Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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3/5 *

DrParty06 wrote:

Have: New Slyph & Spirit of the Shadow Lodge

Want: Other Race Boon.

If you still have the sylph boon and want to trade for my undine/paragon boon, let me know. I can't send you a PM it would seem.

Offer: Wayang

Want: Dhampir, Kitsune, Vishkanya, or possibly another race. Willing to discuss.

Shadow Lodge

Since opposition to me doing this seems to have changed their minds...


Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Backer boon:
Emerald Elixir: Stolen from a bizarre pool in the Emerald Spire superdungeon, this strange vial of glowing emerald elixir has potent alchemical properties. When you drink this elixir, you gain the advanced simple template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 294) for the duration of the scenario.
Alternatively, you may mix the elixir with experimental agents found near the vial to trigger a permanent mutation, determined by rolling 1d20 and consulting the random mutation table below (you may not use any reroll ability to modify this die roll). If more than one player activates an emerald elixir at the same time, all drinkers may choose the mutation acquired rather than roll randomly. All bonuses granted by these mutations are alchemical bonuses. Only one PC per player may gain the benefits of this boon.

d20 roll Mutation
1 Double Jointed: You are exceptionably flexible and gain a +2 bonus on Escape Artist checks.
2 Elemental Bond (Air/Pulmonary System): When you perform a standard action while holding your breath, you do not reduce the remaining time that you may hold your breath by 1 round. Performing a full-round action reduces the remaining time you can hold your breath as normal.
3 Elemental Bond (Earth/Skeletal System): You treat any fall as 10 feet shorter when calculating how much damage you take.
4 Elemental Bond (Fire/Metabolism): You can survive on half the normal amount of food and water.
5 Elemental Bond (Water/Musculature): Treat your Strength score as 2 points higher when determining your carrying capacity.
6 Enhanced Olfactory Bulb: You gain a +1 bonus on Sense Motive and Survival checks.
7 Enhanced Pheromones: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
8 Increased Blood Viscosity: Whenever you suffer bleed damage, reduce the damage by 1 (minimum 1).
9 Internal Chronometer: You possess a natural sense of time and gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls made as readied action.
10 Keratin Spikes: You hair grows into sharp quills. When not wearing armor, you may make attacks with your hair as though you were wearing armor spikes.
11 Magnetic Basal Ganglia: You always know which way is north as per the know direction spell, and you gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks made to follow maps and avoid getting lost.
12 Negative Energy Buffer: When you are affected by a negative energy spell or effect, reduce the amount of damage you take by 1.
13 Pigment Alteration: Roll 1d8 as though you were affected by a prismatic spray spell. Your skin permanently turns the resulting color, and you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks against humanoids with the gnome subtype.
14 Positive Energy Feedback Loop: When you are affected by a positive energy spell or effect, increase the amount of damage healed by 1.
15 Reflective Retinas: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you now see three times as far in conditions of dim light.
16 Species Mimicry: Choose a different race of your creature type with 0 racial Hit Die. You may subtly alter your physical features to resemble those of the selected race, granting you a +3 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a member of that race.
17 Syndactyly: Webbing grows between your toes, and you gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks.
18 Tail: You gain a non-prehensile tail that grants you a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.
19 Vomeronasal Organ: When you attack an adjacent creature, reduce any miss chance you would take from concealment by 10%.
20 Extraordinary Mutation: Roll twice more on this table and gain both resulting mutations, ignoring any results of 20. If you roll twice and get the same result on both rolls, you may reroll one of the two dice. You may only benefit from this mutation if you actually rolled a natural 20, not by purposefully selecting the mutation.

Sky Citadel Scholar:
You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge checks made about dwarven Sky Citadels or the Quest for Sky. In addition, you either become specialized in Knowledge (dungeoneering) or learn the Dwarven language for free.

Race boon, preferably ifrit, sylph, or kitsune.


Would really like a Dhampir for PFS, so offering:

Have: Former Crusader, and as it seems the Kickstarter boon is tradable, happy to throw that in as well.
Want: Dhampir

Grand Lodge 5/5

Naga race boon
Kitsune race boon
Oread reac boon/ Paragon of the Society (0/3 checked)

Sylph race boon/ Paragon of the Society (0/3 checked)

And I dont believe the Kickstarter boon is tradeable. It is linked to your specific email, so no one else can use it.

