Oceanshieldwolf |

Been lurking here watching from the fringe since my last post.
*I'm totally nonplussed by the reign, ruler, edicts, decrees et al approach. I kinda get Electus as a name, but I see the weapon as being a gift to/or choosing absolutely anyone, regardless of their birthright, bloodline, divine inspiration etc...
Maybe it's my anti-royalist anarchism speaking but that stuff turns me right off. I think it's a fine creative idea and a great thematic option given some of the source material, but IMHO I find it waaaay too restrictive. Just my 2 cents on that one.
*I have some sympathy for an intelligent weapon approach, but I also like the inscrutable, mute, brooding intelligence of Elric's Stormbringer or the similar Changeling of C J Cherryh's Morgaine. Again, providing options for many approaches to tge Calibur's Id, intelligence and ego or complete lack of these would be awesome.
*Yes - this Base Class should completely ignore Golarion canon, but be importable. Again, broad application - this Base Class has so much potential in all it's myriad iterations - spellcastery, spell-less, calibur-as-weapon, calibur-as-item, calibur-as-armor etc....

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*Yes - this Base Class should completely ignore Golarion canon, but be importable. Again, broad application - this Base Class has so much potential in all it's myriad iterations - spellcastery, spell-less, calibur-as-weapon, calibur-as-item, calibur-as-armor etc....
Lots of good stuff, and I agree with that. I guess the easiest option would be to make the weapon's Intelligence a totally optional choice at 1st level, purely for the fluff. The real utility of a magus blackblade's Ego is to resist its owner's leeching powers; since the electus has none, the only way a calibur can express dissatisfaction is to shut off its powers as retribution, which shouldn't require any crunch (I could see an angel's Merciful Longsword shut off if used to deal the killing blow to a creature without giving it the option to surrender). For flavor, both should be available without breaking anything.

Oceanshieldwolf |

@LBM - As I said, the ruler stuff is all really good and creative, just not my cup of tea. I don't think there's a need to remove one from the other (electus/calibur) I just think that not all the ideas on this thread should be in the Base Class - there is so much potential within the framework of Archetypes. A Ruler archetype would be really solid for the Electus Base Class.
@Maxximilius: I agree totally - there needn't be a crunch description. Someone will probably want to devise one based on the Magus' black blade or intelligent weapon Ego rules generally.
And yes, making it a choice a 1st level is the way to go, either in a dedicated "Intelligent Weapon" archetype or in the Base Class if there is room for such an "evolution/option".

Oceanshieldwolf |

(Remember, no need to "step away from anything" - just make the Base broadly applicable with room for tinkering to make archetypes.)
@+5 Toaster: Reigns are fantastic for a Ruler Archetype!
Endowments could get a bit funky, especially if I have a megasword... ;p
Electus wielding big sword: "I'm completely happy with my anatomy, why do you ask? What do you mean, "well endowed"?"

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Yeah, I was thinking of something that buffs the group that's along the lines of the Reigns. Something like a Bequest.
Most likely the calibur will be the 'combat' tool and the electus will be the 'non-combat' tool with a few small combat stuff. The electus giving morale bonuses or compentance bonuses while the calibur does the special stuff. The idea is that they need to work in concert to be at their best.

