This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

The Mead Hall (EverQuest RPG PBP)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

So wait, now the plan's changing again? I'm happy to go with the group, but can we even get back in time from Kerras? I'd hate for Noggy to die from bad math.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Good point. How long is the boat trip to Kerras?

Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.

To EJB: I take it the second goblin attack was on Piter?

Could you please separate the attacks more clearly and indicate who they are on?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
Waterproof bag for spellbook: ?

Your spellbook is a magical item, and as such is resistant to harm. It can withstand short periods of immersion without issue. If waterproof bags are sold in Freeport, you have been unable to find them.

Revery wrote:
Feed for his camel for two weeks: ?

Feed costs 5cp per day, and weighs 10.0 pounds per day per animal.

Revery wrote:
How much is passage to Kerras?

"Prices would depend on your skills at negotiating passage (requires a diplomacy check to modify the cost of 30 gold each to Freefield, 50 gold to Kerras and 70 gold to Farport, camels cost another 10 gold each no matter how long the journey might be)."

Revery wrote:
How much are saddlebags for camels in Freeport?

4 gp base with Kwen (6gp base without). They weigh 8.0 lbs.

Gwendalyn wrote:
There's no point in going further south than Freefield, since the point is to save Nogglegrop, and Hazran didn't say anything about Scorchfist orcs. Our targets are apparently west of Freefield, which is a day's ride west of the landing; so the boat ride is 40 gold apiece to waste time, not save it. If our characters knew that before getting on the ship, then Gwendalyn wouldn't have.

You were sent to the Desert of Ro to hunt Deathfist orcs, not the Commonlands.

Revery wrote:

Good point. How long is the boat trip to Kerras?

"You have a 90 mile journey just to the small farming community of Freefield according to the directions you were given. Continuing south from that point will put you into the Desert of Ro.

You might get about 24 miles per day, or closer to 30 by camel (a much better option if carrying a great deal of supplies), but after you leave Freefield your movements will be much slower due to the sand. The next leg of your journey woud be another 150 miles to the small fishing village of Kerras, and yet another 100 miles to Farport. Considering that less than 13 days remain before Nogglegrop is executed, and any distance you travel south is an equal journey back, time is not on your side."

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gwendalyn wrote:
an we even get back in time from Kerras? I'd hate for Noggy to die from bad math.

"You might get about 24 miles per day, or closer to 30 by camel (a much better option if carrying a great deal of supplies), but after you leave Freefield your movements will be much slower due to the sand. ... A sailing ship found no issue with terrain and could travel almost 50 miles in a day, since it could travel through the night."

14 days until the execution
- One day lost before you recognize the risk to Nogglegrop.
- 240 miles to Kerras one way by ship (5 days travel).
- 240 miles back to Freeport from Kerras (5 days travel).

3 days to play with.

I will extract one request from each of you, please scan over what has been written and work together on your plan here. For that boon I will leave you at the dock awaiting the 2 hours for the onion boat to be loaded.

You have another real life day to get your plan together.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Given the opportunity to rewind and talk things over on the dock, I'm inclined to skip the boat trip altogether.

Looks like heading south from Freeport by camel, it would take a little over three days each way (call it seven round trip) to Freefield and back. That would leave six days in the desert, vs. three days in the desert between boat trips to Kerras and back. I'd assume that our targets can't be too far from Freeport, in order for Hazran to consider them a threat; so six days wandering the desert near Freefield seems more likely to produce results than three days near Kerras.

Or I could be completely wrong?

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

I probably won't get a chance to post again until late evening Pacific time, so it's safe to assume that I'll go along with whatever plan the rest of you settle on, and then I'll write Gwendalyn's RP when I get home from work.

Edit: And we might want an extra camel just for water, since it can be pretty heavy. You might not be able to ride the same one as a barrel.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)
Xenh wrote:
Gwendalyn wrote:
There's no point in going further south than Freefield, since the point is to save Nogglegrop, and Hazran didn't say anything about Scorchfist orcs. Our targets are apparently west of Freefield, which is a day's ride west of the landing; so the boat ride is 40 gold apiece to waste time, not save it. If our characters knew that before getting on the ship, then Gwendalyn wouldn't have.
You were sent to the Desert of Ro to hunt Deathfist orcs, not the Commonlands.

Oh, right, you did say that it was the Deathfist orcs of the Commonlands that didn't go so far east as Freefield. Which says nothing about the ones about the Desert of Ro.

Guys, we really need to get some idea of where to look. Knowledge is our best investment right now.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Some challenges are environmental/bestiary-spawned and some are social. The goal here is for the group to coalesce some sort of decision making mechanism. It is expected that it is awkward, as you would imagine any new group dynamic would be. It is aimed at being a challenge, not a frustration, so if there is anything I can do or questions fielded please let me know (within the scope of what a PC would know at this point).

