Cleric domains and non-widom casters.

Rules Questions

I can't remember..

If you have access to cleric domains but your primary spellcasting stat is NOT wisdom, may you substitute that stat in place of Widsom when determining uses per day of the domain power?


Instead of 3+ Wisdom mod is there a way in core to use say.. 3+ Cha mod.

As I understand it, you must use Wisdom.

However, if this is a custom archetype or whatnot, I see no reason not to include the use of the primary stat in place of Wisdom as a feature. I'd probably let my players do it, rule or no rule.

Dark Archive

Do you mean as, say, a Paladin with the Sacred Servant archetype?

I'd houserule that you could, but RAW, I'm pretty sure you use Wisdom.

Grand Lodge

Do you have an example of a Domain granting class that does not have wisdom as it's main casting stat?

OP, I don't know if there is any RAW ruling saying that such a change is ok. With that said, I can't see a problem with a GM house ruling the use of another caster attribute instead.

I've also noted there are a number of divine spells that use Wisdom to determine DC, attacks etc, but are on the Oracle spell list. I haven't been able to find any rule that says I can use my Charisma modifier instead, even though it is my main casting stat. Fortunately, I have a GM that is fine with those little changes.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Do you have an example of a Domain granting class that does not have wisdom as it's main casting stat?

If Prestige classes count, a Hellknight's order can give him access to a Domain(Order of the God Claw).

Spells don't determnine DCs, spellcasters do.

Iirc you must use your wisdom and not your casting stat, but if this isn't for PFS and it's for a home ask your GM to house rule it as your casting stat.

Kk guys. I guess I'm remembering things that don't exist here in my old age. It's possible I'm remembering a splat book from somewhere in the 3.X mayhem.

Priest of Razmir PrC gets a limited selection of domains, and they get to use either Int or Cha as casting stat (whichever is higher).

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