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I was trying to find the v4 parital draft but it doesn't seem to exist any more.
I'm still working on the calibur but here the partial for the electus
Hit Die: d10
BAB: as Warrior (barbarian/fighter)
Good Saves: Fort/Will
Bad Saves: Reflex
Class Skills
An electus's class skills are Climb (Str), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history, nobility)(Int), Linguisitics (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
Level Special
1 Calibur, Moment of Greatness 1/day, Road to Power
2 Road to Power ability
3 Edict I
4 Bonus Feat
5 Moment of Greatness 2/day
6 <Calibur Ability>
7 Inspiring Moment
8 Road to Power Ability
9 Edict II
10 Moment of Greatness 3/day, <Calibur Ability>
11 Greater Moment
12 Bonus Feat
13 Edict III
14 <Calibur Ability>
15 Moment of Greatness 4/day
16 Bonus Feat
17 Road to Power
18 <Calibur Ability>
19 -
20 Level 20 ability, Moment of Greatness 5/day
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Simple/martial weapons and light/medium armor
The idea is that the road to power may give additional choices
At 1st level, the electus forms a bond with a calibur, an artifact in the form of a weapon of his choosing. As the electus gains experience and grows more powerful, so does his calibur. A calibur cannot be enchanted nor can it be enhanced by effects other than ones it possesses. A calibur's caster level is considered to be equal to its level.
A calibur is assumed to be made out of basic materials. For example, a calibur that is a longsword is made out of iron or steel while a calibur that is a quarterstaff is make out of wood. Because the calibur is an artifact, it cannot be destroyed by normal means, only broken. Should a calibur be broken, it can be repaired with Make Whole.
Because of the bond between an electus and his calibur, he may not choose to sell the weapon.
There's no mention of being able to enchant the weapon because the calibur gets its own enchantments as it levels.
Moment of Greatness
Beginning at 1st level, an electus has the ability to turn the tide of a battle or spur on his allies as a swift action. Once used, this ability will give every ally within 30 feet a bonus. At 2th level and levels there after, this distance increases by 10 feet.
At 1st level, an electus can use this ability once per day. The electus gains an additional use at 5th level and every five levels afterwards.
When an electus declares a Moment of Greatness, he chooses one type to make. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the electus's charisma modifier.
Charge: Morale bonus to movement speed when charging
Rally: Allows panicked or feared allies a saving throw against the condition. Gives morale bonus bonus against fear and charm effects.
Double Efforts: Morale bonus to physical skill checks (acrobatics, climb, ride, swim)
Empower: Morale bonus to damage rolls
If the electus becomes panicked, unconscious, or is killed, these bonsues cease.
The idea is an aura like the old Dragon Shaman. Unlike that class, the aura only affects allies. Why doesn't it affect the electus? The calibur gives enough personal effects that the electus doesn't need the bonuses he gives to the party.
I haven't added the numbers to the abilities yet because I'm still deciding how quickly they grow. Most likely it will be like the Inquisitor's judgements.
You will also notice that the ability gives morale bonuses. I wanted this because I felt like the electus shouldn't be or feel a magical character. The calibur gives the magical effects.
Road to Power
The road to power is essentially like the Order ability of a cavalier. Choosing a road grants various abilities as the electus progresses. It also grants additional Moment of Greatness abilities. I'll let some others create some.
At 3rd level, an electus makes effective use of this own voice and can influence those around him. He gains on the following abilities as a spell-like ability: Command, Charm Person, or Timely Inspiration.
At 9th and 13th level, this ability changes pending on the original choice
level 9: Qeas(lesser)
level 13: Qeas
Charm Person
Level 9: Suggestion
Level 13: Sugesstion (mass)
Timely Inspiration
Level 9: Galant Inspiration
Level 13: Brilliant Inspiration
He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. The DC for saving throws against this ability is 10 plus the electus's Charisma modifier.
The idea is to expand on the Inspire tree. Instead of just the Inspiration tree, the electus can choose others.
Bonus Feat
Bonus combat feat or skill focus feat at level 4, 12, and 16.
Greater Moment
At level 11, the electus can choose two abilities when he declares a Moment of Greatness.

