN Elven Bladebound Magus (He wanted to play a fighter/mage, so he settled on magus, and when I told him about the bladebound archetype, he got super hyped about having his own talking sword)

TBA Demonspawn Tiefling Sorcerer, heading into Dragon Disciple at level 6.

TBA TBA Archery Ranger (He's been busy with a project for school, so he's not as active as the rest of us).

Then there's me and one other person who are both still mulling it over. So as you guys can see, unfortunately the knee-jerk "Build a wizard with 20 Int at level 1 and destroy the world!" isn't exactly going to cut it. I've got three arcane casters in the group already.

The setting is urban, so also unfortunately I won't be able to make a Barbarian Mammoth Rider (sadface), and since summoner isn't allowed I can't make a Master Summoner who calls forth all servants of Hell to destroy everyone.

So, I'm not sure what to do, really. I have so many options! What would you do, in my situation? Game is going to 20th level, but you know how slowly a game usually progresses.

I like playing buff-bot characters in a large group like this. Human Cavalier 2 (Inspiring Commander, Order of the Dragon) or Cavalier 1/Warlord 1 would be my starting point. Noble Scion (arts) and Lingering Performance would be my starting feats. Str 18 (16+2), Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 13.

With a decent Int bonus you pass out huge Aid Another bonuses as a second level cavalier. Or as the cavalier/warlord you have a good passive that hands out +2 initiative and +1 attack and damage.

Final build would ultimately be a Cavalier 9/Warlord 1/Battle Herald 10. The great thing about the inspiring commander archetype is that it automatically qualifies for the Battle Herald PrC. THP, DR, massive bonuses to basically anything you want, 4d6 healing per turn on up to 4 allies... simply for standing there you boost your allies to godly proportions.

If you want to "round out" the party, a rogue might be on the table.

I would probably go for a witch or druid in this situation just because of their utility.

I see no reason you couldn't play a wizard though, if you wanted to.

Heck, play whatever you want. :)

Are guns allowed?

You should be a female Human Werebear who is a 1st Level Inquisitor of Sarenrae. ohhh or even better, Shelyn. Kinda a beauty AND the beast type of girl!

Looks to me like ur in need of an upfront guy.. With the possibility of a none good party i would stay away from paladin, Perhaps a reskined LE Antipaladin? Barbarians rock face, as well as smash/destroy/desecrate faces.. Oracle of Battle might not be a bad idea either..

Courtney D's post got my mind working, for sort of a rope-a-dope "I look humanoid, BUT..." kinda thing.


I know Summoner is banned in your game and you sounded kinda stoked about conjuring up the minions of hell and such. Also, A Mammoth Rider beastcrunch of a character isn't appropriate for the setting...

...but a Beastmorph/Vivisectionist Alchemist might be just what you're looking for...

...or, the Preservationist Alchemist. You may not be able to summon up hell creatures, but you can bottle up all kinds of natural beasties and unleash them.

Liberty's Edge

magikot wrote:

Final build would ultimately be a Cavalier 9/Warlord 1/Battle Herald 10. The great thing about the inspiring commander archetype is that it automatically qualifies for the Battle Herald PrC. THP, DR, massive bonuses to basically anything you want, 4d6 healing per turn on up to 4 allies... simply for standing there you boost your allies to godly proportions.

Interesting. I'll take a look at the classes and see if I can find something I like. Thanks for your suggestion. :)

You should be a female Human Werebear who is a 1st Level Inquisitor of Sarenrae. ohhh or even better, Shelyn. Kinda a beauty AND the beast type of girl!

Niiice. I think I'll ask my DM if lycanthropy is fair game.

Looks to me like ur in need of an upfront guy.. With the possibility of a none good party i would stay away from paladin, Perhaps a reskined LE Antipaladin? Barbarians rock face, as well as smash/destroy/desecrate faces.. Oracle of Battle might not be a bad idea either..

Yeah, but I was hoping to play something a little different. Are there any good 3pp upfront classes you can think of?

...but a Beastmorph/Vivisectionist Alchemist might be just what you're looking for...

As nice as that sounds, unfortunately I think that with my current party layout I should try and get as many hit points as I can, in order to really protect the party. I'd prefer to stay at d10 or higher, just in case (especially since we only have a bard and an inquisitor for healing and neither of them even understand the concept of wands because this is their first time playing the system).

Are guns allowed?

An excellent question, one that I keep meaning to ask but forgetting. I'll let you know.

I would probably go for a witch or druid in this situation just because of their utility.

A druid? Hmm...I do love me some shapeshifting, but at the same time I would feel bad because I'd be stealing the dragon disciple's thunder. Darnit, I can't even rightly ask the DM for lycanthropy either.

Max Hps screams for a Barbarian.. I would suggest a human for the superstion bonus and feat.. 25 point i would do

str-17+2 = 19 (all pluses go here)
dex-10 (ur ac will always suck, but i have some suggestions)

Go Invulnerable Rager for increase DR

1st level:
Power Attack
Raging Brutality

Get ur self a set of mistmail and try to stick to miss chance effects, eventually a cloak of minor displacement.. Fortification on ur armor is a huge plus as well.. The idea is to kill stuff fast and survive long enough to do it... With that in mind DR/huge amount of hps will get u by..