The Exchange 4/5

Have: Oread, Ifrit, Undine, Damphir
2013 GM Boon AKA Triple-Race Boon: Wayang, Kitsune, Nagaji

And some season 5 boons:
Former Crusader
Moment of Glory
Mounted Tradition
Nexvarian Requisition
On the Job Training
Personal Physician
Research Specialist

Want: New Sylph(Suli) boon, Other Race boons and any other boons that aren't listed.

Shadow Lodge

Seth Gipson wrote:
And I dont believe the Kickstarter boon is tradeable. It is linked to your specific email, so no one else can use it.

That has been discussed here, and we probably shouldn't derail this thread with that discussion.

Spoilered to (hopefully) prevent derailment:
Since an objection was raised in this thread, I feel I should at least address it in this thread; anything further should probably be discussed in the thread I linked to.

There has never been any actual ruling on whether the watermark means anything for this boon. It is there simply because Paizo's download system automatically watermarks every page, except the last, on all PDFs you download through it, and the only PFS rule pertaining to this watermark if for access to Additional Resources, which this boon is NOT. Barring any clarification from campaign leadership, I am inclined to believe the watermark is no more binding than a convention boon that gets marked with who it was originally issued to, outside of the standard chronicle header (for example, my Sky Citadel Scholar I got from Conline is marked with my PFS number in the Notes section, labelled "Originally Issued To"), which I'm pretty sure we're all in agreement about that NOT being a problem.

Basically, there is no applicable rule specifically addressing the watermark, and there is no specific campaign guidance otherwise, so it should default back to standard rules for transferability.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Updated listing with non-race boons.

Naga race boon
Oread race boon/Paragon of the Society
Kitsune race boon
Personal Physician
Nexavarian Requisition
Mounted Tradition
Extra Hours
On the Job Training
Taint of the Worldwound
Custom Order
Debt to Society
Erratic Luck

Sylph race boon/ Paragon of the Society

Silver Crusade

Haves: Ifrit Boon. Triple Boon(Kitsune, Wayang, Nagaji).

Want: Suli, Dhampir, or other Race Boons.

Shadow Lodge



Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Backer boon:
Emerald Elixir: Stolen from a bizarre pool in the Emerald Spire superdungeon, this strange vial of glowing emerald elixir has potent alchemical properties. When you drink this elixir, you gain the advanced simple template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 294) for the duration of the scenario.
Alternatively, you may mix the elixir with experimental agents found near the vial to trigger a permanent mutation, determined by rolling 1d20 and consulting the random mutation table below (you may not use any reroll ability to modify this die roll). If more than one player activates an emerald elixir at the same time, all drinkers may choose the mutation acquired rather than roll randomly. All bonuses granted by these mutations are alchemical bonuses. Only one PC per player may gain the benefits of this boon.

d20 roll Mutation
1 Double Jointed: You are exceptionably flexible and gain a +2 bonus on Escape Artist checks.
2 Elemental Bond (Air/Pulmonary System): When you perform a standard action while holding your breath, you do not reduce the remaining time that you may hold your breath by 1 round. Performing a full-round action reduces the remaining time you can hold your breath as normal.
3 Elemental Bond (Earth/Skeletal System): You treat any fall as 10 feet shorter when calculating how much damage you take.
4 Elemental Bond (Fire/Metabolism): You can survive on half the normal amount of food and water.
5 Elemental Bond (Water/Musculature): Treat your Strength score as 2 points higher when determining your carrying capacity.
6 Enhanced Olfactory Bulb: You gain a +1 bonus on Sense Motive and Survival checks.
7 Enhanced Pheromones: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
8 Increased Blood Viscosity: Whenever you suffer bleed damage, reduce the damage by 1 (minimum 1).
9 Internal Chronometer: You possess a natural sense of time and gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls made as readied action.
10 Keratin Spikes: You hair grows into sharp quills. When not wearing armor, you may make attacks with your hair as though you were wearing armor spikes.
11 Magnetic Basal Ganglia: You always know which way is north as per the know direction spell, and you gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks made to follow maps and avoid getting lost.
12 Negative Energy Buffer: When you are affected by a negative energy spell or effect, reduce the amount of damage you take by 1.
13 Pigment Alteration: Roll 1d8 as though you were affected by a prismatic spray spell. Your skin permanently turns the resulting color, and you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks against humanoids with the gnome subtype.
14 Positive Energy Feedback Loop: When you are affected by a positive energy spell or effect, increase the amount of damage healed by 1.
15 Reflective Retinas: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you now see three times as far in conditions of dim light.
16 Species Mimicry: Choose a different race of your creature type with 0 racial Hit Die. You may subtly alter your physical features to resemble those of the selected race, granting you a +3 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a member of that race.
17 Syndactyly: Webbing grows between your toes, and you gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks.
18 Tail: You gain a non-prehensile tail that grants you a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.
19 Vomeronasal Organ: When you attack an adjacent creature, reduce any miss chance you would take from concealment by 10%.
20 Extraordinary Mutation: Roll twice more on this table and gain both resulting mutations, ignoring any results of 20. If you roll twice and get the same result on both rolls, you may reroll one of the two dice. You may only benefit from this mutation if you actually rolled a natural 20, not by purposefully selecting the mutation.