Shamelessly quoting myself here:

Xenh wrote:

With this in mind know that I have been known to lower DCs for certain activities when people put real effort into their post.

Example 1:
Gandalf stares hard at his foe trying to intimidate them (Taunt: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16).

Example 2:
"It is about time that someone explained to you why orcs are a race that is akin to something that one scrapes off its shoe <insert further insults here>...." Gandalf stands cool in the storm of emotion that roils about him, with a unreadable little smile on his face, begging for his foe to test his mettle (Taunt: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21).

Yeah, that second one would have a lower DC. Hell if it makes me give you a standing ovation or break out busting a gut it might be an auto success.

Read: If it takes you a tenth of a second to crack out a roll, the energy invested is likely to reflect the energy returned.

Gwendalyn wrote:

I'd assume that our targets can't be too far from Freeport, in order for Hazran to consider them a threat; so six days wandering the desert near Freefield seems more likely to produce results than three days near Kerras.

Or I could be completely wrong?

I am sure it will be about as accurate as any other guess of someone's motivations, though we don't often have someone's life hanging in the balance if our guess is wrong : )

Everyone doing gather information rolls, and putting some flavour into what they plan to do (are you buying drinks? using the rogue children to collect info'? paying for it? are you trying to get into someone's pants? what's your plan? ) would be my suggestion.

As an aside:
I suggested a diplomacy check (from only one of you) to lower the price for everyone's trip on the boat. If you wish to pay full price that's fine, but I think you could all see benefit in keeping some of your coins.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

psst....there's also paying for a hireling guide : )

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.
Gwendalyn wrote:

Given the opportunity to rewind and talk things over on the dock, I'm inclined to skip the boat trip altogether.

Looks like heading south from Freeport by camel, it would take a little over three days each way (call it seven round trip) to Freefield and back. That would leave six days in the desert, vs. three days in the desert between boat trips to Kerras and back. I'd assume that our targets can't be too far from Freeport, in order for Hazran to consider them a threat; so six days wandering the desert near Freefield seems more likely to produce results than three days near Kerras.

Or I could be completely wrong?

I agree with that completely. I know you suggested it earlier too.

I would like Sajeek and Kwen to chime in here, and if they still prefer to go by boat, maybe give a reason (aside from really liking onions!).

(Personally I do not like onions...)

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Xehn: Do you really want us to roleplay buying stuff with Kwen?

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

okay, I'm really confused. It seemed like taking a boat would have been the fastest way. Now camel travel is the fastest. Sounds fine.

okay, groovy, lets all go by camel then. Whatever gets the game moving once more.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

and whats the fee going to be for canceling the boat tickets?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
Xehn: Do you really want us to roleplay buying stuff with Kwen?


Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Tentacledone wrote:
okay, I'm really confused. It seemed like taking a boat would have been the fastest way. Now camel travel is the fastest. Sounds fine.

Everything is based on guesses where to go.

Thus far you have it solidly narrowed down to the entire deser making it impossible to make other plans.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Did Feitmere give us a way to contact him? (Since half of our number are no longer being followed by half of the urchins in Freeport.)

Iksar Shadow Knight

@Piter: You were given an AoO in this post that as far as I can tell, you still haven't used.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gwendalyn wrote:
Did Feitmere give us a way to contact him? (Since half of our number are no longer being followed by half of the urchins in Freeport.)

You know where to find him, since he is a Knight of Truth, and would be found by asking at the paladin guild, but he is asking you to work for them without making your allegiance known to even their own membership.

Considering the faction (Freeport Militia) you are trying to raise, any allegiance to the paladins will only hurt you.

Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.
Zaruksis wrote:
@Piter: You were given an AoO in this post that as far as I can tell, you still haven't used.

Ah, I missed that. I only saw the one for Cakkarak.

Is it still not too late to take one?

Game master

Since you missed it I'll let you get another touch attack attempt in

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

I had not yet actually deducted any boat tickets or camel rentals or whatnot from the character sheet. I'm assuming that a rented camel comes with the appropriate accessories, and that two people bringing barrels of water means that I only need a couple of days' worth in waterskins. I'm also assuming that with those rolls, Revery can correct me if I'm wrong. ;)

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gwendalyn wrote:
I had not yet actually deducted any boat tickets or camel rentals or whatnot from the character sheet. I'm assuming that a rented camel comes with the appropriate accessories, and that two people bringing barrels of water means that I only need a couple of days' worth in waterskins. I'm also assuming that with those rolls, Revery can correct me if I'm wrong. ;)

Your camel comes with saddle, bridle, a couple saddlebags and stirrups and s~*!.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Ignore this, using the discussion thread as my scratchpad:

38 mana x 4 people and 5 mounts = 342 mana without considering foci or feats. To cast an 11th level spell he would need to be at least level 21.

So imagining a high elf would have an approximate +6 to his INT he would have a mana pool of 264 mana maximum. So he could almost port 7 people per day, but not 9.

