Defender of the helpless- Sword and Board Fighter.


So we will be starting a Curse of the Crimson Throne game soon and I instantly had my heart set on a cavalier, unfortunately the GM has limited only Core Rulebook Classes with Archetypes from APG, 20 point build. So I have decided to do what I had initially planned except play a fighter instead of cavalier.

Where I'm lost at this point is how to go about defending my party. I need to be able to dish out some dmg so I'm not ignored by the baddies yet be tough enough and "tanky" enough to survive a beating.

What I have in mind so far is:

Human Fighter 1
STR-17 (including human bonus)

Feats: Power Attack, EWP-Bastard Sword, quickdraw
The idea is to get stand still at lvl 3 and then get bodyguard down the way, maybe even "in harms way".
This build would function as a charge the enemy, 2hand with B.Sword, quickdraw shield (tank mode) then do my best to keep the baddies away from the squishies in the back.

I know this isn't optimal but it's what I want concept wise. Anyone got any suggestions or feats that would really make this concept flourish?

Thanks in advance

*edit* Also, only feats from CRB and APG are allowed.

I played a sword and board fighter similar to what you playing, although the optimization guide I read called it defender of the weak, the one thing that it recommended to me that i wholeheartedly agree with is taking the feat Iron Will within first few levels. I noticed you left some bonus in wisdom which is good and if you get to use traits from the APG consider taking Indomitable Faith which gives you an additional +1 to will saves. You can't defend anyone if you get dominated by a bad guy and kill the party!

Thank sounds like some sound advice, I'll see if I can put it in there sooner. Also, what guide are you referring to? I thought I'd checked all the guides but I don't remember seeing anything similar to what I want. Thanks for the advice!

DCSJ30 wrote:
Thank sounds like some sound advice, I'll see if I can put it in there sooner. Also, what guide are you referring to? I thought I'd checked all the guides but I don't remember seeing anything similar to what I want. Thanks for the advice! jiy8BL1h14&hl=en&pli=1

also there is a sticky at the beginning of this forum "Guide to Class Guides" that is handy! i refer to it before i start any new character. Remember though that the guides aren't meant to be absolute just help you mold the character you what to play.

awesome, i've read this doc before but it was for another build, I didnt even realize that was in there. It was very helpful, thanks.

Lantern Lodge

I dot know how relevant it will be but the feats and method are solid ans its a character ive started on but of course have not gotten that far with for 1 reason or another.
Also it will be a bit of a read but check out the following:


Fighter (Lore Warden) 14/ Monk (Monk of the Four Winds / Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 4/ Shadow Dancer (Prestige Class) 2

-Stats (25 point buy)-
STR 14 (+6 magic item) = 20
DEX 16 (+4 leveling)(+6 magic item) = 26
CON 15 (+2 racial)(+1 leveling) = 18
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 08

fort 22
ref 22
will 13

ac 47 (+5 combat expertise)(+3 fighting defensively) = 55
touch 24 (+5 combat expertise)(+3 fighting defensively) = 32
flat-footed 29

to hit with unarmed attacks with weapon finesse 26 (-4 combat expertise)(-1 fighting defensively) = 21

Threatening Defender

-Feat / Level Progression-
F01) Shield Focus, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still
F02) Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse
M03) Elemental Fist, Dodge, Crane Style
M04) Toughness, Deflect Arrows
F05) Missile Shield
F06) Crane Wing
F07) Saving Shield
F08) Bodyguard
F09) Crane Riposte
F10) Greater Shield Focus
F11) Disruptive
F12) Spellbreaker
F13) Pin Down
F14) Ray Shield
F15) Draconic Defender
F16) Mobility
M17) Monastic Legacy
S19) Deepsight

-Magic Gear-
Bracers of Armor(+8)
Heavy Mythril Shield (+5 Arrow Catching, Arrow Deflection)
Ring of Protection (+5)
Ring of Regeneration
Amulet of Natural Armor(+5)
Belt of Physical Might (+6 str / +6 dex)
Cloak of Resistance (+5)

-Tanking Method-
Fight with ur other character standing behind u since any thing that enters ur threaten area will not be able to exit ur threaten area via Stand Still and Pin Down as well all incoming missile attacks would veer towards u via Arrow Catching. When making an attack action fight defensively and use combat expertise to up personal ac and grant 1 adjacent party member a natural armor bonus equal to the dodge bonus from combat expertise and fighting defensively via Draconic Defender. Use AoO to grant aid another ac to an adjacent party member via Bodyguard and an immediate action grant shield bonus via Saving Shield. Negate 1 melee attack, 1 ranged spell attack, and 3 ranged missile attacks a round via Crane Wing, Ray Shield, Deflect Arrows, Missile Shield, and Arrow Deflection.

Sovereign Court

Check out the feat Atagonize. Closest we might get to 'taunting' on pen and paper.

Lantern Lodge

The problem with Atagonize is that is so limited in the sense that it only rely works on a single target 1ce for the insured attack me from intimidate. The diplomacy part works as often as it can be done but it does ot force the target to attack u. The best bet imo is to negate attacks that come against u and any1 smart enough to stand near u.

Sovereign Court

What about stacking it with Dazzling Display?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I know for flavor you want it, but drop EWP Bastard sword, and just 2h a longsword if you need it. the +1 dmg isn't worth the feat. Pick up Weapon Focus and Weapon Spec instead.

Remember that the bread and butter of melee classes is being able to perform a Power Attack and still hit. So, you'll need Power Attack fairly quickly.

You also have to consider what you want to spend your Favored Class bonus on. Can you tell us what module chain you are going through?


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You could try playing a swordlord. With in harms way and a teamwork feat that escapes me at the moment you gain AoO's when you are hit or your buddy is hit. Not only do you get a free disarm that still does Dmg but your buddy gets an AoO every time you do.

If you are set with sword and board I suggest you try shield slam for free bull rush. This allows you to maneuver baddies away from squishes and give allies AoO.

You can also check out the feat "Saving Shield", which lets you transfer your shield's AC bonus to allies.

I definitely agree with dropping the bastard sword and using any of the one-handed weapons. If you really want an exotic blade, try the falcate.

What sources are you allowed to use for traits? There are some really good ones for what you're doing, but I'm not sure if the sources are on your list.

Another shield-bearing option would be ranger with the weapon and shield fighting style from the APG.

This can net you Shield Slam as a bonus feat at 2nd and Shield Mastery at 6th level without requiring prerequisites. Ranger would get you skill points, favored enemy bonuses, some useful spells, and an animal companion. As a negative, you would be relatively feat-starved at the beginning.

Without access the Boon Companion feat (Seeker of Secrets), the ranger animal companion would be very weak. Some archetypes lose the animal companion. Alternatively, you could grab fighter levels for feats, heavy armor proficiency, and armor/weapon mastery.

I really wanted the Bastard Sword but it seems i'm pretty feat starved, even with being a human fighter. We are playing through Curse of the Crimson Throne, and APG traits only. It seems the best way to play a defender is to be a TWF offender...interesting I guess it makes sense though. Thanks for the advice so far, and please keep it coming. Even a 1-10 feat/stat layout would be helpful.

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