Race boon, preferably sylph or kitsune.

Silver Crusade

Have: Oread

Want: Wayang

Sovereign Court

Have: Ifrit race boon, Erratic Luck, Personal Physician, Worldwound Gambit novel and boon

Want: Oread, Sylph, Dhampir, other race boons, interesting options... PM me, I'm willing to discuss alternate trades.

3/5 *

Have: Undine/Paragon of the Society, Student of Runes

Want: Sylph (Doesn't need to be new one... any will do). I promise to give this Sylph a flavorful and rp-rich experience if anyone would be kind enough to let me.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

cartmanbeck wrote:
Russell Brown wrote:
Andros, High Priest of Sarenrae wrote:

Has anyone ever try to compile a complete listing of boons, or by category?


Look upthread. Somewhere in the almost 900 posts was a link to a google docs spreadsheet with a lot of the boons listed. It wasn't complete though.

Found the link: Link

Thanks! I didn't have the time to search for it myself the other day. :)

Dark Archive

Have:Kitsune/ Nagaji/ Wayang boon

Want: Ifrit or Dhampir boon

Silver Crusade 5/5

Have: Personal Physician, Oread (GM Reward Spring 2014), Mounted Tradition, Taint of the Worldwound

Want: Sylph, other race boon, or anything neat.

Hi guys, I want to obtain the racial Dhampir boon. Anyone can help me? Ty

Have: Ifrit

Want: Undine

Thanks All :D

3/5 *

William Wadhams wrote:

Have:Kitsune/ Nagaji/ Wayang boon

Want: Ifrit or Dhampir boon

CathalFM wrote:

Have: Ifrit

Want: Undine

Thanks All :D

I have an Undine and would like to get the Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang. Perhaps if you both are still willing and able to trade, we could make this work?

Want: Any Race Boon

Have: A crap ton of figures to trade and world wound book + boon to trade.

Want: Undine

Have: A crap ton of figures to trade and Worldwound Gambit book + boon to trade.

Choose one of the following three boons for your character and cross the rest off the Chronicle sheet:
Demonic Scholar: You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks when making checks regarding demons.
Opportunistic Strike: Your experience fighting demons in the Worldwound and your patience carrying out a long con has granted you insight into when and where demons are the most vulnerable. At any time in the future, when fighting a creature of the demon subtype, you may recognize an opening for an opportunistic strike. As an immediate action, you may declare a single attack roll to be an opportunistic strike, allowing you to bypass the demon’s damage reduction of a value equal to your base attack bonus on a single attack. Once this attack has been made, the GM should cross off this boon.
The Long Con: Your experiences bringing down the Tower of Yath have honed your skills at deceiving those who worship Abyssal forces. You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Bluff checks made against demonic cultists in noncombat situations.

Sorry about the repost it wouldn't let me edit my last post.

Ok sorry also about repost but I also don't seem to be able to edit my old post.

I have managed to make a trade so no longer looking for an undine and no longer have an ifrit, sorry folks.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

You only have a 1 hour editing window.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow didn't know that, that's a real pity especially on this particular topic. People can't take down their trade if it's no longer on offer. You can't even delete your post.

