Bloodwort |

.we still don't have a definitive ruleset from Paizo on PaO (see my previous post)
.However, now my 16th level players are thinking about using PaO on themselves to grow permanent wings.
I'm curious what my fellow DMs out there think about this use of the spell or any other uses to modify party members.

Mapleswitch |

"Duration factor....(example)
0----20 minutes........Pebble to Human
2---- 1 hour............Marionette to human
4---- 3 hours..........Human to marionette
5---- 12 hours.........Lizard to manticore
6---- 2 days.............Sheep to wool coat
7---- 1 week...........Shrew to manticore
9+--- permanent......Manticore to Shrew
Based on the following factors:
Changed subject is: increase to duration factor
same kingdom (animal, vegetable, mineral)....+5
same class (mammal, fungi, metals, etc).........+2
same size........................................................+2
Related (twig is to tree, wolf fur to wolf)......+2
same or lower intelligence...........................+2
*add all that apply, look up total on duration factor table."
They would be of the same kingdom - animal. +5
Birds are not mammals, humans are. 0
They would not be the same size - the wings have volume. 0
I cannot imagine a situation in which a human is related to a celestial angel - definitely not in the way the two examples are. 0
If they had no knowledge of how to fly, they would be of the same intelligence. If they wanted to come in knowing how to fly, then they would be of a higher intelligence and not get that bonus. maybe +2
**Edited** I think the fly skill does not quite cover this one. Having actual wings in this way isn't like typical magic where the brain innately understands what to do. Look up Vestigal Arm for alchemists - yeah, they get a 3rd arm and might be able to function it to some degree, but Alchemists do not innately understand how to fight with the new found third arm.
If they wanted to have wings and look cool, they would have cool looking wings.
If they wanted to know how to fly their wings, I would treat it like the eidolon 2 point ability:
"Flight (Ex) An eidolon grows large wings, like those of a bat, bird, insect, or dragon, gaining the ability to fly. The eidolon gains a fly speed equal to its base speed. The eidolon’s maneuverability depends on it size. Medium or smaller eidolons have good maneuverability. Large eidolons have average maneuverability, while Huge eidolons have poor maneuverability."
12 hours (5) to 1 week (7) depending would be my answer to my group. (I would not telling them the duration. I would ask them if they wanted to know how to fly with the new wings on their back.)
The npc towns would treat them differently, somewhat depending on where the spells were cast, whether the npcs knew the pcs before hand, and how the npcs think about magical beasts of the celestial sway - some npcs would be scared and run, not knowing what sort of creature these human like things with wings are. You have to imagine yourself in a world where most people know nothing about the celestial plane or the existence of angels. No fairy tales, no bedtime stories growing up, no legends.