Ability focus and heavens oracle

Rules Questions

ability focus will it work with the heavens oracle revelation awesome display (su) in regards to color spray?

Joegoat wrote:
ability focus will it work with the heavens oracle revelation awesome display (su) in regards to color spray?

Even if your GM allows you to take Monster Feats, Awesome Display is not really a special attack, even if it was, it doesn't have a save. To increase the save DC of Color Spray, you need something like Spell Focus (illusion).

I concede to the rest of your post, it was just a long shot if a thought, and thank you for the response, but I didn't think there was an issue to pcs taking monster feats as long as you qualified for them

The abilty you talking about has no save of it own. Just rasie the DC of the spell you are useing.

Well yeah heighten spell would work but I was looking at other ways to raise the dc and keep the spell level the same or use the above mentioned and heighten spell for an even harder dc to hit. But it looks like heighten spell and spell focus illusion is gonna be the way to go. Any other way to raise the dc of the spell? I mean aside from the usual means of raising the casting stat via magic items and level ability boosts. I.E. other feats or items?

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