Dark Archive 4/5

Have: Spirit of the Shadow Lodge, Oread, Sylph/Suli

Want: Vishkanya or interesting offers

3/5 *

Have: Undine/Paragon of Society, Student of Runes, Xenophobia
Want: Wayang, Sylph, Dhampir or Ifrit

3/5 *

DrakeRoberts wrote:

Have: Undine/Paragon of Society, Student of Runes, Xenophobia

Want: Wayang, Sylph, Dhampir or Ifrit

Beyond edit time:

Have: Undine/Paragon of Society, Student of Runes, Xenophobia
Want: Racial boons, especially Wayang, Sylph, Dhampir, Kitsune or Ifrit

ISO 'Grave Blooded'boon. So I can make a Dhampir for PFS.
I plan to make a Divine Hunter/Mysterious Stranger. Yes, that's right, a 1/2Vampire Paladin/Gunslinger. Hahaha.
Can anyone hook me up with this boon? I am willing to trade.
I have:
'Former Crusader'
'Shoanti Quah-friend'
'Extra Trait'

Silver Crusade 5/5

I am looking to trade some Boons.

I am offering:


Expedition Manager

Seen It once

I Would Like:

Personal Physician

Research Specialist

Please PM me if you are interested,


Silver Crusade 5/5

an update:

I have traded my Expedition Manager boon and my Xenophobia boon.

I am still Offering:

Seen it Once

I would Like

Research Specialist.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Thank you

3/5 *

I thought with the conventions this weekend that it may be worth reposting:

Undine/Paragon of Society
Student of Runes

Racial Boons (Wayang, Sylph, Dhampir, Kitsune, and Ifrit given highest priority, but any offer will be considered seriously)

Dark Archive 5/5

DrakeRoberts wrote:

I thought with the conventions this weekend that it may be worth reposting:

Undine/Paragon of Society
Student of Runes

Racial Boons (Wayang, Sylph, Dhampir, Kitsune, and Ifrit given highest priority, but any offer will be considered seriously)

DrakeRoberts, I have the Naga-blooded, Shade-blooded, Vulpine-blooded triple boon that would let you play a wayang. I'd be glad to trade it for your Undine/Paragon of the Society boon. Send me a PM and we'll set it up.


3/5 *

Arthur Severance wrote:
DrakeRoberts wrote:

I thought with the conventions this weekend that it may be worth reposting:

Undine/Paragon of Society
Student of Runes

Racial Boons (Wayang, Sylph, Dhampir, Kitsune, and Ifrit given highest priority, but any offer will be considered seriously)

DrakeRoberts, I have the Naga-blooded, Shade-blooded, Vulpine-blooded triple boon that would let you play a wayang. I'd be glad to trade it for your Undine/Paragon of the Society boon. Send me a PM and we'll set it up.


Awesome, will do! Thanks.

Dark Archive 5/5

Hazzard wrote:

Have: Oread, Ifrit, Undine, Damphir

2013 GM Boon AKA Triple-Race Boon: Wayang, Kitsune, Nagaji

And some season 5 boons:
Former Crusader
Moment of Glory
Mounted Tradition
Nexvarian Requisition
On the Job Training
Personal Physician
Research Specialist

Want: New Sylph(Suli) boon, Other Race boons and any other boons that aren't listed.

Hazzard, I'd like to get an ifrit boon. I have Mendevian Weapon Training and Long Distance Support and would gladly trade you those two for it. I'll PM you as well.



I just stumbled upon this thread today, so I figured that I'd give this a try.

Ifrit / Paragon of the Society
Tri-Race Boon (Wayang/Kitsune/Nagaji)

Custom Order
Debt to Society
Former Crusader
Nexavarian Requisition
Personal Physician
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge


Expedition Manager
Extra Hours

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I don't have my boon list here, but I have a spare ifrit and sylph boon as well as some others. Let me know what you want and I'll see if I have it/can acquire it.

I'd love one of the PaizoCon 2014 GM boons.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

^ sent you a PM.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

I have a slyph/suli boon I would be willing to trade for an oread or ifrit. Please PM me if interested.

4/5 ****

terry_t_uk wrote:
I have a slyph/suli boon I would be willing to trade for an oread or ifrit. Please PM me if interested.

