Stop using an Archetype?

Rules Questions

When I created my monk at first level, I decided to use two Archetypes: Drunken Master and Monk of the Four Winds. All has worked out and it is now 9th level and I have noticed that I rarely (if ever) use the Drunken Master.

I was wondering if I can 'stop using' this Archetype, much like the way you stop playing a fighter class if you decide not to level up in that.

I know I can just ignore the Drunken master abilities, but there are certain things that it has taken the place of.

I was also wondering if he were able to stop drunken master would he be able to retroactively get abilities back.

Is this a "GM's Call"?


Ehm, I think that's the price you pay for picking an archetype.

GM generosity...

only RAW option is EXACTLY like you would stop levelling up in fighter:
you stop levelling up in that archetyped class, i..e. no more monk levels.

Well, I was hoping, I guess I will have to live with it for the next 11 levels (The Campaign goes to 20th level). If the character actually used the skills, it wouldn't be so bad, but they never get used. I'll just tell the group to not refer to me as a drunken monk. :)

What abilities aren't you using?

As far as I remember Drunken Monk has nothing but passives, bar Drunken Ki, which I don't see why you wouldn't abuse the hell out of.

That and "spend this free ki you get from booze to do extra damage for free", which ditto above.

Silver Crusade

Once you have selected an Archetype, you're stuck with it after getting the 1st ability that it offers.

Now, mind you, your GM could let you remove it, of course. But standard

Archetypes fundamentally modify a class, but they're still that class.

So while you could quit being a fighter and start being a barbarian or a paladin because those classes are entirely different classes, you can't just stop being a Drunken Master and start taking levels of "Regular Monk" or "Monk of the Four Winds."

I didn't know that you could blend two arch types together.

Fastmover wrote:
I didn't know that you could blend two arch types together.
PFSRD wrote:
. . . A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as another alternate class feature. . . .

To the OP, I would ask if the GM would allow retraining.

As has been said... you're in it now. Only escape is GM caveat.

But as has also been said.. Free Ki? WHY are you not using it?

ngc7293 wrote:
I was also wondering if he were able to stop drunken master would he be able to retroactively get abilities back.

In my game the rule has always been that changes can be made (once unless you get me drunk or buy me a pony) as long as the abilities haven't been used in game.

It's not consistent on the sheet, but it is consistent in game.

Now if you were running around wielding a two hander in one hand (read: titan mauler) and constantly talking about your time with the giants (read: Walowitz boring everyone about his time in space), your barbarian is not going to suddenly forget how to do that well and suddenly be much more armoured (higher DR from invulnerable rager) in my world.

To pull that off you'd probably have to get the pony drunk too.

Pointing at the rules and whacking your player on the nose with the RAW might not be a focus on fun. You're asking the player to guess what the game is going to look like and make a character that will be most excellent party on Wayne for that setting potentially months/years in advance.

...and you thought wizards picking their spells for the day was tough.

Around Level 6, I generally allow my players to do a character rebuild, as long as they don't fundamentally change the nature of the character.

But that's me being generous. Sometimes builds look better on paper than they are to actually play.

Ask your GM if you can do a character development plot where your character dries out and takes a vow of sobriety, dropping the Drunken Monk abilities in character and switching them to something else?

It's a rare GM in my experience that will go, 'No, no character development for you!'

As a GM, I always allow players to make reasonable modifications to their characters provided they can come up with a good RP reason for it. I've seen what happens when someone ends up feeling "stuck" with a character they just don't like. It can lead to "suicidal" PCs or even players getting disruptive as they try to keep themselves entertained.

I like the idea of your character deciding he has a drinking problem, but I would make you work for it a little. I'd make you go through detox with a bunch of Fort saves and throw in Will saves on your character any time they are in a tavern or something.

unless this is PFS, i don't know why you don't ask the GM.
i would probably let you do so, personally.
if you just aren't doing anything that uses the archetype,
the archetype isn't really matching your role-playing.
it sounds like you weren't really 'up and up' on the actual rules of the archetype/ the game in general,
so this is basically just helping out somebody who wasn't a 'master' of the game.

As to the question of "you've got KI why not use it...etc". We are in a Campaign that takes us away from any city and into the Underdark at some point. Currently we are involved with elves and drow and I believe the campaign goes to 20th level (3.5 game converted to Pathfinder). The point is, if I was near a city often, my character could drink the booze often and refill often, but where we are at I am not going to find any.

Back at 5th level or so, everything was fine and we were in a city and I actually used the Drunken master a couple of times.

Wholeness of Body would be fine in a city where I could have access to lots of booze where I could heal myself, drink to get more KI and heal more, but once again, not near a city.

I think our group is, on the one hand, strict with the rules. And on the other hand, sometimes, loose with the rules.

So I will talk to my GM and see what he says.

Get an everfull flagon of beer!

My general rule is the PFS rule, prior to level two (or if you started at level n, prior to level n+1) you can tweak any way you want including a complete rebuild.

At least you can show PFS allows a rebuild. IMHO you, at level 9, are WAY past the 'I changed my mind' point unless you are a new-ish player.

Anything is possible by GM caveat though, so ask.

ngc7293 wrote:

As to the question of "you've got KI why not use it...etc". We are in a Campaign that takes us away from any city and into the Underdark at some point. Currently we are involved with elves and drow and I believe the campaign goes to 20th level (3.5 game converted to Pathfinder). The point is, if I was near a city often, my character could drink the booze often and refill often, but where we are at I am not going to find any.

Back at 5th level or so, everything was fine and we were in a city and I actually used the Drunken master a couple of times.

Wholeness of Body would be fine in a city where I could have access to lots of booze where I could heal myself, drink to get more KI and heal more, but once again, not near a city.

I think our group is, on the one hand, strict with the rules. And on the other hand, sometimes, loose with the rules.

So I will talk to my GM and see what he says.

There are a number of items out there that give a set amount of alcoholic beverage per day, and at least one that gives unlimited alcohol all day long.

The Tengu Drinking Flask costs 1000gp, and turns 1 gallon (so approx 5 drinks) of water into alcoholic beverage.

The drinking horn of valor grants some other abilities, but as long as it has at least 1 charge remaining, it fills with alcoholic beverage as often as you damn well want.

At the least, couldn't you get one of your casters to learn Water to Alchohol or something?

Also, you're hanging out with elves; they don't have some kind of wine you can buy from them?

Do you guys have any kind of home base in the underdark, or are you just wondering around all the time? If you do have some kind of home base that you guys spend time in, maybe you or someone in your party could get a skill in craft (brewing) or something and start brewing your own. You have to have a place where you can leave it to ferment for long periods of time and then come back to it, but if you have that and have access to, say, grain, or apples, or grapes, or really most sources of food, making beer/ale/mead/wine isn't actually all that complicated, people do it at home all the time.

Roleplay the change and beg your GM to allow you to relearn or learn the abilities you lost but would have normally gotten. I'm going to do the same thing to hopefully give up the drunken master archetype to get diamond soul. My monk is going to sober up. He hasn't been do nice to be around since he killed his first human and started drinking to deal with it.

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