Best Threads Ever

Off-Topic Discussions


If there is a thread you think should be remembered forever link it here.


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Who could whup Conan

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Water Pressure is Part of Life Support

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Best Threads Ever

Every political or religious thread which has gotten locked in the last 2 years.

Wherein XxAnthraxusxX offends just about everybody, including James Jacobs

meatrace wrote:
Every political or religious thread which has gotten locked in the last 2 years.

Link Them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Don't Reply To This Thread thread.

littlehewy wrote:
Wherein XxAnthraxusxX offends just about everybody, including James Jacobs

That's the same guy who denied the holocaust and insisted that rounding up black folks was "just plain good detective work."

meatrace wrote:
littlehewy wrote:
Wherein XxAnthraxusxX offends just about everybody, including James Jacobs
That's the same guy who denied the holocaust and insisted that rounding up black folks was "just plain good detective work."

Huh. And here I thought I totally disliked him already...

Any thread I have ever graced.

Shadow Lodge

He means 'peed on' when he says 'graced'.

The poodle thread!

*Licks CortFool*

*Gives Courtfool a welcome back humping*

*sprays the hose*

The Mr. Fishy Fan Club

The Vomit Guy tread is always handbbllleeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEERG!

Ecomonics Literacy Quiz.

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