The cost for an 11th level spell to be cast is 11x110 each, so 9 of you would be 10,890gp for this port.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Kwen's meeting with the rogue guild will need to be played out, upon your return to Freeport....if you survive that long of course: )

This meeting brings you into the underground, where the iksar was last seen. Such a meeting is of interest to all.

May the smurf be with you!

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Alright you got it, : ) and Smurf it all to smurf!

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

The evils game is wending its way nicely.

Thanks again Jeremy for taking it on. It is nice to get a chance to stretch my PCs muscles :)

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

If there is a tactical mindset behind your blows (e.g. You are trying to attract the maximum amount of hatred towards yourself so they don't hit the squishies, or you're trying to finish off wounded foes) please include it. Otherwise I'll just have your blows land at random, which is far from optimal for you.

Xenh wrote:
If a Revery post mentions some cheesy pun like "Conann" again...I will send the attached erudite to char gen :)

With two arrows protruding from one's side, you would imagine they would heed such a blunt reminder.

Guess not.

<rubs hands together>

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

If there was a pun in there, I am not aware of it and I apologize. :-)

Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.

To EJB: Does Piter recover a hit point from his Heal check?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
If there was a pun in there, I am not aware of it and I apologize. :-)

LOL, all good, when I suck the juices out of your spleen I'll be happy.

My goal is for the game to be as immersive as possible, which is why I like OOC comments to end up in the Discussion Thread, and I try to avoid stuff that has people lose their grip on fantasy :)

I only played an erudite enchanter briefly in the online game, and it was many years ago, but I think that Conann might actually have been one of the random names for their pets.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

I've never played or seen the online game, so it is truly a coininkadence!

Game master

Yes Piter, you do get a hit point back i must have misread your post.

Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.


Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.

Upon reading the Heal skill description, I see that it can't bring someone over 50% of their HP. Since Piter is at 6/13, that would indicate he can't bring him to 7.


Game master

Sorry for any typos, I'm at work and using my DROID to post

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Well, at least he doesn't have to worry about bleeding :)

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Xenh has been levelled!

<words are delivered with a perfectly-timed crack of thunder>

Iksar Shadow Knight

Ding! I'm kind of slow at loot and leveling, so it could take me a couple of days.

Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.

Do the longswords and bows really come in pairs, or is that a typo?

Game master

3 mw long swords
2 long bows
2 full quivers
8 pairs of winter clothing
5 long coats
3 backpacks (medium sized)
1 backpack large sized
2 sets if leather armor
1 chain shirt
1 studded leather armor

Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.

Piter is leveled!

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Evil JB wrote: The polar bear cloak is large sized

So, Piter will take a coat instead.

Game master

Done and done, question, as a second level Shaman would I now get access to my second level spells, I looked at the list and it said: (example) Summon Drink
Bst: 3, CLR: 2, Druid: 4, Mag: 1, Shm: 2.

Just trying to make sure that I read the book correctly.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Evil JB wrote:

Done and done, question, as a second level Shaman would I now get access to my second level spells, I looked at the list and it said: (example) Summon Drink

Bst: 3, CLR: 2, Druid: 4, Mag: 1, Shm: 2.

Shaman gain access to level 2 spells at level 3 and 4, then level 3 spells at levels 5 and 6, and so on.

Page 52 of the EverQuest Player's Handbook lists the Dedicated Caster's Spells by Level (Table 3-3).

The numbers listed after those spells are the level of the spell, not the caster. So your mage could do it at level 1 or 2, your shaman/cleric could cast cast at level 3 or 4, the druid at level 7 or 8.

The beastlord is a bit of a different animal (pun intended) since they don't cast their first spell until level 5. To cast a level 3 BST spell the BST would need to be level 9 or 10 (level 1 spell at level 5-6, level 2 spell at levels 7-8....and so on).

Game master

gotcha I thought as much, just wanted to double check :)

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

I just looked this up. If a strength penalty reduces weapon damage to 0 or lower, 1 damage is done anyways. PHB pg. 370.

This will affect Revery's javelin attack, plus there was one attack against Piter by the goblins that did 0 and should have done 1. I will lower Piter's HP by 1 unless EJB tells me otherwise... And I don't know if anyone else was hit for "0" damage...

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Gwendalyn slammed the one that Sajeek struck twice (javelin and spear), not a random one that struck Sajeek. ;)

ETA: With her AoO, Gwendalyn will first target the most-hurt of the two rescuers; but she isn't going for the guy that Kwen disabled, since someone else might be able to finish him off, and she might be able to stop him from being rescued anyway. Then, out of whoever survives to get on camels, Gwen will charge the remaining worst-off (again aside from disabled guy).

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Just found this...

"Though horses are extremely rare in Norrath, they do exist."

Uhm, k. I'll be making some adjustments and it looks like shoe leather will be the default source of the majority of the group's movement in due course.

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