First rage power i would get either superstitious or reckless abandon and ur 2nd should be whichever u didnt pick 1st.. Feat wise all u need is power attack, raging viatality, and later raging brutality. The rest can go to extra rage power.. Beast totem line is a muct..

Liberty's Edge

WerePox47 wrote:

Max Hps screams for a Barbarian.. I would suggest a human for the superstion bonus and feat.. 25 point i would do

str-17+2 = 19 (all pluses go here)
dex-10 (ur ac will always suck, but i have some suggestions)

Go Invulnerable Rager for increase DR

1st level:
Power Attack
Raging Brutality

Get ur self a set of mistmail and try to stick to miss chance effects, eventually a cloak of minor displacement.. Fortification on ur armor is a huge plus as well.. The idea is to kill stuff fast and survive long enough to do it... With that in mind DR/huge amount of hps will get u by..

First rage power i would get either superstitious or reckless abandon and ur 2nd should be whichever u didnt pick 1st.. Feat wise all u need is power attack, raging viatality, and later raging brutality. The rest can go to extra rage power.. Beast totem line is a muct..

I get Power Attack for free, remember? It's in the OP.

Your build looks good though. But I was more looking for a cool prestige class, since we're going to level 20. Can you suggest a cool prestige class for a fighter? Something with interesting mechanics/flavor?

TBH ive never once played a prc in pathfinder.. Its 99% of the time to stay inclass.. With that said ive always wanted to play a hellnight..
They get really cool armor, and some other nice abilites.. Weaponmaster 7 into Hellknight would get u weapon training 2, weapon focus/spec. and with gloves od dueling thats +5hit/+6damage.. after 10 levels you could go back to fighter or somthing else.. I would ask ur dm about playing a LE Antipaladin into Hellknight though.. The flavor is better and the asskickery.. If so look to the Eldritch Heritage-Oorc feat lines to really ramp up damage..

Half Orc, Urban Barbarian/ Monk Martial Artist. Think Grey Hulk version of Incredible Hulk. Take Sunder and throw anything type Rage powers. I have wanted to play this for a long time, but we dont play with high enough stats to keep him alive in the early levels.

Cool prestige classes for fighters?

Well for one, levels of barbarian.
Actually answering your question though I would suggest the
Living Monolith prestige class for a more tanky character.

Liberty's Edge

Tower Shield Specialist of the fighter, take Endurance, Dodge, and Diehard at 1st level for feats. From there, become a Stalwart Defender.

Ability Scores: This depends on you being okay with Crapshoot Charisma, if not, subtract 4 points wherever you like.

Strength: 16+2=18.

Dexterity: 14+2

Constitution: 16+3

Intelligence: 12+1

Wisdom: 12+1

Charisma: 7-2

Looks like a full offense, heavy damage, somewhat MAD party.

There are a lot of partial casters, but they all seem to be martial hybrids, not a dedicated god wizard, so that could still be very useful.

They could really use a bard or evangelist cleric, as Inspire Courage would be a huge force multiplier. Possibly a Battle Herald, especially if you like being a strategist/mastermind, or an Arcane Duelist if you want to join the hybrid melee scrum.

psychic warrior for the win.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Lazurin Arborlon wrote:
Half Orc, Urban Barbarian/ Monk Martial Artist. Think Grey Hulk version of Incredible Hulk. Take Sunder and throw anything type Rage powers. I have wanted to play this for a long time, but we dont play with high enough stats to keep him alive in the early levels.

That's what I'm playing in Pathfinder Society, although only 1 level in Urban Barbarian and the rest are going Martial Artist. Half-orcs are now crazy flexible with the ARG. With a 25 point buy,

Str 18
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 8 (or can do Cha 7 for a Wis 15)

Alternatively, Oni-Blood Tiefling can work for you as well with a similar build. (+2 to Wis, -2 to Cha statwise). Make the Masterwork Weapon a Sansetsukon for nice damage and possible defensive abilities if need be, and go for Power Attack as your first feat.

For a full thug, I would say barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)

As you get weapon finesse and agile maneuvers for free... dex based monk! Dex->Wis->Con->Str->Int->Cha

You Can also do Cleric (Saranrae)1/Monk X

Go for dex build
Take the feat that allows you to flurry with your diety's favorite weapon (at 3rd level) and the infamous dervish feat (which you can take at 1st level)

So by third level, you have a scimitar flurrying dex-based monk who can use clerical wands to boost before combat.

The most damaging? No... but I like the imagery...

You need a rogue. A 1 level dip into rogue the the rest in wizard (conjurer) is the most powerful character you could make. A 1 (first) level dip is all anyone needs to fill the role of rogue.

-edit- make charisma a 7, wis 11, int 16, dex 16, con 15, str 12 Rogues and Wizards need a lot of the same stuff as far as stats go. In other words, it blends well.

*I am going to post a guide on Mystic Theurges in the next few days that will explain in some detail about non-stackable item creations and bonuses of +odd to stats.

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