The Price of Infamy (GM Reference)

Skull & Shackles

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What do you mean?

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You have posted on various threads a few very cool ways your crew have handled situations. It seems you could make a thread telling of their adventures. The whole barracuda thing, for example.

Edit:"You" Being anyone involved in that campaign, not just 'Kileanna'. Or don't. lol Just trying to make a complement, a task I am not overly practiced at.

I had never thought of it, but it seems like a cool idea. I love sharing my stories but I didn't think people would be interested enough.
Thanks for the compliment!

I've started a Campaign Journal of my S&S game, just wanted to let you know ;-D

My players are about to get to the fleet combat section and I was wondering if anyone knows where I could download a few fleet character sheets? I own the physical books and don't have an efficient way to photocopy the pages.

Kileanna wrote:
I've started a Campaign Journal of my S&S game, just wanted to let you know ;-D

Awesome! I always think I should continue writing mine since I modified it quite a bit too.

Errant Mercenary wrote:
Kileanna wrote:
I've started a Campaign Journal of my S&S game, just wanted to let you know ;-D
Awesome! I always think I should continue writing mine since I modified it quite a bit too.

Mine is a bit abandoned because of an overload of personal projects and work xD

moonshiner1313 wrote:
My players are about to get to the fleet combat section and I was wondering if anyone knows where I could download a few fleet character sheets? I own the physical books and don't have an efficient way to photocopy the pages.

We just used a single landscape A4 for each side, very easy.

On my vague post above. What I meant is that we just made a large table in an A4.

--------------sail check--defense--attack--initiative--damage--blah--blah
Main PC fleet

Otherwise..there is a fleet sheet at the end of one of the books where they are introduced. Perhaps take a picture of that and black/white it and print it?

Errant Mercenary wrote:

On my vague post above. What I meant is that we just made a large table in an A4.

--------------sail check--defense--attack--initiative--damage--blah--blah
Main PC fleet

Otherwise..there is a fleet sheet at the end of one of the books where they are introduced. Perhaps take a picture of that and black/white it and print it?

A friend had the book in PDF format so I was able to just print out that page. I personaly dont have any PDF's, I much rather prefer to have physical copies in hand. I am lucky that a local comic store stocks Pathfinder adventure paths and I am their only customer who buys said paths and they give me a rediculously good deal since all their adventure paths where donated to them in some long distant point in the past. Picked up the entire Skull & Shackle path for $100 only 2 years ago. Went back recently and the owner sold me the Kingmaker and Reigns of Winter path for $100 for all 12 books

Grand Lodge

Can someone shed some light on the Norgorber variant castings mentioned in his section at the end of this book?

The text says:
"Clerics and druids of Blackfingers may SPONTANEOUSLY cast poison as a 3rd-level spell."

And then further along:
"Clerics of Father Skinsaw may SPONTANEOUSLY cast slay living[i] as a 5th-level spell. Clerics of the Gray Master may SPONTANEOUSLY cast [i]clairaudience/clairvoyance as a 3rd-level spell."

Notice the word "spontaneously." Does this mean that once those classes get to a high enough caster level to cast at these spell-levels, they may swap out prepared spells for these spells like they do with inflict and summon nature's ally spells, respectively?

I'm aware that Inner Sea Gods reprinted and in some cases updated many of the variant castings mentioned in these AP deity articles. Norgorber's section in that book says those same priests of the Gray Master may PREPARE clairaudience/clairvoyance as a 3rd-level spell, so that LOOKS like an update (or might not, and means clerics may both prepare it AND spontaneously cast it), but it also says clerics of Father Skinsaw can PREPARE circle of death as a 6th-level spell and clerics of Blackfingers can PREPARE pernicious poison as a 2nd-level spell, which are entirely different spells, spell levels, and casting methods than what's in S&S.

In other words, it's hard to tell if the text in ISG is meant to completely override these variant casting rules from this article (because after all, the variant casting option for the Reaper of Reputation was reprinted verbatim), or if they're meant to coincide together.

I'd go with the most recent source, which is Inner Sea Gods. The change likely came from people using it as written in the AP and having issues with play, prompting Paizo to tweak it in ISG. It's like when a monster is printed in an AP's bestiary in the back of the book, but then gets reprinted in Bestiary X with slightly different stats or mechanics. I use the data from Bestiary X.

Liberty's Edge

Do items like Svingli's Eye, which grant bonuses to Profession (Sailor) checks made to navigate, also grant bonuses to a fleet's initiative modifier if the admiral is using it?

I assume not, but thought I'd ask.

Looking through the map of Harrigan's Fortress, I'm a bit confused about E2 and E2a. E2 has a small white circle, with the letter C in the circle, located in the center of the room. E2a has the same thing in the center of the room, but the letter is F. Based on the information the book gives me about these rooms, I know that E2 has a hatch door that leads to the roof (E2a). My immediate assumption is that these symbols designate the location of both ends of the same hatch. My confusion, though, is what the letters are supposed to mean. I tried to find some sort of universal map key for Pathfinder maps, but couldn't find anything that addressed these symbols. Am I missing something?

My group just finished the battle of the Isle of Empty Eyes vs Harrigan's fleet and we had a spectacular event happen to the groups witch during the battle of the Wormwood.

Adelita cast Prismatic Spray in the 5th round, hitting the druid and the witch. The witch was forcibly sent to another this case, Hell! At 12th level, the witch is not lost, however, now the group is planning a descent into Hell to save the witch.

Holy was I not ready for that event during the encounter and the ensuing side-quest will be very interesting and add to the story of House Thrune.

With the witch now in the city of Dis, the group has to do reconnaissance and find a way to Hell...and back!

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

This could be awesome but it will be tricky to get it right. The simplest thing is a side quest with just the witch where she seeks a scroll of plane shift. Next would be a side quest with all but the witch to go rescue her. Coolest would be to have everyone going simultaneously, but the hardest. Maybe you can contrive a plot where the players need to get to a certain pot in golariona dnthe witch a certain spot in he'll to link up reliably with a plane shift. Then you have one fight where the partybis fighting to get to that spot in golarion quickly, while the witch needs to hang in a dangerous spot in he'll suffering sporadic attacks. It will be. Oiler if they have a way to communicate e too.

Cuup wrote:
Looking through the map of Harrigan's Fortress, I'm a bit confused about E2 and E2a. E2 has a small white circle, with the letter C in the circle, located in the center of the room. E2a has the same thing in the center of the room, but the letter is F. Based on the information the book gives me about these rooms, I know that E2 has a hatch door that leads to the roof (E2a). My immediate assumption is that these symbols designate the location of both ends of the same hatch. My confusion, though, is what the letters are supposed to mean. I tried to find some sort of universal map key for Pathfinder maps, but couldn't find anything that addressed these symbols. Am I missing something?

From my experience with Curse of the Crimson Throne, C means the trapdoor is in the Ceiling and F means the trapdoor is in the Floor, so those ae both ends of the trapdoor. I never did find anything explaining that though.

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