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Here's the basics for the calibur. It's similar to the older one I did but I tried to expand on it a bit more. Why did I choose this method? I wanted to add more flavor to the calibur rather then it become a basic magic weapon.
*Note: There is no stats for the calibur as of yet. We seem to be very much in the alpha phase so I'll leave something like the calibur's Int/Wis/Cha/Ego for later.
**Note 2: I've added space for a calibur pool which may serve as the 'combat bonus' for the class similar to the increased damage from a Cavalier's challenge, the Barbarian's rage, or a Fighter's weapon groups. There's also the potential of the pool being use for any temperment. What I might do is just add a flat amount of bonus damage, remove the pool, and base any power on the calibur's modifiers (Int/Wis/cha).
Level / Feature
1 / Provenance, Partnership, Temperment
2 / -
3 / -
4 / -
5 / -
6 / Temperment
7 / -
8 / -
9 / -
10 / Temperment
11 / -
12 / -
13 / -
14 / Temperment
15 / -
16 / -
17 -
18 Temperment
19 -
20 -
Level EB CP
1 +0 -
2 +0 -
3 +1 -
4 +1 -
5 +2 -
6 +2 -
7 +2 -
8 +2 -
9 +3 -
10 +3 -
11 +3 -
12 +3 -
13 +4 -
14 +4 -
16 +4 -
17 +5 -
18 +5 -
19 +5 -
20 +5 -
EB-Enchancement Bonus
CP-Calibur Pool
At 1st level, choose a provenance. This choice determines which form the calibur may take and what abilities it learns as it advances.
At 1st level, a calibur grants it's Electus a bonus feat as long as the Electus wields the calibur. Refer to the calibur's Provenance for the feat.
Like the previous incarnation except that the Provenance determines the bonus familiar feat.
At level 1, 6, 10, 14, and 18 a calibur gains an ability based on its Provenance.
'Genie' Blade
Remember, this is just an example.
Special: When you choose this provenance, choose either Efreeti, Djinni, Marid, or Shaitan. Your choice determines which temperments you gain.
Forms: Any one handed simple or martial weapon
The idea with the forms is to allow for as many different types of weapons based on the provenance as we can without allowing everything. One provenance might only allow for a narrow field of forms (a deceptive calibur may only take the form of a dagger, quarterstaff, gauntlet, and so forth)
Partnership: Magical Aptitude
Level 1: The calibur is linked with arcane and planar knowledge. You may beseech the calibur as full round action. This gives you a +4 bonus to a Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (planar) skill roll.
Level 6: The calibur gains one of the weapon special abilities: Corrosive (Shaitan), Flaming (Efreeti), Frost (Marid), or Shock (Djinni). At level 12, this special abilities becomes the +2 equivalent.
Level 10: Once per day as a standard action, you can call upon the calibur to manifest its elemental fury in the form of an elemental. This functions as Summon Monster IV except that you can only summon an elemental of the appropiate type. At level 15, this functions as Summon Monster VI. At level 20, this functions as Summon Monster VII.
Level 14: Choose one: the calibur gains the Spell Stealing special weapon ability or the Dancing weapon special ability.
Level 18: Once per day, the calibur can cast Limited Wish as a spell-like ability.

Arcanemuses |

Here's the basics for the calibur. It's similar to the older one I did but I tried to expand on it a bit more. Why did I choose this method? I wanted to add more flavor to the calibur rather then it become a basic magic weapon.
*Note: There is no stats for the calibur as of yet. We seem to be very much in the alpha phase so I'll leave something like the calibur's Int/Wis/Cha/Ego for later.
**Note 2: I've added space for a calibur pool which may serve as the 'combat bonus' for the class similar to the increased damage from a Cavalier's challenge, the Barbarian's rage, or a Fighter's weapon groups. There's also the potential of the pool being use for any temperment. What I might do is just add a flat amount of bonus damage, remove the pool, and base any power on the calibur's modifiers (Int/Wis/cha).
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I really like it! So many ideas for provenances!

Spyder25 |

Hi boys and girls,
It has come to my attention that the PDF was taken down. I'm not sure why it isn't in my Google Drive any more, but I have uploaded it once more. The link can be found HERE. Also, on my computer the colors seem to be off and I have no clue why that is. So please over look that.