Water Elemental

Akshun's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I know it can be a bit frustrating to miss the only battle of a night due to some poor dice rolls. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens and as Sean Mahoney said, Pathfinder is filled with spells and abilities that can keep a player out of a combat for extended periods.

What did grab my attention was about the players not paying attention and chatting. This can be very distracting and I think it's a player obligation to show courtesy to you and other players by keeping up with what is happening and when it's their turn.

Ask them to keep chat to a minimum. Having to yell "next, Next, NEXT!!" to get their attention, really isn't cool. You might also encourage them to have their character's actions planned out before it's their go.

Good luck with it. (c:

OP, I don't know if there is any RAW ruling saying that such a change is ok. With that said, I can't see a problem with a GM house ruling the use of another caster attribute instead.

I've also noted there are a number of divine spells that use Wisdom to determine DC, attacks etc, but are on the Oracle spell list. I haven't been able to find any rule that says I can use my Charisma modifier instead, even though it is my main casting stat. Fortunately, I have a GM that is fine with those little changes.

Princess Animal Parts wrote:

Still no takers?

From reading over the abilities quoted it would seem that the Snow Sight Ability does allow the oracle to have unhindered sight when using the Driving Sleet spell and Blizzard revelation.

Snow Sight would also work if your GM puts you into normal weather conditions that involve ice, snow and sleet.

I believe there is a Druid Archetype that does a similar thing. Creations of wind, storms, and mists and also allows the character to see through those conditions.

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You will find the answer to most of your questions with the errata. Easily searched and found on the website.

Btw, the tone of your post comes across as quite rude. I've found if you want to get something from someone, you might want to try being polite.

I am in the same situation as you Squawk, though I am using the arcane duelist archetype. It's been fun thinking about my character background and how to build it. I'll be taking note of what spells people suggest in your thread.

I think you'll find that you aren't able to take Weapon Focus as a first level feat. Bards don't start with the necessary +1 BAB prerequisite.

Of course if there has been some change to that feat that I'm not aware of, please correct me because I wanted to take it at level 1 aswell. (c:

KaeYoss wrote:
Akshun wrote:

Blue Star, would the Summoner be willing to change his Eidolon's evolutions so that it could wield the sunblade? e.g a biped with the appopriate weapon proficiency. That way the blade is being used best in your undead infested dungeon AND the ninja and oracle have no reason to fight.

That might, however, mean the oracle and the summoner are now at each other's throats.

I'm generally not too fond of the "you have something, someone else wants it. You can make good use of it, they can't, but they're getting on my nerves with their complaints, and since you're not giving in to the constant whining, I take it away now so nobody can have it.

It's a faulty solution. It can be appropriate if neither has a decent claim on an item, but the way this situation looks, the ninja does have a decent claim: He is a front-liner who can make very good use of the item, while the only claim the oracle has for this 50k gil item is "It ties into my diety's theme". And even that is nor 100% because we're not talking about a cleric, but an oracle of life.

Taking it away from someone who can make good use to someone who is just as well off without it (or even better off without it) Just to stop the complaints gives power to the person complaining.

We're talking about humans here. They're often petulant and vindictive. If they find out they can get their will with whining, even if it doesn't otherwise make sense, they will do so. And if they find out they can at least cause someone else grief, especially if it's someone who annoyed them by not giving in to the whining, they'll do that, too.

So, right now, i.e. in the middle of a death trap dungeon full of undead, the only feasible option is to let the ninja keep the weapon. Then, after they have weathered this dangerous situation, they can go and make other decisions.

You're quite right, it is a faulty solution. There are times in life that a faulty solution is better than no solution. I did tell Blue Star in a previous post I think he should keep the sword. An oracle with no profiency in the weapon making demands is just silly.

@KaeYoss: Please accept my apologies for the marriage proposal. That was my off centre (and sometimes silly) sense of humour showing through. I am male and already happily attached. Suffice to say that I enjoy your witty writing and level headed approach to advice when you post on the forums.

Blue Star wrote:
@Akshun: those are very good questions, the answer is probably, but he wouldn't as he's built it around reach attacks. I will inquire when I see him Friday.

He could still keep the 'reach attacks' concept intact if he did decide to help you out. He'd just be doing it as a biped instead. He could have his Eidolon look like a fiery avenging angel, which would really look great when wielding a sunblade. (c:

The only other suggestion I have (as have a few others in this thread) is to get your GM involved. He might not like to, but I think it is the cleanest way of putting this to rest. I can't imagine GMing a group where in party fighting has been taking place for so long. Allowing this to go on for so many months is really poor form.

edit: typos

I've lurked on the forums for a very long time, and only just come to posting in the last day or two. Perhaps this wasn't the best thread to start, as the people I've come to recognise and nasty minded trolls are out in force.

But that is neither here nor there. This thread was about possible solutions to Blue Star's issue. With that in mind....

Blue Star, would the Summoner be willing to change his Eidolon's evolutions so that it could wield the sunblade? e.g a biped with the appopriate weapon proficiency. That way the blade is being used best in your undead infested dungeon AND the ninja and oracle have no reason to fight.

Whilst I'm not completely familiar with all the Summoner class rules, a Summoner does have that option everytime they level, right?

Oh and one more off topic thing. KaeYoss, will you marry me? (c:

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Blue Star wrote:
Thefurmonger wrote:

So you would end the campaign over a sword......

Wow, seriously man, you have problems.

I am curious tho, what did you come here for? are you planning to show this to the oracle? Or did you just want a bunch of "ata boy"s?

I was sorta with you till that last post. now count me on team oracle.

One character dying doesn't end the campaign, even if it's the healer, also: I'm just reacting to her threats. A TPK ends the campaign, which is what we risk if I hand over the sword.

No, I asked for advice, which you aren't helping with.

Why are you with the Oracle? She's threatening to kill me first, in case you didn't catch it. Not healing=killing, when the person in question is the one standing on the front lines.

Threatening to kill each other's characters is moronic behaviour of the highest order. It's time to change games.

Taking all the information in Blue Star's posts on face value I have to agree with him. If he has spoken to the player of the oracle and explained mechanically why it's better for the ninja to be using this item and she still disagrees then I think she is being petty. The very idea that one person should be demanding an item that they aren't able to use (even if they feel that roleplay trumps common sense) certainly makes me cringe.

With that said, if the Oracle's player wants to spend a future feat gaining proficiency in the sunblade then I would happily hand it over when she has done so.