chkflip |

Rolled stats: STR 14, DEX 18, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 10, CHR 18
This is post-racial, DM dropped my CON bonus because otherwise I rolled (in front of him, I'll have you know) like a flippin' champ.
Feats by level
01: Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Finesse
02: Cosmopolitan (adding Orc and Draconian, Use Magic Device and Perform Comedy)
03: Power Attack
04: Weapon Specialization (rapier)
05: Quick Draw or Dodge or Dazzling Display (help?)
06: Bloody Assault
07: Vital Strike
08: Cleave
09: Devastating Strike
10: Greater Weapon Focus
11: Improved Vital Strike
12: Greater Weapon Specialization
13: Greater Cleave
That's as far as I've got planned. Queries:
Do Vital Strike, Cleave, and Bloody Assault stack?
Is there any way to get medium rapier base damage on a small rapier?

Mojorat |

Vital strike is its own standard action, you cannot combine it with other standard actions. So cleave is out. I dont know bloody assault so cannot answer but look at the type of action used.
I think your character is trying to do toomany things decide on one of the following
agile crit based fighter
power type aimed at cleave vital strike etc
or one built around fear and shattered defenses.
If you do go for the agile crit char and want vital strike etc still look at an archetype called ustalav duelist.
also over all id just look at playing a swashbuckler.

cnetarian |
I'd put arcane strike in the mix, be a good choice for level 5.
Lunge is a very useful feat, consider it.
As a DEX based melee fighter you ought to have combat reflexes, more AoOs is incredibly useful.
Vital Strike, Imp. VS, Greater VS all sound nice but as a gnome using a rapier you might be better off taking crit feats really, as each adds an average of 2.5 damage on one attack.
Toughness, with 10 CON you want it.
Anything which can help your will saves will be wanted at higher levels, fighter will saves are bad enough and a 10 WIS doesn't help.
Bloody assault should stack with vital strike or cleave, but both of them are exclusive standard actions - you can either cleave or vital strike.
there is the lead blades spell and wielding a medium rapier in two hands.