Oh hey, does that mean John Compton took my suggestions and made the Summer Slyph combinable with all the other elemental races to make a Suli?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Pirate Rob wrote:
terry_t_uk wrote:
I have a slyph/suli boon I would be willing to trade for an oread or ifrit. Please PM me if interested.
Oh hey, does that mean John Compton took my suggestions and made the Summer Slyph combinable with all the other elemental races to make a Suli?

It does!

4/5 ****

John Compton wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:
terry_t_uk wrote:
I have a slyph/suli boon I would be willing to trade for an oread or ifrit. Please PM me if interested.
Oh hey, does that mean John Compton took my suggestions and made the Summer Slyph combinable with all the other elemental races to make a Suli?
It does!


Hmmm, my next 2 conventions are GenCon and Pacificon.

GenCon has its own GM boon and Pacificon is after GenCon and got the Fall boon last year, although it takes place in the last weekend of August.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

I have:

- Sylph / Paragon of the Society
- Tri-Race Boon (Wayang/Kitsune/Nagaji)
- Spirit of the Shadow Lodge

and am also looking for an Ifrit (preferably) or an Oread (geologists like rocks - who knew?). Also wouldn't mind finding a Nexavarian Requisition boon too - was always a fan of that metal when it showed up in the earlier Pathfinder Campaign Setting/Tales/Fiction stories pre-Season 5.


3/5 *

Well, I know it's a long shot, but apparently some people aren't drawn to race boons the way I am, so....:

Student of Runes

Any race boon that isn't Tengu, Aasimar, or Tiefling

I will also be happy to consider other boons, although the couple of race boons I've held have made me so happy. I've had these two boons for a while and they just haven't called to me much.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Mike Bramnik wrote:

I have:

- Sylph / Paragon of the Society
- Tri-Race Boon (Wayang/Kitsune/Nagaji)
- Spirit of the Shadow Lodge

and am also looking for an Ifrit (preferably) or an Oread (geologists like rocks - who knew?). Also wouldn't mind finding a Nexavarian Requisition boon too - was always a fan of that metal when it showed up in the earlier Pathfinder Campaign Setting/Tales/Fiction stories pre-Season 5.


I might be able to help you out Mike. I'll send you a PM.

Liberty's Edge

Have: Not much... :( Can't get to cons, because I can't drive yet. Whoo is me. I do have:
Back to the Grave (insight bonus on attack rolls vs. Undead. One time use)
History of the Sands: (Take 20 on a Knowledge(history or religion) check as a stander action. Gives and extra +5 competence with Osirion-related info. One time use)
Lots and lots of gratitude from a newbie, and that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you make a "child" happy (I'm sorta still a kid! :D)

Want: (in order of "wanting")
any of the Genie-Born (Ifrit, Undine, Sylph, Oread in that order),
Extra Traits

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:


any of the Genie-Born (Ifrit, Undine, Sylph, Oread in that order),

Just FYI, so you're not holding out hope, there is no Orc boon, there aren't any more Goblin boons, and the only Fetchling boon I'm aware of was on a Chronicle sheet for an old special that likely won't be run again.

Liberty's Edge

Nefreet wrote:
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:


any of the Genie-Born (Ifrit, Undine, Sylph, Oread in that order),

Just FYI, so you're not holding out hope, there is no Orc boon, there aren't any more Goblin boons, and the only Fetchling boon I'm aware of was on a Chronicle sheet for an old special that likely won't be run again.


Man. I really wanted to play a Shadow Caller... :(
And a Scarred Witch Doctor
And a Gob.
Why would you make the Goblin comic Paizo? Why would you tempt me like that? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY???

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

If you search this thread for the word "Goblin" you'll find all the discussions about the boons that were handed out two years ago. There was 30-something of them handed out in 2012, and it's been stated that no more will be made.

Liberty's Edge

Nefreet wrote:
If you search this thread for the word "Goblin" you'll find all the discussions about the boons that were handed out two years ago. There was 30-something of them handed out in 2012, and it's been stated that no more will be made.

Not cool, Paizo. Not cool.

Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

* Personal Physician
* Sinscarred x3
* Sacred Trust
* Oread x2
* Undine
* Research Specialist
* On-the-Job Training
* Nexavarian Requisition
* Mounter Tradition

Willing to trade any or all of them for a character rebuild boon.

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