Ridiculous items

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Coming from here, I figured: We need a thread for this crazyness (if there already isn't one.) Consider it sister to the Comically Misspelled spells thread.

For starters from mentioned thread:
+1 Shovel of Zombie Bane
+2 mug of dwarf bane (it said dwarven slayer, I found this a bit better)

And from me:
+1 Shovel of Dirt Bane
Bag of Molding
Bag of Folding
Battleaxe as an Instrument

The Exchange

Pinapple, Apple, and Peach listed under the Fruit weapon group.

Scarab Sages

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Tirq wrote:
Pinapple, Apple, and Peach listed under the Fruit weapon group.

What? No Bananas, no Raspberries? Those are the real killers!


Ring of Thacko: This cursed ring reconfigures the method by which the wearer's attack rolls are calculated. Have fun!

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Dibs on the magic shovel.

What can I say? I'm a collector!

Lesser messenger bag of holding.

Scarab Sages

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"Tiny Coffee Golem" sounds like a pretty ridiculous item.

So is a Box of Cooking and a Mattress of hiding, but *shrug*

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Buttock of the titans?

-1 cursed spear - BackScratcher

Staff of Powder

Wand of Magic Mistletoe

Scarab Sages

Bag of Olding: Rapidly ages things put inside it. A good place to put wine and cheese, familiars not so much (that is, unless maybe you have one of those wyrmling dragon familiars...).

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
"Tiny Coffee Golem" sounds like a pretty ridiculous item.

its true

Rod of Seven Pants

Muddrinker sword.

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Cloak of Goblinkind

Rug of Mothering

Carpet of Flies

Scarab Sages

The Holy Grail of Epic Fail

Rod of Blunder

Broken iwin button.

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Feather Token: Ham Sandwich

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Figurine of Wondrous Power: Amber Cat-- when this small amber statuette of a housecoat is activated, it becomes a large, friendly tabby cat. Roll % to determine its actions: 01-25: curls up and takes a nap; 26-50: mews incessantly until fed; 51-75: paws at a random PC, purring loudly, does not stop until picked up; 76-00: Ignores party completely and wanders off.
The figurine can be used three times per day.

+3 turkey leg

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Bill of water (159 GP)
Bill of Electricity (135 GP)

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Tome of Painful Exercise

Scarab Sages

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the Book of Mild Darkness and the Book of Exalted Weeds

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Haladir wrote:
Feather Token: Ham Sandwich

Deadly to aging musicians

Manual of Stealthy Dithering.

Scarab Sages

Carpet of Frying.

Scarab Sages

Girdle of Opposite Sex - because gender is just an enchantment (compulsion) effect.

Shadow Lodge

Haladir wrote:
Rod of Blunder

All results target you no matter what, take a -20 on all skill checks and make reflex everytime you move to avoid falling prone

Shadow Lodge

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Figurine of wondrous power: Oscar Mayer weinermobile

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Firebawl scroll: Summons a depressed fire elemental which rains down fire over everything in a 20ft radius (approximately the same as a Fireball spell, but targeted on the caster). Everybody in the radius can make a reflex save for half damage.

Fire Ball scroll: Teleports targets within a 20 ft radius to the Fire elemental plane, where they must succeed on Perform (dance) checks or take full Fireball damage. If they succeed they take half damage. No traditional Reflex save.

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Scroll of Read Scroll: This scroll once read, teaches it's user how to read this scroll. Self cast only.

Feather Fowl - Gain the flight speed of a chicken for 1 hour per level.

Scarab Sages

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Occam's Razor (Major Artifact) - leave it to a theologian to design a weapon that can kill their own god.

Bad of Vomiting

Scarab Sages

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Paperclip of Spelling and Grammar

Shadow Lodge

glaive-guisarme-bastard sword-repeating crossbow-spiked chain

take all the proficiencies or take a -20 on attack rolls

Necklace of choking

Headband of Journey. You must speak in lines from songs by Journey.

Amulet of natural Musk

I once misread the Axe of Forced Life as the Axe of Forced Wife. Does that count?

Shadow Lodge

gag of holding- for when you want to gag a giant

Shadow Lodge

wand of determine tomatos

Shadow Lodge

Funny spell: false seeing (as true seeing but everything becomes invisible to you instead of everything invisible becomes visible to you)

Grand Lodge

Tripping shoes of incredible speed (the secret lies in the hallucination and not the falling down)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Amulet of soap - A bar of soap that does not diminish in size when used by its wielder. Wielder must wear it when not in use, though does not count as taking a spell item slot on the wielder.

Wand of Buttering

Scab of Protection

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Belt of Tumblr

Scarab Sages

Glasses of Comical Disguise

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